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Welsh Magpie

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Everything posted by Welsh Magpie

  1. from twitter i heard they were going to the hospital to give presents to ill kids but i never expected to see photos of all the players on my step sisters profile handing presents to my niece in the rvi. very nice and was just a little jealous
  2. Boy: "Do you want to play the fire engine game?" Girl: "How do you play that?" Boy: "My fingers are the fire engine and I drive up your legs. You say 'red light!' when you want me to stop." Girl: "Okay, lets play." After a few seconds... Girl: "Red Light!" Boy: "Fire engines don't stop for red lights."
  3. I'm so ashamed. I got seen eating a bogey in work today and now everyone thinks I'm disgusting. I couldn't help it.... There it was on the wall by the urinal just begging to be eaten
  4. only in america you have an iflatable roof wtf!
  5. twitter @RobbieSavage8 Daily star I'm going to be player manager for Blackburn put that in your paper !! i hate the bloke but he did make me laugh at that because the paper take what he says on twitter and print it.
  6. It's a fucking knocking bet he'll join Souness on SKY to talk about their favourite subject.......us. dont say that it will come true and then i will die a slow and painful death!
  7. fuck it im cracking open some cans i hope i dont see his great canyon face again anywhere near a PL club \o/
  8. Josenufc3 Wayne kit hahahahahahahaha http://yfrog.com/h33jyqj the guy is legend i burst out laughing when i saw this as wayne posted it earlier hahaha
  9. one fat cunt gone if only we could just get rid of ours! good riddance to the boring prick!
  10. seeing what the guys from the club we all love think on a daily basis and the funny pics makes me like the players even more as we dont normally get an insight into what they are doing or thinking on a daily basis.
  11. 1-3 going to be very optimistic and say ranger to come on and score
  12. I remember at school when I asked a girl to draw around my cock as a joke onto a piece of paper. She agreed and I flopped it out she asked, "Have you got a felt tip?" I said,"No, that's just a piece of fluff."
  13. It's not even a different page numbnuts. actually didnt see the same post of it haha must get our jokes from the same place
  14. after interview song scissor sisters "dont feel like dancing" i'll dance on lambias mikes and alans head!!
  15. "i have a lot of experiance" yeah lots of it being fucking shit go die you brick faced cunt!!
  16. When Muslim parents have to use the, "Open wide, here comes the air-plane!" technique, do they just smash it in their face and make explosive noises?
  17. nice looking stadiums for qatar then i clicked on the russian ones jesus christ some of them look aweful just like the country itself i suppose!
  18. "if" that was him, he's definitely using @elgalgojonas now. could be but pointless following him unless you speak argentinian edit, just noticed he does do a bit of english oops spanish i meant knew it didnt look right
  19. "if" that was him, he's definitely using @elgalgojonas now. could be but pointless following him unless you speak argentinian edit, just noticed he does do a bit of english
  20. @JonasGutierrez thats him not said anything in months im getting used to this twitter shit
  21. thanks guys will get searching for some players
  22. anyone got anymore team players twitter accounts im new to it and not got a clue what im doing and cant tell who is real on it
  23. last couple of days watched clash of the titans which i really enjoyed but cant beat the original. i have also watch robin hood and thought it was brilliant do you think there will be another one in the making? seems to end with the prospect of a second one.
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