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Everything posted by MrBass

  1. Silly question, but how can there be numbers in the CS column that aren't divisible by 3?
  2. Nah I'll pass thanks, prefer men with much bigger arms
  3. Surely it's been locked by mistake? Edit: Obviously not! Perhaps splitting it and putting the newer stuff under a different thread would have been a better option sir yes sir!
  4. I wouldn't say J20 has a bee in his bonnet he just didn't believe Salty was genuine, which is fair point given his chosen avatar tbf. On a different matter, I thought J69's avatar change was comic genius... Alex's too. Didn't even realise Alex's! Neither of them hold a candle to mine though.
  5. If that's you in your avatar (here we go again ) there's no way you way more than 15 stone, unless you have legs like tree stumps.
  6. I wouldn't say J20 has a bee in his bonnet he just didn't believe Salty was genuine, which is fair point given his chosen avatar tbf. On a different matter, I thought J69's avatar change was comic genius... Alex's too.
  7. Blackburn 0 Arsenal 2 Aston Villa 2 Newcastle 0 Bolton 3 Norwich 1 Everton 2 Wigan 1 Swansea 0 West Brom 2 Wolverhampton 0 QPR 1 Tottenham 0 Liverpool 2 Fulham 0 Man City 2 Sunderland 0 Stoke 0 Man Utd 1 Chelsea 1
  8. This. F*cking hell man, it's a preview aimed at a small number of people who we considered for UAT testing. Eventually the upgrade will go live so you'll all get to see it! Getting precious because you think you're missing out on something others are getting in this instance is ridiculous User acceptance testing testing? Wow, you guys are thorough!
  9. Aye, me too. Won't be able to update the original post mind.
  10. Really not that amusing to non IT people Don't tarnish us all with the same brush.
  11. C'mon Stevie, get the table updated man!
  12. How Carla's not made the brunette's worth a tug list is beyond me!
  13. Stop posting so much man, I'm getting a stiffy looking at your pic you sexy beast
  14. First Newcastle game I ever saw live.
  15. Arsenal 3 Swansea 0 Everton 1 Aston Villa 2 Man City 3 Wigan 0 Stoke 0 Liverpool 3 Sunderland 0 Chelsea 1 Wolverhampton 0 Tottenham 2 Bolton 0 Man Utd 2 Norwich 1 West Brom 2 Fulham 0 Blackburn 0 QPR 1 Newcastle 1
  16. Donated. Not sure how up-to-date the progress page is but it's currently showing £20,427.
  17. Thanks for explaining how auctions work, they've always baffled me! Your suggestion is only fine btw if there's lots of people interested. To get the item listed for free you need to set the starting bid at 99 pence and have a "no frills" listing. If only one person bids then Ajax_Andy has to give a £125 photo session for 99p (less eBays final valuation fee), which is a complete waste of his time and money. Of course, as you've suggested it and are clearly an expert in all things eBay, I'm sure you'd help him out and up the bid should there be no takers.
  18. Ahh ok I see what you mean, do it as a one off? I'll have a think about it, my wife is a marketing and PR manager so i'll run it past here and see what she thinks. The bottom line is all you have to lose is an hour or so of your time. True but it depends on how many people use Ebay to look for photographers... if not many its not going to lead to a bidding war, and then the shoot + a couple of hours of editing time + my travel costs would all be taken out of the 99p i'd get for doing it (minus ebay fees), so it might not really be worth it. It's a good suggestion though and one I need to look in to I think in a bit more detail Wait until they have a free listing weekend and set the starting bid at £50. You could also put your website in your signature on here, as that'll help with getting it in Google search results.
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