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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. only if we go around planting bombs in planes or buildings in retaliation If they haven't got the guts to fight their "war" in the open, against opponents ready for them, fuck them. That is stooping to their level, not preventing them from blowing up more of us 129783[/snapback] the taliban wernt a terrorist group - they were the government of afghanistan.
  2. but what about their human rights ? in the muderers case - i'd just say fuck it, fuck them and fuck their rights. but doesnt that make us no better than the taleban ?
  3. Lazarus


    if freddie can give him 140m per season to spend then sure
  4. he'll still be able to shoot up if he's sent doon.
  5. football is full of ifs and buts. you cant dwell on the past cos it'll just make you depressed.
  6. fucking hell it could be shola and crouch leading the line
  7. oooh glenn - i can really smell that curry you had last night
  8. do you believe whats in the Guardian ? I don't know, if its true the police will prosecute, but how isn't it true ? Wouldn't he sue the paper if it isn't, he has the money 129628[/snapback] i dont have 100% confidence in any of our national media all i'm saying is - if pete was to announce that he was actually taking a syringe OUT of a passed out girls arm, rather than sticking one in then i would believe that story more than the suns. the photos themselves prove nowt - its just him touching a needle that in a girls arm. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2006190560,00.html
  9. those pics could be anything really..... you dont really believe anything the sun prints do you ? ps - dont get me wrong, doherty's a junkie cunt but this is the sun
  10. Lazarus


    that is the best laugh ive had in a while
  11. a girl who looks at porn shurely shome mishtake
  12. Always crashes on matchday - TATSACHE.
  13. thanks for the suggestions but i was wanting more of a search engine site so that if i typed in the name of a particular model, i then get lots of results. for example - if i go to www.askjolene.com and do a search for marketa belonoha - i get loads of results. that tgptastic one was the closest to what i'm after but it only seems to show recent stuff.
  14. i fancy us to win but i think it'll be pretty close
  15. Lazarus


    The Pee-S-3 will piss on it, tbh. 129306[/snapback] probably - but the Wii has that wazz -0 great controller
  16. i'm sure the girls will love the cuntingness of this thread
  17. Lazarus


    aye, thats right 'Wii' http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4953650.stm
  18. other than www.askjolene.com
  19. wouldnt that violate their human rights though changing the subject slightly - arnt labour the biggest bunch of cunts since the last lot ?
  20. heres mandy moore - 5' 10" anarl
  21. I'm at work at the minute, but when I get home I'll get the tape measure out. Whatever happens, I'm on 2 meg at the minute with the same length of cabling I'll be on when I move to 8 meg, so chances are I'm gonna see an improvement. Now deal with it, boy! 129200[/snapback] tape measure my arse! i bet its a little 6 inch plastic ruler any way - http://www.samknows.com/broadband/index.php if you search for your postcode then click on the bt adsl option it should tell you how far you are from the exchange and the potential speed of your connection. a possible 6meg for moi
  22. this is the dslmax technology that has just been rolled out. the speed you get depends on how far you are from your exchange. how much cabling does your exchange have inside it before 'your line' leaves the building ? 500m ?? 3 miles ????? also, your telephone line doesnt exactly head in a straight line from the exchange to your house - it literally goes round the houses. i'm 768 metres from the wallsend exchange but there could be 2.5 miles of cabling in between!
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