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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Couldn't you plead mental distress to the exam board due to the mental devastation inflicted on the entire city by getting knocked out the play offs by the tramps right in the middle of the exams?
  2. Correct Rob According to this anyroads... http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/mar/13/steven-gerrard-liverpool Good article iyam, though am sure many on here would disagree with its premise
  3. Naah....l was surprised when I read who it was half an hour ago, it's a doozie
  4. Which player has scored in the finals of the FA cup,league cup,champions league and Uefa cup?.....
  5. Not confident....am thinking this lot have difficulty giving a flying fuck about anything when the pressure is off...hoping to be proved utterly wrong like but recent history suggests that they have difficulty with motivation. And thats with Pardew in the changing room and on the touchline....
  6. PaddockLad

    Tony Benn

    He got the law changed off his own bat so he could ditch his hereditary peerage because he disagreed with privilege being handed down. The (formerly) Right Honourable Sir Anthony Wedegewood Benn walked it like he talked it his entire life. We''ll likely never see his likes again.
  7. You out there for the festivities already?.....where is it again?
  8. We're plainly not a draw for the advertisers.... As for Spurs, their record signing is 32 million Eric Lamela. signed from Roma by DoF Franco Baldini...formerly director of football, at...erm..Roma He's fuckin at it, and I can't beleive Levy let him loose with all the Bale loot in one summer. I think the Souness/Redknapp/Wille McKay axis re Boumsong and Amdy Faye was similiar to what was going on at Spurs..."fuck what the team actually needs, who can we get the most into our hip pockets on??"
  9. You'll have to explain this one a bit clearer Des, to me this sounds very, very dodgy indeed...women get to say no after the sexual act?...
  10. Becauase she hasnt broken the law?
  11. Who publishes the names of the accused? The media could show a lot more restraint, they do when its in their interest. The police also have laws; wasting police time and perverting the course of justice to prosecute false accusers shoudl there be the evidence to do so.
  12. BREAKING NEWS: Newcastle Fans handed massive boost in their quest for European football as Alan Pardew handed a 7 game ban
  13. PaddockLad

    Bob Crow

    rip comrade Bob some comments.... http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/bob-crow-irritated-everyone-doing-3229847 Former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone said he was a hard worker. "The only working class people who still have well-paid jobs in London are his members," Mr Livingstone said. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/bob-crow-dead-reaction-tributes-3228945#ixzz2vgAHALtq Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook
  14. They're not going to vote yes Des. The vagueness of the SNP's case is summed up in your valid question, but its not going to stop the actual vote on September 14th. No one is going to vote for the uncertainty that all the financial institutions on the planet hate, and which their representatives who are based in Scotalnd have been voicing during the past month or so. Now wire the £50 to the SBR fund and post the confirmation on here, theres a good lad. You daft fucker
  15. Whats going to stop them Des?
  16. Did Des get in from his incredibly well paid and indeed exceedingly worthy graft today and just smoke a load of fuckin smack or something? My folks' ballot cards have arrived for the vote you thick cunt
  17. Try the phrase "mutually assured destruction" CT. The UK has submarines with Trident nuclear weapons on them, but it would be tricky "sneaking one up the Bosphurus" to attack Russia.... I used to work where they make the warheads, theyre an absoloute hoot
  18. She represents his customers (whether at the club or at SD) whether he likes it or not. Most people in business find contact with local politicians useful. Not this cunt though.
  19. Am not big on moral outrage but thats fuckin disgusting...
  20. "Mike Ashley answers to absoloutely no one whatsover, however important you are and however nicely you ask, forget it.......PS, dont fuckin bother him again, capice?" http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/ps-please-dont-bother-mike-6772951
  21. Campbell's performance at Stoke in his final run out for us is seared into the memory of all who witnessed it. Some of is are still being trated for PTSD.
  22. I always got the impression it was all about "him" though, he came first in everything. Fergie saw it and jettisoned him as soon as he could. Maybe am being harsh, his best mate is Gary Neville who, whatever you think of his opinions,he always comes across as pretty down to earth. Beckham had a seperate hotel to the rest of the squad at a couple of tournaments though iirc, it just smacks of being a jumped up prick who just happens to be a PR genius, helped by apparently being extremely handsome and utterly charming in a very bland way. I do think he was the ultimate triumph of style over substance. Theres nothing David Beckham could do on a football pitch that Nobby Solano couldnt, they were both very good players and that is what really counts at the end of the day but some people view Beckham (even more when he was England captain) as some fuckin latterday saint. I dont get it.
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