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Everything posted by ChezGiven

  1. You're next man, enjoy it while it lasts.
  2. 'Food' then. Sometimes the tits dont work.
  3. Might not be getting enough milk during the feed.
  4. It is for CT. His wife does it for him.
  5. You want to get on Chance the Rapper Gemmill. That Car Seat Headrest album is raucous as fuck. If you like US style indie-rock its worth listening to mainly because the lyrics rip the piss right out of the current early 20s generation.
  6. If you're lucky. We were like that with the first one but the second one was harder to train. When one of you has to leave at 6.45am and the other one has to drop the eldest at school by 8.15am being 'strict' at 3 in the morning can mean the difference between everyone going back to sleep in 10 minutes or 1 hour. Congrats SEW by the way, i think the main thin you need to be concerned about now is your slow transformation into a big softy
  7. http://www.fitdetroit.com/info.php?rec_id=1061 Andres' new E.P. previewed here.
  8. He's having a cabbage. His arteries must have been clogged to fuck.
  9. Apart from the 'new shirts every year, donate old ones to charity' the advice is spot on. The monograms on shirt cuffs though When my colleague turned up with his new shirts monogrammed my only comment was 'we just stitched our daughters name into her clothes for school too'.
  10. If it struck a nerve, you'd know about it I was merely pointing out that copying and pasting some shirt advice in response to a topic about 'shirts that look like those worn by those in the city' isn't really an opportunity to post 'check your privilege'. If it had made sense, i may have even laughed.
  11. Not sure you've grasped the meaning of that phrase, or the correct utilisation anyway. You use it when people complain about something that reflects their social status or wealth and which, when placed into the context of the relative distribution of wealth, renders the complaint socially jarring for those without. Or more simply by wankers. Anyway, its not me going round like a cross between Tyson Fury and Gordon Gekko.
  12. No, i only deal in dollars now i moved to New York and took that job at Morgan Stanley.
  13. The infamous blue shirt and white collar is acceptable, as long as the shade of blue isn’t too deep and accompanied with a power tie. This ode to Gekko works much better today in a light pink, baby blue, or lavender shirt, and without a tie. Skip the monograms… Unless your initials are D.I.K. No shirt pockets or collar buttons. This isn’t a 1994 Brooks Brothers catalogue. Make sure your shirts are tapered appropriately. If you want to see how ridiculous ‘blousy’ looks, go back and watch some old Seinfeld reruns. Have new shirts made every year and donate the old ones to Career Gear, a great non-profit that provides interview clothes to low income individuals. French cuffs are fine, provided that the cufflinks aren’t straight out of the Donald J. Trump collection. And if you sweat, wear a damn undershirt, you slob. Besides, a $50 t-shirt will save numerous $200 dress shirts from your disgusting armpits.
  14. if you think my post 'proves' your point then you shouldn't be making the point in the first place He was racist, definitely fat and a cunt. But because he 'might' have learning difficulties (on account of how much a cunt he is?) then he's not to be called out? Not sure, there may be details i missed, i just remember a twat of a man who was articulate enough to post relatively coherently. I know a few people who write poorly but who are intelligent, not sure you can conclude much from writing style. I may have been completely taken in by Stevie's comments, if you read that thread back its about 60% posts from Stevie across 80 pages
  15. What's worse? Posting 'you fat cunt' on the internet or being a racist paedo? No one knows if he had learning difficulties.
  16. http://gu.com/p/4ja9a?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  17. If intentional, that's brilliantly tongue-in-cheek.
  18. People make such a massive fuss. Saw a mate yesterday with his 4 week old baby, didnt mention him once the whole day. Its his second and i was all smiles and 'wahey', he on other hand did not want to talk about the baby and was focused on the consumption of food / alcohol. Very matter of fact. That was however a very sweet story from SEW, clearly not the hard man he tries to portray on here.
  19. Being pro-Europe in 1973 is a very different prospect to being pro-Europe today. Europe as a political entity is not attached to a way of thinking either as it evolves with the dominant parties of Germany, Netherlands, Belgium etc. Now we have a Schauble dominated fiscal and monetarist EU with a leftist social core. You can't align an ideology with Europe's political structures as from one decade to the next, those running the Commission and in the Parliament are of differing political views. Being pro Europe today in practical terms means aligning with the current views of the political elite which shift over time. I don't believe anyone in Britain can truly approach the question of Europe through conviction alone as what will be voted for in 2016 will not be the same in 2026. It's not a good democracy but it's built from the democratic structures of the member states meaning it's vision and policies will change with the political processes of each country in the parliament. To criticize Corbyn for changing views on Europe is akin to buying Boris Johnson's laughably stupid line that the Brexiters were the only side of the debate with beliefs and ideology. The whole point of this decision for me is to put aside 'feeling' and go with the practical issues. If that means viewing Europe as more than a common market then let Corbyn change how he sees it too.
  20. The Bon Iver track is class. It's a beautifully crafted album, going to take a few more listens but it sounds like one of the year's better efforts so far. @@PaddockLad etc the new Kevin Morby album, Singing Saw is definitely worth a listen. As an indie-rock ish sort of album it's a stand out for the year too. If you like that sort of thing anyway.
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