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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Mainoo having a stinker. Well. So are most of them. They're lucky some of the decision making by Palace has been shite
  2. How can Anderson complain at that 😂
  3. Mainoo fucking up there. Not a fucking word of criticism. Good job olise decision making is wank.
  4. It's Bank Holiday. He will have been eating all day.
  5. Mason mount 😂😂
  6. Is the palace manager wearing sleeve bands like he's on wall street 😂
  7. Looked like a foul throw but fuck it.
  8. Good for us. He's been their best CB for weeks now.
  9. Just been sent this. Size difference between BDB and AG10 is enormous
  10. I said exactly the same yesterday. Maybe he doesn't care lol
  11. For him to do that after what happened. Fuck me. She was great too who played Martha.
  12. The wife's a member of our local area group on FB. it was set up and run by the local Tory councillor. They have a policy where of no politics to try and keep it amicable. People go on to ask for the usual shite, plumber etc but also to say x road is blocked and ask advice off the councillor on reporting stuff. Anyways, as expecting the local Tory kept in and to be fair they do a good job. They're visible around the area and very helpful. Maybe I should just say they do their job rather than good 😂 So last night on the group the councillor just posted a thank you for the votes and how he will keep working to get issues resolved etc. Below it was streams of arse rimming comments including several saying how Leeds voters have once again made a mistake of voting in a Labour Mayor and that once again it was make hard work for the councillor. They're duped aren't they? They believe the fucking propoganda by these cunts. I wanted the wife to post that LCC has had almost £4bn cut from its budget since the Tories took over. How the fuck can any major city in the UK cope with shit like that? Leeds NHS is a fucking monster. It's one of the largest teaching hospitals in Europe. I'm proud of that fact. I'm proud I've got friends and family who work there. I'm proud of worked on several huge progects there myself. But it's not labour that's fucked it up and now it's crumbling over the last 14 years.
  13. Salah scored. Commentator covered in spunk
  14. The city one I thought the game had stopped due to the head injury. Then I saw haaland with the ball and realised they had given a pen too.
  15. How to motivate people. Brailsford will have had a hand in this too. From what I've heard about him he's an utter cunt too.
  16. If only there was a mental health specialist on the board that could help people understand why
  17. Just watched a great documentary on the Pet Shop Boys on BBC 3.
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