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Hatful Of Hollow

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Everything posted by Hatful Of Hollow

  1. I remember Baddiel & Skinner ripping the piss out of them like.
  2. Bastard I couldnl't be arsed to have a look at the connections etc, and I though it would be more complicated than it was.
  3. Where'd you get those pics from like?
  4. Aye it's been posted a couple of times.
  5. Just bought an LCD telly and noticed it has PC Input capabilities, so how would I go about using it as a monitor? Obviously not going to be using it as a monitor all the time but just want to try it out. EDIT: Doesn't matter, worked it out now. Delete please, mods.
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6272193.stm 7 dead in the storms.
  7. Bright and windy in Waaaalsend, boring as owt.
  8. So the fact that he's better than the shite we have here currently means we should be signing him?
  9. Still fucked for me lyyyyk.
  10. I was thinking the same about Tevez until I read .com Fixed. An injured Tevez would probably still score against us like.
  11. Is that what you're going to be posting in the post-match thread?
  12. Wasn't that Fulham? The Fulham 4-1 was when Crossley had a blinder, although I think the Villa match was 0-3.
  13. I was thinking the same about Tevez until I read .com
  14. I'm going to this one aswell, Milburn Level 7, can't bloody wait
  15. We had far more first-teamers for the Wigan debacle like, they were playing their reserves aswell.
  16. Bring on Wist 'aaaaam Even they'll fucking beat us comfortably.
  17. Tbh,its any manager team to play against the same team for other team that played 3 days before just spot the weakness and use them..just what he did today Tottenham were shite (they always are),and we got really lucky last sunday,Roeder decsion to play the same Formation cost us the F.A cup,will be waiting for what he got to say after this match She wha'?
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