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Open letter to Derek Llambias


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Dear Sir


The Trust feels it has a duty to respond on behalf of its members and supporters in general to your notes in the matchday programme against Swansea on Saturday.


Your comments have certainly re-ignited issues which we would have thought you would best want forgotten. Whether it be the forlorn hope you have of re-naming St James’ Park or questioning the fans passion by urging them ‘to get behind the team’, you have re-opened your running sore.


You have asked the fans to trust you, but we are afraid that commodity is in very short supply and to have trust you should also have credibility. If the Kevin Keegan Tribunal taught us anything, it was to treat what comes out of our club with scepticism given the damning indictment on the club’s position and key individuals within the club who still remain.


But let’s take you at face value – you try once again to make the case for a ‘commercial deal’ on naming rights of St James’ Park. We are afraid your condescending lesson on the realities of commercialism of football are lost when you fail to fulfil the two main attributes of a ‘marketable product’. One – you have damaged the brand – two – you have failed to listen to your customers once again. 23,000 signed a petition to say ‘you had gone too far’. That is not marketable, it is what’s called a ‘toxic product’. Your ideas on sponsorship have been openly ridiculed by marketing specialists because you are selling a product which you have damaged. Speculation has said you could possibly make three times the figure floated at the start of the season in sponsorship rights if the club was ‘detoxified’. I’m sure you know what that means.


Your comments about backing the team are truly amazing. Have you been at the games this season when fans have rose above some pretty petty tactics employed by the club under your guidance as Chief Executive and backed the team to the hilt? They have a right to voice their anger at the way the club has been run but that has been directed at the hierarchy not the team. In fact, the team has consistently praised the fans support this season. You seem to be the only one questioning that commitment and once again resorting to petty tactics to get your rather garbled message across.


That has been the problem throughout the ‘troubles’, you have failed to communicate effectively, chosen to follow an ill-advised path and have reaped the whirlwind.


Now you want to rub supporters noses in it further by insisting ‘we don’t understand commercial realities’ and that tradition is not a marketing tool in itself. Maybe if you concentrated on getting things right at the club now instead of planning further disasters then we would take your notes seriously. Maybe if you mentioned how you have ran corporate section into the ground, how it is consistently only a third full, how many sponsors now seem to be simply Sports Direct and not ‘proper sponsors’, then we may take your commercial sermons from the mount more seriously.


You have a lot to learn about football, Derek but we’re not sure you have the capacity to take lessons on board. We don’t mean this disrespectfully as you probably ran your casino properly. One thing we glean from this episode and your notes in the programme is you don’t want to learn about this city and this club and that you will continue to make mistakes.


It’s a shame because sensible fans (the majority) don’t think Mr Ashley went into this to make such series of blunders. They probably think on balance he has been very badly advised by the people around him. If that means you too we are afraid that old saying sums it up perfectly – if the cap fits.

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DEREK Llambias has appealed for supporters to forget their distrust of the Mike Ashley regime and get behind the push to regain their Premier League status, writes MARK DOUGLAS.


Writing his programme column for the first time this season, the Newcastle United managing director sought to justify the club’s decision to sell naming rights to St James’ Park, praised the salvage job Chris Hughton has begun and also said Ashley’s commitment to the club remains “unwavering”.


“As you know, Mike made it clear after the end of last season that he was trying to sell the club and although there were a number of interested parties, none of them were able to match the £100million asking price,” he wrote.


“As a result, Mike decided that the best course of action, one that would put the welfare of the club at the top of the agenda, would be to remove the club from the market and concentrate solely on the aim that everyone connected with the club passionately desires – promotion straight back to the Premier League.


“His commitment is unwavering and the additional large sums of money he has recently pumped into the club amply demonstrate that.


“I would urge all supporters of this truly great football club to come together, get behind the team and, whatever grievances you may or may not have, put them to one side for the benefit of seeing Newcastle United regain their position in the elite of English football.


On the controversial subject of the naming rights, Llambias did not repeat the stadium’s new ‘name’ but said that bringing in a new sponsor made economic sense. “I would like to take this opportunity to explain our thoughts on this in order to appreciate and understand that it makes undoubted economic sense for the club,” he said.


“To allay fears regarding the name of the ground, we will never lose the St James’ name.”


Source: http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcas...72703-25276607/


I can't speak for everyone else but my fears aren't allayed. It's not about keeping the St James' name it's about making sure he adds fuck all to it!


He's a fucking arrogant cock-end and his continued, bigotted approach just shows quite how far that arrogance goes.


Cracking letter Pud :razz:

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What fucks me off further is how he goes on about how we should see this as 'undoubted economic sense' and that the 'value of the club has halfed'....


Seriously, who's fucking fault does he think that is?

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Think .com had them up the other day.


It's still on there and they make some valid points:


Del Boy has a word



Saturday saw club MD Derek Llambias pen a rare column in the match programme, in which he again attempted to defuse the furore over stadium renaming and reiterate his "everything's great" message:


"I'd like to start by congratulating Chris Hughton, his staff and of course the team for the outstanding job they have done this season.


"After the bitter disappointment of relegation at the end of the last campaign, Chris has succeeded in pulling everyone together and has put us at the top of the Championship, well placed to continue our push for promotion during the remainder of the season. The confirmation of his status as permanent manager of the Club was thoroughly deserved.


"You will of course be fully aware of the plans to sell the naming rights of the stadium and I would like to take this opportunity to explain our thoughts on this in order to appreciate and understand that it makes undoubted economic sense for the club.


"Firstly, to allay fears regarding the name of the ground, we will never lose the St.James' name. That is part of our history and heritage, a name that is known throughout world football.


"What we are doing, and Chelsea are following suit as I'm sure a number of other major clubs will do too, is bringing in more money to the Club which will go entirely towards the strengthening of the team - and that must surely be of benefit to everyone who supports Newcastle United.


(no mention there of the Sports Direct renaming for the rest of the current season that Llambias confirmed in his Radio Newcastle interview of November 4th 2009)


"On Sky Sports recently, you may have heard local businessman and recent prospective buyer Barry Moat, endorsing the idea that naming rights need to be explored by saying 'if it gets the right players on the pitch and gives you the right entertainment on a Saturday, then where do I sign?'


"He understands that football is big business these days and I'd like to thank Barry for all his support.

(Why thank a failed bidder? What relevance are his views to anyone? and why is it so important to name check the TV station who carried the meaningless soundbites?)


"As you know, Mike made it clear after the end of last season that he was trying to sell the club and although there were a number of interested parties, none of them were able to match the £100million asking price.


(That statement is in direct conflict with quotes attributed to Llambais in the Evening Chronicle on 6th July 2009, of "more than two bids at £100m")


"As a result, Mike decided that the best course of action, one that would put the welfare of the club at the top of the agenda, would be to remove the club from the market and concentrate solely on the aim that everyone connected with the club passionately desires - promotion straight back to the Premier League.


"His commitment is unwavering and the additional large sums of money he has recently pumped into the club amply demonstrate that.


"I would urge all supporters of this truly great football club to come together, get behind the team and, whatever grievances you may or may not have, put them to one side for the benefit of seeing Newcastle United regain their position in the elite of English football.


"When this stadium is packed and in full voice, there is nowhere quite like it, and if we can stay positive and get right behind Chris and the players, then hopefully we can stay at the top of the Championship and win promotion at the first attempt.


"Mike and myself are here to do our absolute best for Newcastle United and with you on board, we fervently believe we can deliver a successful football club for you to take pride and joy in."

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(Why thank a failed bidder? What relevance are his views to anyone? and why is it so important to name check the TV station who carried the meaningless soundbites?)


if you pull down David Craigs pants he's got "I love Mr Ashley" tattooed on his left bum cheek. Think about it, why else did he turn down Playgirls offer of centre spread?



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"You will of course be fully aware of the plans to sell the naming rights of the stadium and I would like to take this opportunity to explain our thoughts on this in order to appreciate and understand that it makes undoubted economic sense for the club.


"Firstly, to allay fears regarding the name of the ground, we will never lose the St.James' name. That is part of our history and heritage, a name that is known throughout world football.


"What we are doing, and Chelsea are following suit as I'm sure a number of other major clubs will do too, is bringing in more money to the Club which will go entirely towards the strengthening of the team - and that must surely be of benefit to everyone who supports Newcastle United.


"On Sky Sports recently, you may have heard local businessman and recent prospective buyer Barry Moat, endorsing the idea that naming rights need to be explored by saying 'if it gets the right players on the pitch and gives you the right entertainment on a Saturday, then where do I sign?' He understands that football is big business these days and I'd like to thank Barry for all his support."


I'm glad Derek took the time to explain that to us all. His big business brain is clearly working on another level to ours. We all presumed he was just doing it to wind up the fans, but it seems we couldn't grasp the real reason...he's doing it for money.


Now that the complicated economics have been explained to me I feel quite the fool for having missed it. In fact it gave me another idea. Why doesn't Mike Ashley promise to wear a hat with "cunt" written on it at the next game if the fans can raise £200,000?


If every one of us who was at the game on Saturday had chipped in a fiver each, he could have been in the papers wearing that hat the very next day.


To allay fears regarding the name of the owner, we will never lose the Mike Ashley name. That is part of his twattery and incompetence, a name that is known throughout world football and associated with abject failure.


What we'd be doing is bringing more money to the Club which could go nowhere near the strengthening of the team - but would cover some of Mike's losses and that would surely be of benefit to everyone who supports Newcastle United because he'll then be able to leave sooner.


"As you know, Mike made it clear after the end of last season that he was trying to sell the club and although there were a number of interested parties, none of them were able to match the £100million asking price."

Contradicts what Derek himself said in July "There have been more than two bids at £100m,"



"As a result, Mike decided that the best course of action, one that would put the welfare of the club at the top of the agenda, would be to remove the club from the market and concentrate solely on the aim that everyone connected with the club passionately desires - promotion straight back to the Premier League."


The club was taken off the market on October 28th, only days after Mike insulted every one of his 'customers' with the false claim that "I spend more than every other fan put together puts into the club each year." If Mike has the best interests of the club at heart, he really should stop slagging off it's main source of income.....and start making that "cunt" hat.


"His commitment is unwavering and the additional large sums of money he has recently pumped into the club amply demonstrate that."


Which large sums of money? Was there a fee involved with Marlon harewood i didn't hear about? Was the £25m of transfer income earned over the summer handed to an agent to ensure the best talent once we're promoted, like magic beans on the never never?



"I would urge all supporters of this truly great football club to come together, get behind the team"


42,000 fans did exactly that on Saturday, and have done all season. There's no need whatsoever to urge it.


"Whatever grievances you may or may not have, put them to one side for the benefit of seeing Newcastle United regain their position in the elite of English football."


"When this stadium is packed and in full voice, there is nowhere quite like it, and if we can stay positive and get right behind Chris [Hughton] and the players, then hopefully we can stay at the top of the Championship and win promotion at the first attempt."


"Mike and myself are here to do our absolute best for Newcastle United and with you on board, we fervently believe we can deliver a successful football club for you to take pride and joy in."


Why would we need to put grievances to one side? We support the team fantastically, they're playing well, we're 8 points clear of the play offs, we take pride in our performance on the stands and the players take pride in their performance on the pitch. The players hate Mike Ashley as much as the fans do and would join in with "fat cockney bastard" if they weren't concentrating on the game.



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Id pay a fiver for MA to wear a "cunt" hat on a match day. Maybe we should put that to him via the press. Im sure it would make more revenue than selling the naming rights to the club.

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Why doesn't Mike Ashley promise to wear a hat with "cunt" written on it at the next game if the fans can raise £200,000?


If every one of us who was at the game on Saturday had chipped in a fiver each, he could have been in the papers wearing that hat the very next day.



UV over on N-O kindly mocked up the hat...




..and one for Moat too...



Edited by Happy Face
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Why doesn't Mike Ashley promise to wear a hat with "cunt" written on it at the next game if the fans can raise £200,000?


If every one of us who was at the game on Saturday had chipped in a fiver each, he could have been in the papers wearing that hat the very next day.



UV over on N-O kindly mocked up the hat...




..and one for Moat too...




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"What we are doing, and Chelsea are following suit as I'm sure a number of other major clubs will do too, is bringing in more money to the Club which will go entirely towards the strengthening of the team - and that must surely be of benefit to everyone who supports Newcastle United.


(no mention there of the Sports Direct renaming for the rest of the current season that Llambias confirmed in his Radio Newcastle interview of November 4th 2009)


I'm no financial wizard, but if I write myself a check for $200 and go cash it, I don't actually make $200.



Edited by Cid_MCDP
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