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Everything posted by MrBass

  1. Setting up phpBB is a breeze so as long as you have the ability to follow instructions then you'll have no problems. With regards to cost, phpBB is opensource software released under the GNU. The only thing they ask is that you don't remove the copyright in the page footer. You'll also need to setup a database (obviously) but I'm guessing that if it's on a company intranet you've probably got easy access to either MS SQL, MySQL or Oracle... or even worse case, MS Access. Sounds like a fun job though, if mine was so entertaining I'd probably spend my day doing that rather than messing about on my personal site!
  2. Stunned and parading our arses in Fenwicks window.
  3. 1. Go out for a meal. Rarely, 3 times a year 2. Grab a take away. Fortnightly 3. Get Drunk. Rarely, actually... more like never any more 4. Exercise. Weightlifting 4 times a week 5. Eye up a member of the opposite sex. Hourly 6. Take a holiday. Used to be yearly, last two years have been never 7. Buy a newspaper. Rarely 8. Go overdrawn in your bank account. Too often 9. Beep your horn. Daily - they're all against me I tell you! 10. Swear Couple of times a day, usually connected with no. 9
  4. Can't see why they want him to be honest. They've got more midfielders than us... and that's saying something!
  5. A pathetic £6mil I believe.
  6. I certainly won't be jumping on that bandwaggon this time, mainly because of this particular quote: Now if he'd come out and said exactly how much we'd bid etc... etc... like the whole Rooney episode then I'd probably agree that it's a PR stunt, but he appears to be keeping his cards a little closer to his chest this time round. Still won't get him though!
  7. If you want to quote, you click on the Reply button BELOW the one you want to quote. Otherwise just click on AddReply or FastReply at the bottom. I have no idea what the Quote button is for. 8690[/snapback] So you can do this.
  8. Check the Highway Code, pedestrians have the right of way. Therefore she was in the right and you were in the wrong. Morning by the way 8664[/snapback] How the feck can pedestrians have the right of way on the bloody road?!?!? There are zebra crossing in Milton Keynes that clearly have "PEDESTRIANS DO NOT HAVE RIGHT OF WAY" plastered above them. So if they don't have right of way on zebra crossings then surely they can't have right of way on normal bits of roads. Have to say I'm with wykikitoon on this one. It boils my piss when I'm driving down the road and there's some tosser up in front crossing over, they look at me coming towards them and continue to amble across slowly staring at me as if they fucking own the place. One of these fucking days I'm just going to get out and chin them... I mean, how hard can an elderly woman be!
  9. Going out tomorrow so I'm spending tonight fart arsing around modifying my website like a sad nerd. Sweetleftpeg will be glued to Channel 4 for the next 30mins I bet as a certain Ms Garraway is on 8 out of 10 cats.
  10. Speaking of Techno, I started my prestigious DJ career with Happy Hardcore (Dougal, Vibes, Seduction et al) which now, I understand, has been pretty much replaced by Techno. Which gives me another one to add to my list. Being a D... um... turn-tableist! 7934[/snapback] Techno was around a long time before Happy Hardcore. As for Happy Hardcore being replaced by Techno, I don't think anyone has told the charvas yet. 7939[/snapback] Perhaps replaced was the wrong word to use. They're becoming much more similar. The cheesy vocals in happy hardcore seem to be disappearing and the basslines are getting alot harder. You can't beat old school happy hardcore though. Orca - 4am, pure class. 7947[/snapback] Wouldn't that just be hardcore/techno rather than happy hardcore then? 7950[/snapback] Well if you want to put a specific label on it. Smart arse!
  11. Yep, you're not wrong there! When I used to regularly DJ at the local pub, I had one twat come up to me one night and ask if I was going to play anything decent tonight, so naturally I replied with "no, I intend to play crap all night thanks".
  12. Speaking of Techno, I started my prestigious DJ career with Happy Hardcore (Dougal, Vibes, Seduction et al) which now, I understand, has been pretty much replaced by Techno. Which gives me another one to add to my list. Being a D... um... turn-tableist! 7934[/snapback] Techno was around a long time before Happy Hardcore. As for Happy Hardcore being replaced by Techno, I don't think anyone has told the charvas yet. 7939[/snapback] Perhaps replaced was the wrong word to use. They're becoming much more similar. The cheesy vocals in happy hardcore seem to be disappearing and the basslines are getting alot harder. You can't beat old school happy hardcore though. Orca - 4am, pure class.
  13. Speaking of Techno, I started my prestigious DJ career with Happy Hardcore (Dougal, Vibes, Seduction et al) which now, I understand, has been pretty much replaced by Techno. Which gives me another one to add to my list. Being a D... um... turn-tableist!
  14. Supporting Newcastle. Owning black ash furniture many years ago. Trading my Mk2 MR2 in for an MG ZR Being so darn sexy. ... oh and either quoting or posting directly after Shearergol. I'm not stalking you honest!
  15. I vaguelly remember, from the good old days when I could actually afford to go to Disney World, that brand named jeans and tops are only slightly cheaper (depending on how well the pound is doing against the dollar obviously). Trainers however and pretty cheap if you go to one of the outlet stores. Reebok were usually doing a silly deal where you buy one pair (which in itself is cheaper than over here) and you get another pair half price. Bargain!
  16. Don't MacDonalds provide uniforms?
  17. My incredible guessing powers spring into action again and *BOOM* http://www.hasbro.co.uk/
  18. On the extreme rare occasion that I have biccies AND a cup o tea, I do dunk them. Rich Tea's, normal digestives, malted milk and nice are best for dunkin I reckon, chocolate ones just melt, custard creams, bourbons and the like just taste soggy, fig rolls and garibaldi's... um... never tried. Dayum, now I want some biccies!
  19. Bling HDTV WiFi Bluetooth BluRay disks XBox England 5, Germany 1 Froogle Petes-Place.info
  20. I thought ManUre made it public knowledge that they didn't want Owen... or did I dream that up?
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