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Everything posted by ADP

  1. aye, the summation of this whole scenario with newcastle/carroll is that football is, indeed, a heedfuck.
  2. yup. really worried about this.
  3. I hate it when twats say this with absolutely no logic to their statement whatever, nor any reason or rationale as to WHY they are this way... but... I have a bad feeling about this Liverpool - Everton game today
  4. Mario Balotelli urged to seek professional help by union official By Richard ConwayBBC Sport Mario Balotelli needs "professional help" for his disciplinary problems, according to a leading official from the world union for footballers. Theo van Seggelen, general secretary of FIFPro, tweeted this week that the Manchester City forward "desperately needs professional mental support". Van Seggelen, who represents 60,000 players worldwide, said the 21-year-old must realise he has "a problem". "I think professional help is the only solution," he told BBC Sport. Balotelli, who joined City from Inter Milan for £24m in August 2010, was sent off in City's defeat by Arsenal last weekend, his fourth red card in two seasons. He was banned for four matches earlier this season when the Football Association took retrospective action to punish a stamp on Tottenham's Scott Parker. Use accessible player and disable flyout menus The Italy striker has also been involved in controversial incidents off the field, includingletting off a firework in his house andthrowing a dart at a City youth-team player. "I'm optimistic. I think he is a good guy but he has to change his behaviour for two reasons," Van Seggelen said. "First he is a role model, but also he is playing in a team and he is playing against another team and he has to respect his colleagues. "I think that we have to realise and conclude that, after all these incidents, my personal opinion is that he needs, really, professional help. "I don't want to blame Manchester City because it is his own responsibility, but Manchester City [have] their responsibility. Within the pitch he has to behave himself like all the other players. "But he has proved he cannot do it by himself and therefore I said he really needs professional help. "You cannot always apologise afterwards and say, 'yes, I'm sorry', but he must realise that he has a problem. "When he realises that, I'm sure - I'm convinced - that professional people can help him and he can solve his problem." Van Seggelen's comments come after Marcello Lippi, the World Cup-winning Italy manager, told Balotelli to "wake up". http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/17707083
  5. ADP


    http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/apr/13/kenny-dalglish-fa-cup-hillsborough Kenny Dalglish: FA Cup tie a fitting tribute to Hillsborough victims • Liverpool and Everton set to mark 23rd anniversary of disaster • 'It's going to be very emotive for everybody,' says Dalglish Kenny Dalglish believes it is fitting that fans from both Merseyside clubs will come together in their FA Cup semi-final on Saturday to mark the 23rd anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster. Liverpool and Everton have not faced each other at Wembley since the 1989 final, which took place less than two months after the tragedy that claimed the lives of 96 people on 15 April. Players of both teams will wear black armbands, floral tributes will be laid by Steven Gerrard and Phil Neville – the captains – and there will be a period of silence before kick-off to commemorate the occasion. Dalglish believes it is almost symbolic the two clubs should meet again so respects can be paid. "It's coincidental that it's Liverpool and Everton at Wembley again because that was the final that year [1989]," the Liverpool manager said. "It's going to be very emotive for everybody. The Evertonians were affected by Hillsborough as well as the Liverpool fans, with family members who never came home. It will be poignant and I'm sure both sets of fans will grace the minute's silence with the dignity they've shown since 1989. "The support the Liverpool people have had from Evertonians and vice-versa has been magnificent, and they're a credit to the city with the way they've handled themselves in a dignified manner, and I'm sure that'll continue. "Every time both clubs have met in London both sets of fans have been an absolute credit to the city and I am sure Saturday will be another occasion when they represent the city of Liverpool and their respective clubs very proudly." While remembering the Hillsborough victims will be paramount before kick-off, once the whistle goes the two neighbours will go into fierce battle for a place in the final next month. "The fact it is a semi-final is big enough in itself," Dalglish said. "The reward is big enough, although the opponents could have been made easier for us if we had got someone other than our city rivals. "It is a huge game. It will be what happens on the day, the runup to any game is irrelevant. We don't want to get ahead of ourselves, we know how difficult it is going to be and know they will be as equally determined as we are to win."
  6. yup. EDIT: Can see the first ones but not the second.
  7. ADP


    If "the truth" comes out, it won't be accepted as enough, or there'll be demands for reparations, there'll be further protests and moronic flailing and wailing. Agreed, but such is the nature of communal grief. Prolonged mourning is unhealthy at best, and at worst painful self-destruction. I cant imagine how those relatives must feel, they talk of it as if it were murder, rather than an tragic accident. However, as the cliche goes nothing will bring them back. I'd like to hope that once "the truth" does come out, they can turn the anniversary into a celebration of the lives of the dead. However, they have fetishized it for so long now (which, isn't necessarily their fault) that I cant see that happening while the relatives of those who lost their lives are still living. It appears to be part of, or one of the primary conditioners of, the Liverpool FC victim complex for a lot of their half-arsed fans.... I don't mean that in a harsh way. What I mean is that its become so deeply ingrained in LFC that sits almost like a permanent fixture of their trophy cabinet, as a remnant of the days when they had an amazing team. I do hope that the families of those who died can eventually 'let it go', and realise that doing so isn't conceding defeat. Rather, accepting that what happened is so fucked up that it cannot be equalised by a dramatically prolonged (and correspondingly fucked up) period of mourning.
  8. Im gonna gan Chris Akabusi if we don't get the Europa League place. As if Liverpool are a better team to represent the PL in Europe these days.
  9. I think he was spare by the fact Yakubu had his back to goal and therefore it couldn't be classed as a certain goalscoring opportunity. Speaking of close proximity, there was at least one Liverpool outfield player who grabbed at the referee when he starting reaching for the card in his pocket to show to Jones. That sort of carry on should not be tolerated. Was clear from the line up that Dalglish is putting the cup before the league now (no Suarez & Enrique starting). I'd laugh my tits off if they got the same desserts as Sunderland did on Monday. aren't we really hoping for Everton to get beat for Europa League?
  10. Do you think there is room for an argument that he is adapting the the unique situation of Man City as well?
  11. truer words were never spoken mate. I really regretted it about two months ago. Now I'm somewhat resigned to the fact that I've paid for it and I might as well finish it. Durham uni is certainly not all its cracked up to be like.
  12. i feel your pain. At least I'm done after that. As of April 25th I'm out of school for the whole summer, spending a month and a half in Montreal with my girlfriend, then working at the Olympics for three weeks. Just think of the summer and you'll get through it! Nah bud, I've got 3 3000 word papers and a portfolio of work for 4th may then have MA dissertation due in for september 1st (20,000 words)... might open the window for summer.
  13. Aye, in a way i kind of want them to have an alright(ISH) end to the season to paper over the crack that is kenny. Long live (barely) the king.
  14. Just seen the end of it, and he makes a "very thinly veiled" threat to sky reporter, who DARED to ask him about his keeper getting sent off. Dagleish then gave it "We'll talk about it on thursday at the press conference, which youll be at unless you're not invited!" (words to that effect) WHAT A COCK http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11661/7664284/Kenny-tight-lipped-on-Doni-red 2:00 mins in him trying to walk off(again) only to be told that he can't. hahaha
  15. Thought this deserved its own thread as I know its the talk of the footballing toon at the moment. Just read a good article on sky sports website(yes, a GOOD article), which stood out like a sore thumb compared to their usual drivel: http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/12040/7663508/Bye-bye-Balotelli- The article compares Balotelli/Mancini to Cantona/Ferguson. I think it does well to cut through the bandwagon media on the subject, and highlight a few silly things that have been uttered recently (i.e. Balotelli costing Mancity the title, Harry Redknapp being championed by the same section of the press who are vilifying Mancini and painting him as completely incompetent). I know there is a Balotelli thread somewhere else, however I would like to hear what people think of the current situation - Do you think he'll leave? Do you think Mancini will get sacked? - these being the base questions I'm curious about. Hope to hear some opinions. nb: I say the article is pretty good, certainly worth a read...but not great mind! Just nice to see sky sports are actually able to put a piece of journalism out there which doesn't completely suck.
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