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Everything posted by Inglez

  1. You're 46, you state the fucking obvious, created a resistance organisation, critical of the NUSC and boring. Are you based in Newcastle? Arent you in English class yet !?? : ) You should be with all those question marks. *Aren't. ...Get me? Whats up kiddo? Homework gotten a bit boring for you has it? : ) Aye whatever, you should go help your grandkids with theirs, thats if you can get out your wheelchair. Anyways's i'm not staying on here to argue with some grandad. BTW you should probably call your carer, you've probbaly drooled all over your keyboard or having a heart attack at the excitement that someone has actually recognised you on the board. ...Get me?
  2. You're 46, you state the fucking obvious, created a resistance organisation, critical of the NUSC and boring. Are you based in Newcastle? Arent you in English class yet !?? : ) You should be with all those question marks. *Aren't. ...Get me?
  3. I think the same although now we are o.k it only takes a few bad weeks or more players gone and its back against the walls again, but in fairness i hope i am wrong and proven to be (fingers crossed) Ta for the sane reply ...some of the bairns think ten points = success ! : ) Of course they know nowt ..but they'll find that out by and by : ) See your wrong we've never said it means success, but it is very positive that we're playing well and top of the league. But of course we get people like you which type LIKE THIS AND ARE LIKE ZOMG WE'RE DOOMED LOLZ1111 ASHLEY NEVER SELLZ WE'RE GOING DOON. Again 46? Aye definetly.
  4. ROFLMAO !!! Could be left with a thin squad!!! Are you for fuckin real !!??? WE HAVE A THIN SQUAD MORON - WE HAD ONE LAST YEAR AND ITS EVEN THINNER NOW !!! Got me? GOOD ... 46? We have a thin squad, but we're still winning. Stop putting the hope down you depressing bastard.
  5. Your the moron, nothing is confirmed. We COULD be left with Ashley yes, we COULD be left with a thin squad, but right now which is confirmed is that we're top of the league and playing well, stop putting the mood down, think positive.
  6. Thats right, we're turning ourselves around on the pitch and perhaps might be progressing somewhere with the takeover. We're aren't saying things are ok, we're saying things are better and our league status proves it atm. The only moron I see here is you if you can;t at least see the players are pulling themselves around from whats happening off the pitch and performing well. Yes the main problem is Ashley but this will HOPEFULLY be solved soon. Some people don't sit on the internet arguing all day you know. Perhaps he has better things to do, which is more than your doing. 46?
  7. Forza 2 was class. Forza 3's out sometime this year.
  8. Yeah was a heart attack, was on the phone to his girlfriend at the time. Imagine speaking and he's not responding only to find out he's dead. Shocking stuff.
  9. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y...history_state0= Only 26 R.I.P
  10. Try and pick up COD4 for cheap, addictive online game. As is Gears of War 1. FIFA09. Also try one of the Rainbow Six Vegas'. I liked the first one better but both are good games. Check out the arcade, there's some really fun games available for download. To name one N+ EDIT: You have the best gamertag ever.
  11. I'd seriously advise you to reconsider using Back Page as a travel option. I went with them once away last season for the midweek Man Citeh match, and had no choice at the time. Boring journey ever, very strict and more organised than the Gestapo. You can't drink and smoke, and the atmosphere is pure shite. Never again. I'd agree with this, was a boring journey. Would recommend it though if your looking for a quiet journey there and back. They normally put some Auf Wiedersen Pet and some old Newcastle matches on the TV.
  12. I care that Bassong's leaving considering he is our best defender, but not who to. But I care more about the club's present state and the more urgent issues it has to tend to. Does us all a favour and fuck off Danny. In the Championship and still hanging around us like a bad smell
  13. There goes our chance of winning. Be a few pens against us.
  14. Would normally be making the trip but work has interfered.
  15. I don't understand how you can prefer a buggy, rushed sequel to the fresh original. Explain. i dunno lol maybe just more into gaming now than i was when gow1 came out. Just find myself playing gow2 more than i did gow1. just opion Fair enough, I was more into gaming when GOW1 was out and played it alot (and still play it now). I got GOW2, played the single player then played the MP for 2 days and it just wasn't appealing. Feels too slow to be a gears game.
  16. No Bobby Robson wallpapers?
  17. Have you played GOW1 online? You'll see the difference straight away.
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