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  1. Past hour
  2. Evening custard tits. I’ve no idea what any of the above means
  3. He’s been over indulged by a complicit media in the same way Johnson was
  4. "Neyal goes to sto-ak and Potter prefers Leicester? What the fuck is going on, eya, like?"
  5. Carol Vorderman. https://twitter.com/carolvorders/status/1780565996853506523?s=46&t=w4r-LqU0SUcmGlTte5DwxQ I’ll have two large ones from the top, and a couple of small ones from below please Carol. Giddup!
  6. Doubt it’s a real account but that doesn’t make ‘her’ profile any less funny:
  7. Allergic reaction to his daughter’s snatch.
  8. What the fuck. Has he been stung by a giant wasp or something.
  9. How has this wide-mouthed, racist, facist cunt, who’s never been elected, had such an influence on this country’s politics for the last 10 years. I’d happily do the time for offing the cunt, instead of giving him a milkshake shower.
  10. You can absolutely rule out any legal action. He’s so full of shit
  11. Farage comes out today and says Reform engaged a professional vetting service to check all of their candidates backgrounds. He's said this firm hasn't flagged any issues and he may consider suing them. Turns out this firm is very clear on its website that they don't carry out vetting on your behalf, they give you access to their system and you have to do the work yourself. And these cunts expect us to believe they can run a country.
  12. Today
  13. He would certainly leave Real for us
  14. Well, that was an Alf Tupper finish to the game.
  15. He’d be as successful at that as he has been as getting elected as an MP.
  16. Daughters and Pram Staffies lock themselves in the shed before Dad Marra hears this. Ready To Groom meltdown incoming
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