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Everything posted by LooneyToony

  1. Yup. Diame failing to put his big fat heed on the ball is one chance wasted that I can think of.
  2. Dubravka Ritchie Josleu Perez Atsu Shelvey Diame Yedlin Clark Kenedy Lascelles ?
  3. Dubravka Ritchie Josleu Perez Kenedy Shelvey Diame Yedlin Fernandez Dummett Lascelles ?
  4. Now what? Wait for January and hope the players we sign have enough to help the team get over the line, again. Insane!
  5. Damn right. The fucking bitch. Suck my cack, Mike!
  6. Dubravka Yedlin Lascelles Fernandez Dummet Shelvey Pogba Ritchie Perez Kenedy Rondon
  7. I'm all for changing formations, tactics, what have you, but the talent is not there. Murphy is not a Premier League player, Muto has been mostly absent the little I've seen of him, and Ki is nothing special. We need Shelvey, Kennedy, Perez, and Ritchie to play well to avoid relegation comfortably. I highly doubt we're going to get better players to come in January to unseat those mentioned.
  8. When I look at this lineup, it makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry.
  9. So we play Lester, @Man U., Brighton, and @ Southhampton before Halloween. Are 4 points asking too much?
  10. 50 pence for a hotdog? Did you have to bring it home and put it together yourself?
  11. If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Osama Bin Laden, Hitler, and Mike Ashley
  12. I don't get this meme. Is it from some old Irish TV show?
  13. Noelie, are you not capable of whining and dining Amanda Stavely to get her back to the buying table? Can you at least try before we all lose our marbles with this cunt Ashley?
  14. Seems like when we're in an age of "improving the fan experience" Ashley is letting everything rot. Fucking bitch.
  15. Where does he buy his casual wear?
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