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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4876736.stm looks krrrazzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyy
  2. Lazarus


    The Soggy Squirral
  3. Lazarus

    Good Friday

    Wernt those last words 'I can see my house from here' 119681[/snapback] No! He actually said, 'Hey, Peter write this down; we can start a monumental world-wide piss-take with some wierd and wonderful stories' 119683[/snapback] 7 words mate, just 7.
  4. Lazarus

    Good Friday

    Wernt those last words 'I can see my house from here'
  5. As the kids say, she was rubbing the wombat.
  6. She checked the coast was clear before grooming the rabbit.
  7. Every morning, he woke up tenderizing the otter's sweaty hamburger.
  8. I couldn't believe my luck as she started absorbing the trouser bus.
  9. best one i heard lately was 'the soggy squirral'
  10. Lazarus


    do they still do those windups on metro radio every morning?
  11. best thread ever - FACT http://www.thedvdforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=391545 and the follow up after the mods changed his username http://www.thedvdforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=391606
  12. Lazarus


    i think peasepud should change his name to peaseplod maybe theres other stuff we can do - do we know his full name and address ??
  13. Lazarus


    Isnt this thread GREAT
  14. http://www.4guysfromviewpoint.com/?p=76
  15. theres also a misty stump in the 98 list
  16. that little lass in front of the boy is writing 'PISSFLAPS' in big fuck off letters
  17. ii want the resident evil 5 game but i dont think it'll be out for a while yet - xbox prices should be a lot lower by then. the ps3 has totally missed the boat by the looks of new nintendo sytem and its spectacular controller.
  18. i'd have woody back as well. i'd offer as much as it takes to buy out his contract then off him a basic wage of say - £25000 per week. then £1000 per appearence and a further bonus for every 5 consecutive appearences.
  19. me mothers got tickets to see him at the city hall
  20. i paid £40 for a tesco jobbie. does 5mp and can go to 7.5mp with a following wind.
  21. One morning a few years ago i was waiting at the bustop to get the special to work. i looked and saw what appeared to be a silver ball following just in front of a planes vapour trail that was passing overhead. ps - the term 'special' refers to the special dss bus service and not to kids with a pocket full of heavy change.
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