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Hatful Of Hollow

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Everything posted by Hatful Of Hollow

  1. Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy Amazing
  2. Real name: No-pants Crack Robba (Naturally) Board name: Da Dick
  3. Is noise a problem with most external drives?
  4. I'm getting an external drive tomorrow like, not going to be huge in capacity, but like 2J I want to back up my music/photos etc.
  5. They loved him over there, don't blame them! Adriano isn't excelling at the moment is he? Last thing I knew they had sent him back to Brazil to get his head sorted. Scored his first goal in ages the other day.
  6. Marvin Gaye - Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)
  7. Lies Well we're currently 11th if this stays the same, on 25 points. Villa are on 25 points too, with the point they're currently getting. If they lose, they'll be on 24, in 11th. Where am I lying? Villa had 25 points before the start of play, they have a superior goal-difference aswell, so it's highly unlikely we'll overtake them. Link
  8. I don't think there's any streams for this, none listed here anyway. Fantastic start like, Oba at it again.
  9. A few of the ones i've got are oldies like.
  10. Click I've just started it, canny interesting.
  11. Iceland ads are shite anarl, with fucking whats-her-face.
  12. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Rockets Fall on Rocket Falls
  13. The Frosties ad hasn't been on for a while, thank fuck. Click Here if you didn't know about the Frosties kid suicide urban myth.
  14. What a fucking tit! That'll show 'em!
  15. The best one is that curly haired fucker putting up the Chelsea one and half peeling it off. For fuck's sake mate, is that the extent of your acting career, you loser! "Is this what it's come to? The five years at drama school, I deserve better than this" His agent must be Darren Lamb:
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