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Valentines Day ---- Any Plans?

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Most of my romancing was done in Leeds/America during my yoof. Brought my well traveled skills back to the north east to select one lucky lady.


If the 'lucky lady' is going to get as competitive about houses as you anticipate you're probably going to have to do something more commercial than wheel the lunatics around for the rest of your days, like. :lol:


You're kidding right, with the Tories in power the NHS is going private and I can charge what I like

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Btw, I accidentally stumbled to the last page of general chat the other week. I found this gem:


Jealous? :lol:


Aye, now stumble on the one where I posted all of her PMs to me asking me to come over when she accused me of stalking her :lol:

Is that on page 1 too like? If not, I'll let you find it.

I'm with Gemmill btw. What a fucking bint.

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That is a bit embarrassing tbf. I was only 22 in my defence


You've got a pass, don't worry about it. She had an avatar picture of a close up of one of her eyes. I imagine that if you put a slow zoom out on that picture, it would get very unpleasant very quickly.

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Valentines gifts have been around since the 1800s man. I don't pay through the nose for a giant card or a single red rose but there's fuck all wrong with having a romantic day with your wife and buying presents for each other


You weren't moaniong about people buying their wives presents or having a romantic day though. You were moaning about "the clip of people in here who 'don't buy into the commercialisation of valentines day'".


If you think the multi-billion tat industry that surrounds valentines day is something to embrace, all power to you. No need to get like the poppy fascists against those that don't though.


I got wore lass a card and some overpriced roses by the way. She was livid i wasted my money.

Edited by Happy Face
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I cooked her one of my pasta specials. That's as far as I go with it.

If she wasn't at work it would've been the same at mine. That's the same as every other night though ;)

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I cooked her one of my pasta specials. That's as far as I go with it.


Pasta specials eh? Similar to that special breakfast I had in Amsterdam I'll bet. Did that coincide with her leaving the board without much by way of explanation?


Probably locked herself away in her tin foil-coated room and is there this very moment still, pupils the size of cadbury's giant buttons as she washes in a bath of turpentine to coax the ladybirds out from under her skin.

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NO Plans....I have sat here heartbroken all day waiting for my card and Roses from Bianca So I will be in a sulk all evening now





I didn't even get owt for the wife!


Mission accomplished btw. Told her last week that Valentine's needed knocking on the head. No cards, no presents, no meals out. Which is exactly what came to pass.


Left over chicken dinner and a couple of episodes of Spooks on Netflix. Sets the tone for the next 50 years.


:o shocking! Glad I'm not married to you, poor girl!!!

No, I sort of agree with you, hubby and I do send a card to each other and always have, but I told him not to get me flowers as they put the price up so much and rip you off for Valentines! But he came home with red roses all the same B)


Though what made my night was Torquay beating Cheltenham away to go level on points at the top of league 2!!! :yahoo: Seven straight league wins and 13 wins from the last 16 games. Wooooo hooooooooo :jonas:

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Just for the record, J69 spot on over the last few pages and those that do nowt........ oh dear :lol:


May all seam fine now, but give it a few years, a few kids driving her mad and then some "real" man making her feel special.......


Goodbye house

Goodbye pension

Goodbye easy street


Hello bedsit and prostitutes.

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