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3 minutes ago, Meenzer said:

I guess it's one of those things that takes a while to turn around, so you're seeing the delayed impact of what happened after 1997, a bit like Trump being able to take credit for the economic upturn that's down to the foundations laid by Obama.


I could, of course, be talking out of my arse. :lol:


Corbyn has  literally promised to house all rough sleepers within a week of victory hasn't he? Including using Chequers, because a mansion in the depths of Norfolk is definitely a feasible solution. 


Anecdotally homelessness is much worse than I've ever seen it. Always been a n issue in London and some other cities, but now Newcastle is a mess. The coast too. 

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Just now, Gemmill said:


This was my interpretation too. So I'm guessing we're both right. 


Not sure.


8 years is a long time even for a time delay. It would explain the 2008-2010 thing maybe, but the 8 years under New Labour, no way. The suddenness with which it turns down as well, strongly suggests that either a new definition was introduced as Renton says, or that they introduced a policy that quickly and effectively started resolving the issue. If it was a slow burner kind, I don't think it would start dropping so suddenly.


I reckon no one in Labour was paying any attention to it until around 2005 when they realised it was soaring, maybe following some new research, and then they tried to knock it on the head.


If it's a time delay issue spanning nearly a decade, the Tories could simply turn around and say that the effects of the financial crisis are still being felt and that's what is pushing the numbers up now.

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Just now, Renton said:



Anecdotally homelessness is much worse than I've ever seen it. Always been a n issue in London and some other cities, but now Newcastle is a mess. The coast too. 


Same view - it's actually very noticeable, how much worse it has become.

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Got the metro to Whitley the other day and there were people sleeping on the metro bridge in the station. And I started working in the middle of town almost exactly a year ago. Wander around every lunchtime and the number of people sleeping rough is DEFINITELY up noticeably on last year. 

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BBC trying to defend itself.

I don’t necessarily subscribe to the view that if we get complaints from both sides, we are doing something right – though we do receive roughly equal volumes of audience feedback suggesting we favour opposite sides of the political spectrum.

And to those who have suggested we are somehow cowed or unconfident, let me assure you – we are not.


Will believe that last statement when we see it.


EDIT - also, what the fuck is the one before it. "I don't necessarily believe this but y'know, if you wanted to justify our bullshit and had no critical thinking skills, you could do so like this..."


Fuck off.


Edited by Rayvin
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11 hours ago, Gemmill said:


Fair play to Ryvita-Heed. 


This shouldn't be the last time he does it though. They should just empty chair him next week and do more of it. 


Oof. Was that broadcast? 

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You can empty chair someone in a panel setting but to do it in a one on one interview wouldn't make great TV. It would of course make a point but as Neil said, Johnson is under no obligation to appear.

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class that by neil last night.

sadly though would've been missed by the profoundly stupid who are about to put their cross next to a tory mp's name for the first time.

doubtless though these same people would've tuned in too see johnson being interviewed by a couple of fellow halfwits, one of who is famous for being a mate of gordon the fucking gopher and the other a stupid tart who may or may not have tongued baby spice.

the country is fucked.

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Johnson confirms he isn't doing Andew Neil interview. 

Senior Con source: “The public are fed up with interviews that are all about the interviewer and endless interruptions. The format is tired and broken and needs to change if it is to start engaging and informing the public again.”


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