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Everything posted by duo

  1. Inter Milan Forum Almost sounds too good to be true. I am not quite as excited as when we signed Ben Arfa - but it's becoming a close second.
  2. Would be a ridiculous idea... Agreed, Don't get all the Best haters - guy always gives 110% and gets goals to boot. Get off his back and instead get behind him.
  3. Jonas is missing having Enrique on the flank with him.
  4. Seems to have won quite a bit already: Honours Champions League : 2010 (Internazionale); Coppa Italia : 2010, 2011 (Internazionale); FIFA Club World Cup : 2011 (Internazionale); Serie A : 2009, 2010 (Internazionale); Super Coppa : 2008, 2010 (Internazionale) So will be nice to have someone with a willing mentality on board. He's got a bit of height as well - 6'1" and from the clips I've watched seems happy playing on either flank. Without doubt this will be sold as a stepping stone for him.
  5. Lets hope he's not another Pistone. He came on a big reputation.
  6. Apart from yellow cards.
  7. Disagree. Joey was a first team regular and as such had worth, so the owner has lost an asset for nothing. IMO it was all a game of brinkmanship which the owner has lost.
  8. I totally agree Yes Joey wanted a contract and yes the club didn't want to give him one. But Joey is a smart lad and he must have knew what he was doing on twitter. There is only one winner in all this and it's not us and it's not the owners.
  9. Really disappointed he's gone. Don't care how much he says he wanted to stay, if he really wanted to he would have. 2007 he signed and yet we only got one good season out of him. You'd think he'd have show some loyalty to the club with all that went on, regardless of who the owners were because at the end of the day it's us the fans who paid his wages. He owed us another season. I actually got taken in with how much he claimed to love the club but to leave for a club such as QPR just goes to show it's all about the benjamins.
  10. That's class.....lol......
  11. Really lucky he didn't break his leg.
  12. How luckly are Liverpool....
  13. Think they need to sell players before they can bring anyone in. Squad is full. As for the Emirates - loads of empty seats.
  14. Well pleased with that result. Got say S Taylor has looked good last two games. We desperately need a striker or two - seriously lacking firepower.
  15. He did some good tracking back yesterday. Attacking wise I did think he missed Enrique to play it off.
  16. Dunno why they got rid the clocks in the corner...
  17. We were utter rubbish today.......worst performance I've seen in a while. Only players who can hold their heads up high are S Taylor & Collo. Never been the greatest fan of S Taylor but I thought he had a decent game today. V.disappointed with Cabaye, if he's meant to be our creative force then we're in trouble. Plays far too deep, reminded me of Guthrie. Obertan looked ok when he first came on but then soon fizzled out. Worst performance I've seen of Tiote. As for Ba......Ba is the right word. He's like a slow version of Shola. Don't remember a single shot on target. Money needs to be spent and on some quality !!
  18. Wenger will be pulling a rabbit out of the hat if this comes off... http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport...amir-Nasri.html
  19. Think the site is down - I can't log in either.
  20. Know nothing of this lad all I can say is with left backs so thin on the ground why has no one else gone for him? That said I'll take anyone over what we've got at the min.
  21. duo


    Worst Billionaire ever !!! My highlight of every match is the Coloccini, will be gutted if he goes. In all serious though why make him captain only to then sell him? You couldn't make this up. Wonder what the odds are shola being captain?
  22. It all boils down to what it is he wishes for the club. If he wishes to try and claw the money back he lost when he bought the club then make a quick exit then he's doing a cracking job. If however, he wishes to increase the profile of the club, increase the fan base and in turn increase the value of his asset then he's doing terrible. It's a simple rule of business - You've got to speculate to accumulate. I think we all agreed £35Mill for any Carroll if spent wisely could have helped push this club foward. Even after he'd gone we still had the nucleus of a decent side, with a bit of grit. Sadly as the summer has gone on, players and fans a like have realised that money will never see the light of day. They can do all the smoke signals they like but the fact of the matter is none of it has been spent on players. As such, this has brought unrest in the club so much so the board are trying deperately to keep a lid on it. With each passing day, all the hope, and optimism we had for the coming season is being erroded away yet again.
  23. He would be brilliant for Arsenal imo. Give their team a back bone. Something with both Nolan and Barton gone - we now lack.
  24. Was just listening to his Agent on Talksport and he seemed to imply that Joey was after a four year contract on around half his current wages. What's he on now? 65k? It beggars belief they'd let one of the best midfielders in the league last year leave on a free.
  25. Did a load move to the South East corner? Sat there all last season, plenty of tickets throughout the year. Now it's full.
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