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Papa Lazaru

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Everything posted by Papa Lazaru

  1. I'm with Jonny and can't believe the defending of Carroll as if he's some powerless little child who can be made to hand in transfer requests and be forced out the club, thats just bollocks. If you come out with the shit about wanting to stay for life and loving the club, stick to it, or shut your mouth. You cant in any way force a player out if they dont want to go, they just dont go. Only a manager has a chance by saying they wont play you ever again, and that hasnt happened. What do people actually think ashley and llambias can do to make him do it, seriously? beat him up, threaten his family!...he's got a long contract, at the club he "loves" its his choice to leave not theirs. Players have all the power, if they want to go, they act up and clubs reluctantly sell, if they want to stay and dick about picking up big wages, you cant shift them or pay off their contract. This doesnt for a moment mean i believe everything that comes out the club, i havent since the keegan episode and wont ever believe much of what they say unless its backed up by cast iron proof, but saying Carroll was forced into it is nonsense. And people who said he was paid money to take the fall for ashley in one of the threads, then that means he's just a greedy bastard willing to help a fat prick who all us fans hate!
  2. Mr Bird That seems obvious to me, he's travelling down there because the clubs know a deal can happen, its now just down to how much we make them pay for him before we agree. And we only have SSN guessing as to what we have rejected, for all we know all we've turned down is nearer £20m than £35 or maybe we have turned down soemthign stupidly big. But my money is on us agreeing sooner or later, then we'll wait and see how much it is.
  3. If ashley didnt have any previous for being a thick, useless prick then a fair few people would look at £35m+ as a great deal, one which with additional investment on top could build a top class squad to really make a go of things. However instead we'll lose our best striker, a potential future great who is also a geordie and won't re-invest it as we should. Then we'll have the additional crap of seeing the likes of Barton, Enrique, Tiote etc thinking whether they should stick around if we don't re-invest properly, why should they trust ashley to do that and also we'll have to see Carroll doing the business for the scousers when he should have been here.
  4. Bought the dvd of all the series a year or two ago and thought it was great, because like you i wondered how it would have stood up from what i remembered watching as a kid. Everyone knows how talented Fry is but i forgot that Laurie was not just funny but a talented guitarist, pianist and (comedy) singer song writer in the show, and in one episode they do a spoof rap which is funny but he was also good at that!
  5. Top work everyone, this thread is a work of genius!
  6. He really is perfect for them isn't he! Sad, bitter, childish little man, obsessed with us and no goal in life other than being 1 ahead of us, they couldn't have a manager more suited to what they are.
  7. Jesus fucking christ! Everytime i think this bunch cannot become any more sad, depressing and fucked up they manage it, i really now genuinely pitty them and feel sorry that they have to suffer such empty, barren lives that revolve solely around bitterness and obsession with their superior neighbours!
  8. I've had another look at it on the youtube clip and seeing that i can absolutely see now why the ref sent him off, because at full speed and from his POV it does look like a red, so i have no problem with that. However the appeal panel have the use of replays and camera angles and slow mo, and they clearly show he jumped ahead of the guy, took the ball and the player fell harmlesly over him, that is enough to make it a yellow for making a stupid tackle, but they won't. But Tiote really has got to learn, i don't mind him rackign up yellows when he's makign tackles and fouls he has to as part of his job, but he needs to cut a few of them out and has to stop jumping in like that, its always askign for trouble.
  9. You have to prey that if Leeds are going to take him, they do it before the mackem game, as the thought of him playign in that gives you nightmares, that said, he'll probably either turn in the single worst performance ever or he'll score the winner with his only ever toon goal!!
  10. Firstly we comepletely deserved to lose as we were appalling so this isn't sour grapes, but i have never seen a lower level team be such a bunch of diving, cheating, injury feigning little pricks. You always expect the one thing with lower teams is they might still play fotoball like men, but they were an embarassment.
  11. Great stuff, been worth having no sleep for weeks! Brilliant atmosphere as well, barmy army taking over another ground!
  12. Yeah its an excellent programme, spin off from the sketch show 'Chewin' the fat' if you haven't seen that yet. I've got 5 series of Still game on dvd and i think for series 5 its just starting to drop a little in standard (but still good), and i haven't seen the ones after that to know what its like.
  13. Lovely to see yet another 500 on the board, never tire of that!
  14. I thought Collingwood might do that, go by his own choice, knowing jhe's still going to be leading the 20:20 team and playing one dayers with the world cup ahead. And it lets either Morgan or Bobara etc get a chance to bed in at no.6 in a winning team which is great all round. And Durham will be delighted!
  15. Any news on Titoe as he went off and straight down the tunnel in the last ten mins of the match, obviously injured but i'm hoping its nothing bad, if theres one player we have to have against the mackems its him!
  16. One from Cook dropped a metre short of the fielder there, Hughes would probably still have claimed the catch though!
  17. Trouble for Collingwood, he needed runs this innings and he'd fought away there for an hour, just had to keep calm and keep building and attack later when he was properly set.
  18. Thought Botham was going to just about avoid saying it there but he's called Hughes a cheat for claiming he'd caught that, when it clearly bounced, its very hard to say anything other than he's cheated there, which is very poor for cricketers. And the replay is making him look alot worse in the way he initially reacted, not good at all.
  19. Unlike England but with the aussies 180+ for 8 we got sloppy and they got 60 or 70 more than they should, which gave them a lift and particularly Johnson who takes wickets after he scores a 50. Very close match now, but Dr Gloom said, great pitches with something for everyone producing cricket matches you want to watch. All round the world need to start doing it, instead of flat batting tracks where both teams just accumulate massive scores all the time. Test cricket attendances are dropping pretty much everywhere but England, might be an idea to start making pitches that help bowlers and get the crowds back.
  20. Collingwood bowls Hussey, what a time to pull that out the hat!!
  21. 143 for 5 Haddin gone already, game on! Get Hussey cheaply as well and we can get right through them again!
  22. The premier league say it's his 4th booking. His first in 13 games btw. Quite remarkable. Problem is both him and Tiote are going to be at risk of missing the mackem game depending on when they get their next booking.
  23. Typically though he didn't even manage that, he nearly pulled his groin but just missed doing it properly!
  24. Mackems up to 13 threads on their first page about us, our players, our attendances, our managaer, chairman, the match today etc I'm afraid we just don't have the same passion as them about NUFC!
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