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4 minutes ago, Alex said:

They’re so bereft of ideas they’re basically continuing to pursue a culture war they’ve already lost. They’ve got nothing to offer to virtually anyone anymore. Couple that with the uncaring arrogance (I don’t think Sunak gives a fuck about the long term effects on the Tory party even) and you’ve got a zombie government slouching towards their inevitable autumn Armageddon. It’s morbidly fascinating in a way 

You just have to hope that most people can see that they’re now trying to hobble the next incoming government with their unwanted, unneeded batshit policies. 

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The Rwanda thing is going through next week as well. I can't wait for the little div to finally get it through and then discover that it's just his latest worst nightmare as he now has to start getting planes in the air. 


He's just serving up another shit sarnie for himself. 

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18 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

You just have to hope that most people can see that they’re now trying to hobble the next incoming government with their unwanted, unneeded batshit policies. 


Latest polling says 60% of people will definitley not vote tory no matter what happens before the GE. Sunak is trying to appeal to a pool that is only 40% of the electorate. Its an unrecoverable position. Things will move after the May elections. I cannot see yet another change of leader (an who?) will not make things even worse for them. 

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17 minutes ago, Renton said:


Latest polling says 60% of people will definitley not vote tory no matter what happens before the GE. Sunak is trying to appeal to a pool that is only 40% of the electorate. Its an unrecoverable position. Things will move after the May elections. I cannot see yet another change of leader (an who?) will not make things even worse for them. 


I don't see a change of leader making a difference anyway. The problem isn't the leader, it's that the party has been taken over by lunatics. 


They can out someone new in No 10, but if the next move is to say "Right, now you get to front up all the mad shit we want to do" then they're just as fucked as they were with the last leader. 


They're a party and a membership that wants stuff that only a tiny, shrinking proportion of the country wants. They're (as close to literally as you can be without quite being literally) circling the drain. 

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5 minutes ago, Gemmill said:


I don't see a change of leader making a difference anyway. The problem isn't the leader, it's that the party has been taken over by lunatics. 


They can out someone new in No 10, but if the next move is to say "Right, now you get to front up all the mad shit we want to do" then they're just as fucked as they were with the last leader. 


They're a party and a membership that wants stuff that only a tiny, shrinking proportion of the country wants. They're (as close to literally as you can be without quite being literally) circling the drain. 


Agreed. But with the added bonus that having yet another unelected leader will surely just irritate more people, reduce their vote further, and probably motivate a tactical anti-tory vote (voter turn out is the only remaining concern for me now). Let's assume its Badenoch. I think she would be less popular than Sunak even, she's fucking lunatic. Bring it on. 

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Badenoch is really unpleasant as well. She doesn't know how normal people interact. 


Mordaunt might improve their chances with big baps fans. She's lost a load of weight, presumably with one eye on a leadership challenge, but she's still got mad cans. 


A disgusting way to talk about women in politics, I know, but they're a pair of arseholes anyway. :lol:


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Anybody who has loved ones on PIP/DLA should be concerned by this. Tory scum love hitting the most vulberable in our society the hardest as per. I want nothing less than the entire annihilation of this vile party. All you lefty idealists out there need to do the right thing too. 



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7 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

Mordaunt might improve their chances with big baps fans. She's lost a load of weight, presumably with one eye on a leadership challenge, but she's still got mad cans. 


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4 minutes ago, Renton said:

Anybody who has loved ones on PIP/DLA should be concerned by this. Tory scum love hitting the most vulberable in our society the hardest as per. I want nothing less than the entire annihilation of this vile party. All you lefty idealists out there need to do the right thing too. 




Another method may have been to try to fix our massively fucked healthcare system?


Oh now I'm talking crazy.

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14 minutes ago, Renton said:

Anybody who has loved ones on PIP/DLA should be concerned by this. Tory scum love hitting the most vulberable in our society the hardest as per. I want nothing less than the entire annihilation of this vile party. All you lefty idealists out there need to do the right thing too. 



My daughter has just been refused PIP as they don't accept that she is unfit to work even though she was medically retired from her job at PHE as she was unable to work, evidence she produced along with her Dr's statement that she was unfit to work. Just a straight your application is declined. 


Still waiting for UB after 2 months

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9 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

Will they even get this through before the election? 


If so, I would hope Starmer announces day one that it's getting reversed. 

They must know that they’re fucking toast, they must. 

Which makes shit like that, and small boats, and Rwanda, etc etc all the more jaw droppingly malicious, as they know they’ve got little hope of it lasting, if they get in to law at all. 

Take reducing disability benefits- without even going into the rights or wrongs of reducing it, let’s say they force it through just before they get booted to fuck, and people in receipt of that benefit suffer a cut in 3-4payments until the GE. 

Even if Labour reinstated the previous level of payment, on their first day in power, that’ll already be too late for 10s of thousands of people who will now be in debt because of the cut. 

It’s just so unfathomably evil and unnecessary, especially when you look at how much public money was given to their pals during the pandemic to fail to produce products or services. 

They truly are fucking scum. 

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11 minutes ago, spongebob toonpants said:

My daughter has just been refused PIP as they don't accept that she is unfit to work even though she was medically retired from her job at PHE as she was unable to work, evidence she produced along with her Dr's statement that she was unfit to work. Just a straight your application is declined. 


Still waiting for UB after 2 months


Sorry to hear that, it's disgraceful. 


This country is such a shit show. 

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2 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

They must know that they’re fucking toast, they must. 

Which makes shit like that, and small boats, and Rwanda, etc etc all the more jaw droppingly malicious, as they know they’ve got little hope of it lasting, if they get in to law at all. 

Take reducing disability benefits- without even going into the rights or wrongs of reducing it, let’s say they force it through just before they get booted to fuck, and people in receipt of that benefit suffer a cut in 3-4payments until the GE. 

Even if Labour reinstated the previous level of payment, on their first day in power, that’ll already be too late for 10s of thousands of people who will now be in debt because of the cut. 

It’s just so unfathomably evil and unnecessary, especially when you look at how much public money was given to their pals during the pandemic to fail to produce products or services. 

They truly are fucking scum. 

What is the end game for them? Try to get more people back into work to try and massage the employment rates so when the election rolls around they can say look at how good the employment rates are now thank to us?


Because even if that's the short term thinking they're adopting then all Labour need to do is go, yes but look at the latest statistics on sick leave and the spike in reported incidents to the HSE as a result of you forcing people back into work who were not fit and well enough to be there.


It's clear they don't give a fuck about the people they are supposed to govern, but no matter how they try to spin this it's going to be catastrophic as most people already think they are horrible cunts for planning this cut to disability benefits but by the time of the election the stats are going to evidence the negative impact it's had.


The longer they go without calling the election the pace in which they are moving towards extinction picks up. So not only evil but chin dribblingly stupid too which is terrifying. Thank fuck we'll be shot of them soon.

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15 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Take reducing disability benefits- without even going into the rights or wrongs of reducing it, let’s say they force it through just before they get booted to fuck, and people in receipt of that benefit suffer a cut in 3-4payments until the GE. 

Even if Labour reinstated the previous level of payment, on their first day in power, that’ll already be too late for 10s of thousands of people who will now be in debt because of the cut. 


Luckily I think these reforms are pledges that he will enact if he wins the election. It doesn't seem like much of a vote winner to me and like any post-election pledge he may make, he's never going to have to carry it out.

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20 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

They must know that they’re fucking toast, they must. 

Which makes shit like that, and small boats, and Rwanda, etc etc all the more jaw droppingly malicious, as they know they’ve got little hope of it lasting, if they get in to law at all. 

Take reducing disability benefits- without even going into the rights or wrongs of reducing it, let’s say they force it through just before they get booted to fuck, and people in receipt of that benefit suffer a cut in 3-4payments until the GE. 

Even if Labour reinstated the previous level of payment, on their first day in power, that’ll already be too late for 10s of thousands of people who will now be in debt because of the cut. 

It’s just so unfathomably evil and unnecessary, especially when you look at how much public money was given to their pals during the pandemic to fail to produce products or services. 

They truly are fucking scum. 


Also don't discount people taking their own lives because of the stress this puts on under.

My sister was profoundly disabled and switched to PIP where she got a completely inapropriate assessment, which caused her huge anxiety and financial stress. She only got what she had a right too once she had a terminal diagnosis with 6 months estimated to live. She didn't last even that long, so well done DWP, a little victory for you. 

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9 minutes ago, Renton said:


Also don't discount people taking their own lives because of the stress this puts on under.

My sister was profoundly disabled and switched to PIP where she got a completely inapropriate assessment, which caused her huge anxiety and financial stress. She only got what she had a right too once she had a terminal diagnosis with 6 months estimated to live. She didn't last even that long, so well done DWP, a little victory for you. 


We also had similar grief with the DWP and pip. Absolute lying, (proven lying) cunts who couldn't even be arsed to show up when it eventually went to an independent tribunal just the six very stressful months later. 

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2 minutes ago, Howmanheyman said:


We also had similar grief with the DWP and pip. Absolute lying, (proven lying) cunts who couldn't even be arsed to show up when it eventually went to an independent tribunal just the six very stressful months later. 


Similar thing happened with my mam, she had a supporting letter from a high ranking professor at the RVI who'd been treating her for years (years she should have been on PIP/disability benefits and didn't want to 'cause problems'). She was knocked back, due to a lack of sufficient evidence supporting her claim, which was laughable on it's own. She had to have a phone conversation with someone from DWP when we appealed, and a phone call with my mam is all it would take any rational person to realise she is pretty severely disabled. This still wasn't enough apparently, and when the tribunal date was announced they relented and awarded her PIP. Probably because they couldn't be arsed attending, and they knew they'd lose.


Luckily, my mam and dad weren't broke so the wait didn't ruin them financially, but most people aren't that fortunate.

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3 hours ago, Renton said:

All you lefty idealists out there need to do the right thing too. 


Unless rejoining the EU or wanting voting reform are now considered to be left wing policies, I'm probably more a radical centrist at this point as opposed to anything else.


And I'm still not voting Labour, not that they need me to.

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10 minutes ago, spongebob toonpants said:

Just all so fucking depressing. I fucking despise the Tories and can't imagine not voting against them, but Labour instantly dismissing this sort of proposal just makes me wonder what's the point



Of the many, many things that pissed me off about Brexit, how it will impact the younger generations was the one that pissed ( and still pisses) me off the most. 

I had the time of my life working my way around the Alps and the Med, without having to even think about visas or work permits or any of that shit, and barely had to use my passport as I zipped back and forth over multiple borders. 

My kids won’t have that, unless someone has the balls to admit how badly we fucked up, and put it right. 



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 The timing from Ursula von der Leyen isn't helpful given the sensitivities. If they'd left it til after the GE I think it would have been adopted. I agree it's the type of policy that we need to enact to start healing the damage caused by Brexit. And an economic no brainer. Hopefully there will be more to follow after we get rid of these shit bags. 

And btw, let's not forget Corbyn's part in this. 


Edited by Renton
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1 hour ago, Renton said:

 The timing from Ursula von der Leyen isn't helpful given the sensitivities. If they'd left it til after the GE I think it would have been adopted. I agree it's the type of policy that we need to enact to start healing the damage caused by Brexit. And an economic no brainer. Hopefully there will be more to follow after we get rid of these shit bags. 

And btw, let's not forget Corbyn's part in this. 


You're blaming Corbyn for Labour rejecting this, we are through the looking glass here

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