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Frankie Boyle


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I like to call Black people Niggers cos that's what they call themselves so they obviously like it tbh

I think you mean niggaz. If you say that they'll think you're down with the brothers. If you say niggers, well that's just plain offensive.

Edited by Dr Kenneth Noisewater
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When talking about this in the past didn't we agree it's all about context? Like "cunt". Perfectly valid word to be used on a Newcastle discussion board about Louise Taylor's latest article....not so welcome in the eulogy of your nanna's funeral.


...and "chinky" isn't short for chinese at all, it's the same number of syllables and if you were to use a less formal alternative, that would surely be "chinny" or "chiney". Chinky is down to the fact they have slitty eyes that only let a chink of light in. Very offensive.


No!!!!!!! The origins of 'Chinky' aren't really known - slitty eyes was just one possibility, although probably the most unlikely.

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"In his stand-up routine, Boyle discussed how news reports always considered British lives more valued than foreign ones."


I've had grief on here for making this exact point tbf, bunch of racists need locking up!

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"In his stand-up routine, Boyle discussed how news reports always considered British lives more valued than foreign ones."


I've had grief on here for making this exact point tbf, bunch of racists need locking up!

Pipe down Enoch

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Aye. I mean sadly there'll be a shitload of idiots that don't see that, but I'm not sure that that's his problem. It is an issue for Channel 4 though, as they'll need to decide whether they want to be inadvertently catering to that element.


When I say "idiots that don't see that", I mean mongs that are laughing at "pakis dying" and "nigger-bombing". Rather than the idiots at the opposite end of the spectrum.

the trouble is, the only way idiots like that are going to gain political power in the uk at this point is if the mongs at the other end really fuck up, which they're doing a pretty fucking spectacular job of right now. instead of making everyone who's ever laughed at a racist joke feel like the reincarnation of hitler (and killing any reasonable debate on the topic in the process) how about banging up serious violent criminals for a very fucking long time?


would not even be surprised if a comedian ended up doing time in the uk at this point, fucking quotes.gifliberalquotes.gif nutters.


enoch powell, eat your heart out.

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On the 'paki' part, I don't see anything wrong with referring to Pakistanis as 'pakis'. Pakistan isn't really a race, it's just a country. People say Brits (not englishmen, scotsmen etc..), yanks instead of americans, ozzies instead of australians etc... just cos they aren't white and some of them bomb us it's "racist" to shorten their nationality word???? Bollocks!!!! They need to lighten up and stop looking for things to moan about.


Its not used in that way though is it? It's used by nuggets as a derogatory term for anyone who looks like they were born within a 1000mile radius of a middle eastern country, regardless of if they are 3rd generation British Asian/ Egyptian or whatever.


Fucks sake KD, the point is that he was mocking the institutionalised racists. Which you just don't seem to be getting.


Was he? Was he actually doing that, or is it just a bluff in order to get some use of those words into his routine to cause offence?


Why was he insulting the Price kid? What was the motive there; to mock the institutionalised handicap-ists ???


Just thinking, like.

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When talking about this in the past didn't we agree it's all about context? Like "cunt". Perfectly valid word to be used on a Newcastle discussion board about Louise Taylor's latest article....not so welcome in the eulogy of your nanna's funeral.


...and "chinky" isn't short for chinese at all, it's the same number of syllables and if you were to use a less formal alternative, that would surely be "chinny" or "chiney". Chinky is down to the fact they have slitty eyes that only let a chink of light in. Very offensive.


No!!!!!!! The origins of 'Chinky' aren't really known - slitty eyes was just one possibility, although probably the most unlikely.




Why would it be used to refer to Korean and Vietnamese soldiers during those wars if it were just a friendly shortening of "chinese"? Those soldiers didn't think they were fighting china at all.

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When talking about this in the past didn't we agree it's all about context? Like "cunt". Perfectly valid word to be used on a Newcastle discussion board about Louise Taylor's latest article....not so welcome in the eulogy of your nanna's funeral.


...and "chinky" isn't short for chinese at all, it's the same number of syllables and if you were to use a less formal alternative, that would surely be "chinny" or "chiney". Chinky is down to the fact they have slitty eyes that only let a chink of light in. Very offensive.


No!!!!!!! The origins of 'Chinky' aren't really known - slitty eyes was just one possibility, although probably the most unlikely.




Why would it be used to refer to Korean and Vietnamese soldiers during those wars if it were just a friendly shortening of "chinese"? Those soldiers didn't think they were fighting china at all.




And they were referred to as Gooks, not chinkies

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On the 'paki' part, I don't see anything wrong with referring to Pakistanis as 'pakis'. Pakistan isn't really a race, it's just a country. People say Brits (not englishmen, scotsmen etc..), yanks instead of americans, ozzies instead of australians etc... just cos they aren't white and some of them bomb us it's "racist" to shorten their nationality word???? Bollocks!!!! They need to lighten up and stop looking for things to moan about.


Its not used in that way though is it? It's used by nuggets as a derogatory term for anyone who looks like they were born within a 1000mile radius of a middle eastern country, regardless of if they are 3rd generation British Asian/ Egyptian or whatever.


Fucks sake KD, the point is that he was mocking the institutionalised racists. Which you just don't seem to be getting.


Was he? Was he actually doing that, or is it just a bluff in order to get some use of those words into his routine to cause offence?


Why was he insulting the Price kid? What was the motive there; to mock the institutionalised handicap-ists ???


Just thinking, like.


To be fair, it's an old joke. NtNON did it years ago (as has been mentioned), it's just that Frankie Boyle put his spin on it by ramping up the impact of the words.


The Price kid joke was, imo, having a go at someone who has put herself and her kids on the front page every chance she gets. I didn't find the joke funny, nor did I think it was particularly clever. But I'm not about to get offended because the Mail says I should.

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When talking about this in the past didn't we agree it's all about context? Like "cunt". Perfectly valid word to be used on a Newcastle discussion board about Louise Taylor's latest article....not so welcome in the eulogy of your nanna's funeral.


...and "chinky" isn't short for chinese at all, it's the same number of syllables and if you were to use a less formal alternative, that would surely be "chinny" or "chiney". Chinky is down to the fact they have slitty eyes that only let a chink of light in. Very offensive.


No!!!!!!! The origins of 'Chinky' aren't really known - slitty eyes was just one possibility, although probably the most unlikely.




Why would it be used to refer to Korean and Vietnamese soldiers during those wars if it were just a friendly shortening of "chinese"? Those soldiers didn't think they were fighting china at all.




And they were referred to as Gooks, not chinkies


Wikipedia says nothing about it being the least likely that I can see.


They weren't really restricted to a single term. Gook, chinky, yellow, charlie, slant eye..... there were many.


Even if you were right though, that doesn't make it any less offensive. You might as well say 'nigger' can't cause offense as it's just a derivation of the spanish/portuguese for black.

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Context is the key - I think going for a "chinky" or even in the vast majority of cases referring to a "paki" shop is harmless and almost a term of affection but obviously both can be used very badly. I always assumed chinky was a generally ignorant term for oriental just as paki seems to be used by some for anyone from the entire sub-continent.



I do think Boyle was using the terms satirically but at the same time deliberately courting controversy. Of course comedians from Lenny Bruce through Bill Hicks and Jerry Sadovich have all done the same.

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Let me put another slant on it (no pun intended)


My view on our pathetic countries pussy footing avoidance of free speech:


I can (like everyone else) happily make jokes about my best friends being fat, ugly, thin, idiotic etc... The same for complete strangers. The people listening often laugh, even when they are the subject being. So I consider it racist not to mock other races. Why single them out like that?


You can call someone a fat cunt and they will chuckle and possibly respond with "fuck off!" as it is clear you are joking. You can call someone a fat cunt in a different situation and end up in a fight.


In conclusion...if Frank was running a political campaign, he's a racist. If he is supposed to be a comedian doing a routine, then laugh or change the fucking channel!



Fucking sick of the race card turning up just because it can. The bloke takes the piss out of audience members for their jobs, sexual preference etc... As does other comics, but no one ever moans about that being discrimination!

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