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Everything posted by ChezGiven

  1. Depends on the specific situation. I think its a bit facile to point to the massive investments in Switzerland and say 'it hasnt harmed them' as in Switzerland (yes, this is true) companies negotiate their corporate tax rate with the Canton (not the government) based on employment predictions when setting up. Not exactly applicable to English / British law. As saw from the $160bn deal with Pfizer and Allergan, its the domestic tax arrangement which drive corporate locations.
  2. I'll take wor lass up the eiffel tower and propose. With 3 million EU citizens living in Britain and i think 1.2m Brits living abroad, then if France kicked out the Brits, they would have a problem if we retaliated so i think it will be absolutely fine. Also, legally the country you're in has to respect the rules when people moved (Vienna convention 1969?) so they cant retrospectively apply any new arrangements.
  3. Will our passports be invalid at the end of the 2 years? All passports now are EU ones arent they? Got European Union on the front anyway.
  4. Just got sent this. https://www.ipsos-mori.com/researchpublications/researcharchive/3752/Ipsos-MORI-EU-Referendum-Prediction-Poll.aspx
  5. That's the problem with so-called experts, they're long-winded and boring.
  6. Essential reading http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jun/21/brexit-euroscepticism-history "If the EU is to survive, it needs drastic reform, and demanding such reform is what could be called the true Eurosceptic position. But reform can only be achieved from inside. The Europhobes’ problem is that, with all their instinctive antipathy to Europe, they have no practical alternative to offer, except nostalgic national legends."
  7. Only recently got involved with lots of whatsapp groups. I dont really consider that social media as they are all private. I was out with a Facebook developer this weekend and he reckons that Snapchat is the only threat / competitor to FB. I suppose it makes sense as technology of the device advances that you dont need a website to host your social networks. I think it will develop into 'public media' and 'private/social media' with the former being where FB, Twitter are now but much smaller.
  8. Belated happy birthday to Mini-Fist. How was the party? We had 10 kids and a magician over which was a lot funnier that it sounds. Have to also mention the milfs that are my daughter's friend's mothers too.
  9. Been a tough shift Stevie, all that sort of stuff could break some people. Sorry to hear you've had further bad news.
  10. Aye, its not bad, nothing exceptional but listenable. Much more into the Rebolledo mainly because its better to run to and also because i had no idea i was into Mexican hippie festival techno.
  11. Really like this E.P, very chilled out affair. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuYSV3i5aj0
  12. I know the album, the remix of Never Grow Old has nearly 2 million views on YT!
  13. These tracks are from it, its out this week i think.
  14. If we do vote to leave this is going to be most romantic marriage proposal ever.
  15. My girl's 6th birthday too. She asked me to sing her the song last night before bed - 'lullaby remix'.
  16. There's only one 'I' in Gemmill. And a backwards 'me'.
  17. As a barman once said to me "Ze purfect bubble sensation"
  18. She was a geordie. Birthday present iirc. Nothing to be awkward about, i was young and experimental.
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