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Everything posted by Tdansmith

  1. I was working through the bands in alphabetical order
  2. https://newsthump.com/2020/03/27/mike-ashley-deeply-sorry-for-allowing-nation-to-see-what-an-arsehole-he-is/?fbclid=IwAR0LYFMMskwrreKTHeU8Zz8iXXaq199tIR-9OIIMOD-EvX_MRKuKX4N3rYM Mike Ashley ‘deeply sorry’ for allowing nation to see what an arsehole he is
  3. Only once this week while i was out walking did someone move for me. I moved out the way for about 20 people at least, i thought it was just because i was a soft shite.
  4. You're still upset about my magic roundabout posts a year or two ago aren't you ? For what it's worth i'm sorry about that
  5. Last year or the year before i was a tit on here, i just wanted to vent and thought it would be a good idea to work myself on a Newcastle United fan web site, dunno why because i love Newcastle U fuckin' nited. I'm sorry if i made it out like the loved one i'm worried about is my mam or old, she's not. But she is vulnerable. I hope your mum is safe, i'm sure she will be as she has you to look after her.
  6. yes mate, she is. Thank you
  7. I can honestly say the last two and a half years have been the worse in my life and it's not me who has been poorly. This virus has kicked my family in the nuts when we are very down. I did not know what anxiety was a few years ago, i know now. I honestly did not think life could be so cruel. How wrong i was.
  8. I'm officially worried Unofficially i'm terrified, my health is not great but the health of a relative i love is worse, a lot worse. I'm very guilty of making jokes to gloss over my fears.
  9. In Downing Street’s latest daily televised press conference he thanked the country for its "huge efforts" to comply with the government's advice. Mr Johnson said "we can turn the tide within the next 12 weeks", adding: "I'm absolutely confident we can send the virus packing in this country."
  10. maybe, but it sounds like they plan to finish the season, eventually
  11. Confirmed now that he has died. Only 35 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/51962751
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