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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. hang on - thats 1700gb's well - thats me well and truly blown oot the watter
  2. If I wasn't on holiday I might have come to that. But would meeting some of you lot shatter the illusions? 124894[/snapback] Without a doubt. Peasepud is in fact only 5' 2" tall. Gemmill has jet-black hair in a mullet style. Cath is in fact a traffic warden and comes to all the piss-ups in her uniform as she 'likes the feel'. Scottish mag is actually Welsh. 124902[/snapback] Is that still taller than Wacky ??
  3. Lazarus

    Quote thread

    Revenge is a dish that is best served cold. - Pierre Ambroise Francois Choderios de LaClos (1741-1803).
  4. Heres the Official 'Spacka Proof Walkthrough' 1) left click your 'my computer' icon twice 2) simply place your mouse arrow over the 'local disc' icon without pressing the mouse buttons 3) observe the text box that appears and memorise the 'total size' figure 4) post details on here
  5. Correction ! Only took me 12 hands to get HIS top off Ye Bastid ye
  6. Only took me about 12 hands to get her top off
  7. my 2nd 250gb drive cost me £60 will easily fill it when i'm all flac'ed up.
  8. indeed. am also gonna rip all me cd's to FLAC.
  9. Stupid question i know but....... Ive now got 500gb.
  10. This could be a hoot. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/4927194.stm
  11. When is the SO / Wacky announcement ?
  12. freddie ejaculated on naked ladies arse M U E G W P R
  13. i give up. think i'll stick with limewire.
  14. Oh Dear Thats Just Unclean Pud !!! I R T P O D 124064[/snapback] i roger that peasepud on desktops
  15. Ive got bitorrent installed and am downloading a file at 4kb/s how the feck to i speed things up ?
  16. Lazarus

    Im in stitches!

    speaking of farting those japs are bloody wierd http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT8YIgmLO0g
  17. wacky - youve got nowt to worry about you'll both be the same height lying down
  18. Fake tbh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x97VLJBFWuo
  19. Good idea- appaRantly its to hElp the server on mAtch days so iT doesnt crash.
  20. Since when? i often went went there for a browse and though i have indeed registered my member (many moons ago) i could never be arsed to log in. Fuckin GREAT .
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