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Everything posted by Tom

  1. If the stripes carry even slightly down or even look remotely cohesive with the shorts i wont be happy, i like plain black shorts, Its looking very modern so far, Its one of those in ten years though
  2. The Defence - Dazed and confused - Led Zep Glenn Roeder - Talking to a brick wall (TCTC) Emre - Immigrant Song - Led Zep Bramble - Now im all over the shop - Maximo park Moore - Craig Moore is Fucking Shit - Cola Fizz Bombs
  3. My mate George play My Fender Telecaster = Sloppy
  4. Im a student. Im allways finished. Il also work in Subway or some shit but like whatever
  5. Why didnt they let a newcastle player wear it?
  6. I can still remember walking into the rugby club with me mates and the price of a pint of Tetleys had gone up to 30p!!! Showin' me age 30p? I would'nt be here today
  7. 22 pages so far over at N-O.... And they're busy discussing the fact that oddly the 'crazy adidas ball' is not on the sleeve! Im glad its not it looks Gash
  8. I dunno, Micheal's hands might be a suprise
  9. Looks like its going to be smart but that can all change in the middle
  10. NAIL the Fatties, Gordon. NO RETREAT! NO SURRENDER!
  11. Test Icicles - For screening purposes Only
  12. I acquired that yesterday, what do you reckon? Sounds alright on first listen. I love Our Velocity, but there doesn't seem to be as many stand out songs as on the previous album, which incidentally is quality. Yeh its a quality album, Very different from A certian Trigger , more poppy and sellable but i dont think thats deliberate i think they are just better at their Job
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