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Everything posted by RlCO

  1. RlCO

    Superbowl 42

    At the end of the day, had today's match been played under NFL rules, we would have won.
  2. When a soldier is 'toast', he is dead, ergo all you toast freaks are sick.
  3. RlCO

    Superbowl 42

    What's your address, I'll swing by.
  4. RlCO


    Deals can proceed if they were basically completed in the window but for a technicality. I believe it was a cancelled plane in this case.
  5. RlCO

    Superbowl 42

    If they win, it's like when Arsenal went unbeaten for a whole season, only better, because they never drew either. Possible unprecedented 19-0 season.
  6. Basically it would have contd till ManU scored. Sense the tone.
  7. RlCO


    Well my planner says it starts tonight at 9pm, so fuck all you cunts. I remember what happened last time anyway.
  8. See, this is what line 2 of the title is for, so you can let us know this is about a tv show, and not some gory shit you have suffered recently. Goddam time wasters.
  9. Simple pleasure for fucks sake, not blow half your savings pleasures. Where the fuck do we get these people?
  10. RlCO

    Superbowl 42

    The Greatest Team on Earth vs. the New York Giants. It will cost Toontastic $2.7 million for a 30 second commercial. So let's start the whip round...
  11. The fundamental point being, Shearer considers himself and his ideology above anything that the dinosaur Keegan might have to offer. An apologetic but affirmed distancing is the best he could possibly have hoped for.
  12. Barring Alex, the bread camp is gaining true exclusivity. Let the peasants toast their soldiers, for they know not that they are scum.
  13. Aye, under Keegan he'd be getting only one a game to convert.
  14. Who was slagging off Redknapp? Buys Defoe and Diarra, instrumental and scores on debut, held all top four teams at home so far.
  15. Don't give a toss if it means Spurs not winning An excellent point, the look on Berbatovs mug was priceless.
  16. In retrospect, diving was probably the wrong word to use here.
  17. Ooh look, Man U score 8 seconds from the final whistle, 4 minutes into extra time. Corrupt.
  18. Talk about the worst time of the year to mention that. Git!
  19. RlCO


    When is/was this recap episode then, if the new one starts tonight? You set of twats.
  20. Rooney yellow carded for diving, misses the derby commemoration match. There's some sweet justice in that.
  21. People should be worried that Shearer and Keegan have divergent ideas on how to progress the club. Shearer could end up being Dogleesh MkII.
  22. Suck my soldier mrs. toonpants.
  23. Gravity! It's a novel concept I know.
  24. She can eat my soldier anytime Bob
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