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Everything posted by ChezGiven

  1. Stop following me around then if it makes you feel uncomfortable. We both know why.
  2. Sure but am not having you perpetuate the idea that i'm a tight cunt. Far from it you bastard.
  3. Not serious no but if any them were as much as a miserable snide cunt as you are, i'd be looking to change them.
  4. Outrageous! For my 40th i hired a plush villa for 20 people with caterers, paid for the lot and the booze for the weekend. Cost me 8k for the whole lot. Most people consider me generous. The issue you refer to, i was dealing with the balance between inheritance laws in France, a wife whose family just sold a piece of art at auction for 1.5m and all my money going to that family, rather than my own basically poor parents and even poorer brother with a disabled child in the case of my death. By separating the money, i can theoretically separate my succession in the event of my death. My kids are born into a very wealthy family, my nieces and nephew are not. If our (me and partner's) wealth is undistinguisable, its not clear from my discussion with the notaire how i could re-direct that to my e.g. brother's family to support his eldest who will have needs all her life. If all our money is together as one, there is not an easy route to doing this. Don't want you to feel like a twat - there was no way of you knowing that context. You twat.
  5. I meant the efficiency and organisation. I can follow text-based information fairly adequately
  6. Funnily enough, the 2 demographics furthest apart in the British class system are probably the most prolific drug takers. Friend of mine went to one of the most highly ranked public schools, his Dad is an actual Lord. Always stuff going on at his parties, the wedding was on Corfu but no exception. Agreed though, think its bad form unless the couple are expressly encouraging it or whatever (in which case who cares?) but i think people who do it at a wedding without the express permission of the couple are a bit out of order. Was thinking about the scenario where we do tie the knot, would i expressly ban that sort of behaviour? Think some of my more wayward mates would think twice about coming if i did.
  7. Gemmill is definitely hilarious and great fun but that's not even in his top 5000 posts. Use of the word baguette in context of France and getting a laugh is a bit Hale and Pace.
  8. Is it off form to have a cheeky spliff at a wedding? Not sure it is. Been to one wedding where there was no bar and only half a bottle of wine per guest (Catholic / France) and it was awful, completely forgettable. Been to another where the couple were total hippies (Civil / Germany) and half of their mates were stoned out of their minds during the service or whatever its called. Was very funny. I dont get the cigar thing either, they are minging.
  9. It goes without saying that being philosophically against kids and aesthetically against weddings and scoring a positive match on the website then IRL does you a lot of credit. Your lass must be bananas of course.
  10. What exactly did you put on your last Match.com profile? Hates weddings and kids, wltm similar.
  11. You clearly are. Maybe i overshare but i dont pay attention to what you say about your domestic arrangements to even remember any details. You obviously pay a lot of attention to mine. Thats just natural i guess. Success, wealth, power, being stylish AND sexy makes me interesting but with the territory comes people wanting to knock you down. I can handle that, not sure you can.
  12. I was only joking with Gemmill but then Alex jumps in tongue-first to defend him by drawing a parallel that is far from equivalent or a parallel. Neither point made is true, she suggested the PACS (i had no idea it existed) and we do have a joint account. The joke about Gemmill getting divorced because he didnt want kids remains funny because its true. Instead of pointing out it looks a bit bent for Alex to jump in like that ir correct the observations, just made light of it. In that context i firmly believe the hint at the expensive nature of my new place prompted jealousy in you and SEW. I mean thats not what you said or anything but thats how it comes over to me. Given subjective interpretation is king here. So your comment does come over as snide. Whether intended to or not.
  13. Difference being I've given her 2 beautiful children and bought her/us a massive apartment in the nicest quartier of Paris and we do have a joint account. I just don't put all my salary in it
  14. Anyway, cant believe you cancelled your honeymoon because of some poxy operation. Sends out all the wrong messages that. "I'm too weak to be your husband" I know you've made an effort since then but i can see where this all went downhill. From day 1 basically.
  15. What about new girlfriends? Is it not a bit awkward?
  16. Maybe one of my kids will discover the solution to cheap abundant renewable energy. Your sperm aren't exactly contributing.
  17. Cancelled the honeymoon and refused to have kids. You catch, you.
  18. Talking of East 17, I met Brian Harvey in Manumission in Ibiza years ago. He made about as much sense as Terry here.
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