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Everything posted by Tooj

  1. Did anybody on here catch the BBC Storyville documentary that was about Beitar Jerusalem? Essential watching like.
  2. We're well past the questions need to be asked stage about our players getting themselves out with ridiculous shots. Something drastic needs to happen. If Buttler does well in the next few matches and with Rashid proving he can cut it at test level then it wouldn't surprise me to see Moeen out in the summer. This is assuming when Hameed is back that Jennings goes to three.
  3. This might mean when Hameed is back Jennings stays but drops down to three and Root to four.
  4. Century on debut by reverse sweeping for four ?
  5. It was one of the best things I've seen in recent times. I might get round to starting a thread when I can be arsed.
  6. Julian Baptiste is without a doubt one of my favourite TV characters of recent times.
  7. Hope you had a good one sir.
  8. What did you think of Galaxy Garden?
  9. Just been watching this. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/oct/08/red-army-viacheslav-fetisov-cold-war-ice-hockey-gabe-polsky I know fuck all about hockey but thought it was really good.
  10. If you're in town I'd recommend Dat Bar for a pizza these days like, all sourdough base and proper lush.
  11. I do a nice home made pizza like. You'll never get as good as somewhere like Cal's though, simply because you can't replicate the heat of a proper wood fired clay oven. Gemmill just make sure you use 00 flour and if possible let the dough rise for about a day. Also use san marzano tomatoes for your sauce.
  12. They used to own Pizza By The Slice in the Grainger Market.
  13. It's at Four Lane Ends and is takeout only. Alex will confirm how lush it is.
  14. It's not as good as Pizzeria Italia iyam. Plus as Alex has said the owner is a bellend.
  15. Tooj


    Parky do you follow the sub Reddit on the whole situation? It's excellent.
  16. Five years ago now. Still doesn't seem or feel right, such a loss to the footballing world. I just cannot imagine what his friends/family are still going through.
  17. This is still one of the best things I've ever read on here. Totally hit the nail on the head.
  18. They deserve everything they get after some of their responses to the comments we made about Pardew when they appointed him.
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