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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. "But we like to think, certainly I have that ambition, that in two or three years' time, if we can sustain our ­status and keep getting the TV ­money invested wisely, that we can hold off that next bid which might be for Cheick in 18 months' time or so. Ok what does that tell you ? Answer on a postacrd to the usual address
  2. It is isnt it. It makes you wonder how you expect the club to fund the ambition that you are crying out for. Liverpool are doing alright aren't they ? About the same as us looking at them figures, and there debt is greater than ours as well.
  3. If i was luke, I would just stop spouting shit
  4. Newcastle United (08-9) £18.2m With the prize money, and tv rights money getting payed this year we should be in profit at the end of the season.
  5. That's what makes me think Asheys upto something, tell us we planned to sign a player that he used as a reason for Keegan walking. Nobody can be that stupid to think 50K fans would forget about that, can they.
  6. Spot on that, it will take years of tweaking the law to make it viable. Anyway the cannot impliment the offside rule correctly, what chance has this got
  7. Don't forget we tried to sign Henry, when Keegan was here. Didn't it get used against him in court as well ?
  8. The sad thing is that some fucker actually thought that making this up would get people on side. didn't the women form the airport recently take the PR Job, bet she's made up right now.
  9. Knew it's been too good to be true. I know it's a long shot but maybe that's just a way of stopping us getting our eyes taken out. I mean if we promise to be spending £35m on transfer fees we're going to be getting £35m quotes on players. For the record I'm not saying that this is definitely what the case is, it could easily be that we spend nothing. It's the longest of long shots. Everyone knows how we operate these days, loans and bargains Getting value for money really isn't something we should criticise. Even with a £40m warchest, I'd rather get 4 £10m players with a true value of up to 15m each than two £20m players with a true value of £15m. But the facts are we aint even going to get one £10m player, never mind 4. What the hell have you been smoking, i want a turn on it
  10. Hudson


    Tbf he never said he was delighted with the move. As an aside Carroll is living with Nolans dad Cheers Nolan,
  11. Out injured will be a couple of weeks
  12. With the outstanding payments on players sold, we could be looking at fair few years from now
  13. I think you might be suprised this time around. Not because they want to do something about Ashley, but because they can no longer see the point. We face tuff times ahead, the priemership bubble will burst and the gates will drop but until then well do nowt
  14. Nope no PM's flying around . Copy and paste it to me pease i'll then do the rounds with it or post it if you don't want to
  15. Send it on Germaine. Please I'm stranded in Scouse land and need some ammo for the smugg cunts tomorrow.
  16. Im sure he won't let himself be the cunt n all this. The truth will out, of that i have no doubt. P.S can i have a PM as well.
  17. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/art...it-andy-gray.do
  18. Cheers for the welcome, hopefully i will be a able to keep this thread ticking along
  19. http://www.nuts.co.uk/mynuts/Leanne%20Crow/photos first ever post and its in the belta minge thread.... Pervort Yeah my lass would agree
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