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Everything posted by ADP

  1. Update on Brewdog pub discussion: Mate just posted this on the internet: DO NOT drink in the BREW DOG pub... If by some horrible coincidence you do end up there.. DO NOT order a bottle instead of a 1/2 or 2/3rds or whatever pretentious shit they offer. £16.50 for a pint.... £16.50 for a PINT of a beer... BEER. Fuck you Brew Dog... FUCK YOU
  2. shut the fuck up man Chiles you utter mong
  3. GET UP Droggggshithead
  4. reckon they'll do them in the second half. Pep will give them a word or two, haven't been their best at all.
  5. good pass by Ramires that, thought he'd fucked it up but it was spot on.
  6. That shot of Roman Abramovich looked like he was coming up!
  7. Pictures taken at the perfect moment:
  8. definitely. how did he ever come back from this? Id love to have seen an episode of The Thick of It which referenced that, or Malcolm Tucker watching it live
  9. Thoughts on Chelski - Barca anyone? I reckon it'll be 1 - 3 tonight and then Chelski to get thumped in the second leg.
  10. Was speaking to the manager of the free trade and he finds them a wonderful tool to get rid of groups of radgy cunts in there from time to time. Gave a free bowl of them to a table of chavvy yorkshire men on a stag do who were being really rude and aggressive to the rest of the punters including locals. they just shut up and after downing a couple of ciders each whilst looking like they were about to explode, they silently left with their tails between their legs.
  11. heard mixed reviews... one mate said its bollocks (asked for a bottle of larger - cost 6 quid) another mate said its THE bollocks (great booze apparently) It's expensive if you don't get Brewdog stuff as it's all imported/random bottles from all over. Not a place to go unless you're into your ales/fancy dan shit. Was £3.70 for a pint of Punk IPA, very nice it was too. Got pinball and board games and all that n all. good use of post editing right there
  12. After the thread the other day about 'negative football' ask them what their thoughts are on the term? Kind of passive insinuation...
  13. aye, Free Trade is my local like. I live about 15 seconds from it...dangerous proximity. Best pub in town for ale imo. 5-6 quid is scandalous, but you get your moneys worth. Also, they always have cracking ales for under 3 quid, so i guess that equalises it out. If you haven't had them before, try the crisps they have there called 'Blair's Death Rain.' Amazing, but put your bog roll in the freezer beforehand cos when they come out the other end they'll tear you a new one. Spicy as fuck.
  14. heard mixed reviews... one mate said its bollocks (asked for a bottle of larger - cost 6 quid) another mate said its THE bollocks (great booze apparently)
  15. having just watched PMQs... ...George Galloway?
  16. Pards nearly getting wiped out on 37 seconds
  17. bang on. Especially the Stan Collyflower bit.
  18. think this is going to be a tough game, but another where it may go down to a moment of brilliance to settle it in our favour. We have better players than them, as well as a better tactician as manager. hard fought 2-1, Cisse and Ba HTL
  19. instead of 'putting' him on your ignore list, why haven't those who are narc'd off with him tried not responding to him before this? I haven't been a registered member on here long, though Ive come on here to see what fellow toon supporters feel on match day threads etc. for the past year. In the past month or so, I cannot seem to find a thread where there isn't some sort of OTT baiting and bickering from people. It gets in the way of any actual decent discussion that may be developing. I find it hard to fathom that a lot of grown men, who are clearly intelligent and aware of what is going on, cannot seem to say 'fair enough, whatever.' And just ignore whoever you think is talking utter bollocks. I don't see how it needs an official 'ignore Leazes thread'... if he offers you bait, don't bite?
  20. re: best goal celebrations. Gerrard's entry serves only as confirmation that he is the most boring footballer in the PL. I don't trust a man who has had the same haircut for 15 years. Id love to see wor Timmy Krul celebrate like this the next time Cisse bags a goal:
  21. Dinnit be stewpid! Mahurtun's there to stayuh.
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