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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Many moons ago - i used to work shifts in the old D block on the NIRS1 system. enjoyed it there - but then we got outsourced to Anderson Consulting - fucking cowboys. Started at Tyneview park in 1998
  2. Interesting, where do you work like? 130551[/snapback] Tyneview Park. Forever on the phone to main site chasing up rf1's, vol conts pymts, account amalgamations etc etc 130553[/snapback] Lost me now tbh. 130555[/snapback] are you a messenger ?
  3. Interesting, where do you work like? 130551[/snapback] Tyneview Park. Forever on the phone to main site chasing up rf1's, vol conts pymts, account amalgamations etc etc
  4. I very much doubt he likes his prostate tickled
  5. i'll nominate 'le cop' and 'the choirboys'.
  6. lets me on it - or at least it did until last week.
  7. Eighties-tastic! Might have to dig out Big Trouble in Little China...........
  8. they have anarl the bastards actually wasnt there a vibrating harry potter broomstick being bought by 'frustrated' housewives a while back ?
  9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4950592.stm Needs a better name tbh - 'elastro-strut' or summat
  10. http://host.exemplum.com/hasbro/supersoake...ozinatorVid.htm as robin would say "Holy jizz lobber Batman"!
  11. i finished early of friday - went straight home to watch some dvds. saturday i watched some dvds today ive watched some dvds tomorrow i'll be watching dvds. so technically - ive done fuck all ive also got a week off work starting the 15th
  12. i get the impression that you dont like him. i'm struggling to reconcile the fact that i love the music of alice in chains who singer was addicted to heroin for many. many years before it killed him against dohertys abuse and wasting whatever talent he has. why is one considered a tragic hero of immense talent and the other talentless junkie scum?
  13. that agent must have a very high maintenence wife.
  14. then men must be damaged as well, by the same logic.
  15. http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/04/21/nail.gun.ap/index.html crystal meth is horrible stuff ..... http://www.rotten.com/library/crime/drugs/methamphetamine/
  16. Wedding Crashers - actually pretty good. loved the pyscho daughter played by that lass from home and away
  17. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4951078.stm
  18. only if we go around planting bombs in planes or buildings in retaliation If they haven't got the guts to fight their "war" in the open, against opponents ready for them, fuck them. That is stooping to their level, not preventing them from blowing up more of us 129783[/snapback] the taliban wernt a terrorist group - they were the government of afghanistan. 129787[/snapback] aye, I meant terrorist groups mate...I can't see how we are likened to the taliban as a government ! 129793[/snapback] no were not - but we would if we denied people their human rights.
  19. all £100,000 of it - i doubt it 129792[/snapback] You're such a 'Doubting Thomas' Lazarus I bet you 2p she hasn't made a penny out of it!! 129796[/snapback] http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4958810.stm looks like i slightly underestimated the fee.
  20. all £100,000 of it - i doubt it
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