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Everything posted by ajax_andy

  1. Berfore you waste money on a sparky, have you checked the fuse behind the kitchen ring switch in the circuit box. Each switch in the main board box usually has a fat little fuse behind it and these can quite often blow. Usually about £1 from your local diy shop. I haven't but all the lights for downstairs are on the same curcuit breaker... wouldn't they all be off if it was a blown fuse? Sorry if thats a stupid question but I know nothing about electrics
  2. On Saturday night the missus put the kitchen lights on and the whole house was plunged in to darkness... she flicked the switch on the circuit breaker back on and everything came back on fine... except the kitchen lights which are competely dead. Can anyone recommend a good and honest electrician?
  3. 3000 on ebay starting from 99p quite a few even local so you can call and collect.....Dont mention grandad. nice one! I'll check it out
  4. Ahh I never thought of a camping shop! Good suggestion I'll head to one of them if I can't find one cheap anywhere else
  5. Need a walking stick for a haloween costume but the charity shops didn't have any... Any ideas where I could buy one from?
  6. Haha never a truer word spoken!
  7. Haha no I havent, and no i'm not setting up a video camera in the hope catching Aliens abducting me... I think i'll stick with the sleep paralysis theory regardless of whether its right or not lol! Although i'll confess to investigating alien abductions in the past to see if anything tied in... luckily it didnt so I think i'm ok on that score
  8. Haha erm I think the shear terror or the situation would rule out my manhood being anything other than flacid and hastily retreating as far as it can back in to my body lol!
  9. I can handle the paralysis part, its the fucked up noises and visions that make me crap my pants! There's no way of knowing its not real some of the time
  10. What the fuck?!! That was a doctors advice? Are you being serious? Wouldn't surprise me tbh... i once had a doctor refuse to treat me for serious sleep related problems because I wasnt considering suicide. So his advice was basically to try and kill myself and then they'd help me if I was unsucessful?!
  11. The whispering was probably your neighbour with the clock radio on too loud. I would flick some dog shit over the fence at their washing to show them you won't be trifled with. The bastards. Haha nah there's no-one living next door at the moment since they were all brutaly murdered, no-one's been convicted yet but they had reported lots of paranormal activity in the past. I'm joking of course they moved out and havent manage to sell the house... I dont think it was anything to do with paranormal activity (prays and hopes)
  12. Here's some pics I took of my mates baby... was good fun to try out something i'd never done before. Obviously its a learning curve with any new subject material so take in to account this was my 1st attempt. Feedback appreciated as always
  13. Strange I started this thread the other day as had a rather spooky and new version of this last night! I woke up and was lying on my back which was strange as never sleep on my back... anyway suddenly I hear this whispering... can't work out what its saying but it sounds very "evil" and spooky. Anyway I try to not panic and rationalise it in my mind... I decide it must be the sound of the wife breathing and so try to focus on it to confirm that it is. So i'm listening and it still sounds like freaky whispering to me when suddenly... a shadow moves over my vision... starts off from the far right of my vision and drifts over to the left and then passes out of my field of vision. Was fuckin terrifying!!! Luckily I suddenly got a really almost painfully loud tinitus in my ears which didnt tie in with the whispering and ghostly shadow moving over me... I twigged it was sleep paralysis, tried to relax and just wiggle my fingers... I woke up fully a few seconds later. Definately a bizzare one for me though as never had this particular scenario before
  14. Yes! It would create a more even playing field, it would prevent clubs going for broke in order to win trophy's and ending up in Pompey's position, it would mean teams would have to invest more and have more faith in their youth products which is beneficial to the national team, it would put more emphasis on coaching and bringing out the best in players rather than just buying a new one, it would bring down wages as clubs would be forced to keep an eye on their wage bills, it prevents clubs being seen as a cash cow to bleed dry of its resources by racking up expotential debt, and i'm sure there's many other reasons for it too. I fail to see a single negative
  15. You're close but its the other way around, your mind wakes up before your body. When you sleep your brain sends signals to your body to paralyse it so you dont act out your dreams... when you wake up it should reconnect at the same time, however with sleep paralysis it doesnt do this immediately and thats when the "fun" starts. Not sure what causes this though. Do you dabble in any kind of drugs? I used to time this to perfection. If I had been out Friday and Sat night, hardly slept (if I had at all) until Sunday day time / night then I would usually get this on Tuesday night. I was shit scared at first until I started experimenting. When it happened and I had that feeling of someone coming in the room behind me, but I couldnt move. I started to listen to see if I could hear anything and rather than fight it, I'd just run with it and see what happened. Was interesting in the end. Started hearing voices of people I knew and it sounded muffled as if they were in the next room. Caused by lack of sleep imo also. Nope clean as a whistle... I did used to smoke weed and take pills occasionaly tho... however I never once had sleep paralysis during those heady days. I suffer from insomnia and when i'm having a bad time of it I can't get to sleep, then when i do i instantly drop in to a very active sleep with lots of fast paced dreaming... then I wake up really fast and usually my heart is racing... I think because I wake up so quickly (probably due to the stress of the situation) I wake up too quickly for my brain to react in time. I do get it occasionaly when my sleep is fine too but on these occasions the sense of panic and weird "images" aren't there... usually its a case of waking up in the morning and remembering I had it but it didnt bother me too much and I just fell back asleep. I dont know about just running with it tho... your obviously built of sterner stuff than me as if I am completely aware of it I usually cack myself lol!
  16. I'd say from memory i've never had sleep parlaysis after a heavy night drinking. I think thats because I pass out and am pretty much unconscious when pissed... its more light and restless sleep that triggers it I think. I'd be tempted to hit the sleeping pills, booze or spliff of a night if I had the thing with the bright lights and radio to look forward to in the morning. For medicinal purposes only of course Hah luckily it doesnt happen all that often... kind of comes in waves of a few in quick sucession and then nothing for months. Sounds more like public transport. You don't sleep in a bus depot do you, that would explain the bright lights, radio and shadowy moving figures...... But what about the anal probing?
  17. I'd say from memory i've never had sleep parlaysis after a heavy night drinking. I think thats because I pass out and am pretty much unconscious when pissed... its more light and restless sleep that triggers it I think. I'd be tempted to hit the sleeping pills, booze or spliff of a night if I had the thing with the bright lights and radio to look forward to in the morning. For medicinal purposes only of course Hah luckily it doesnt happen all that often... kind of comes in waves of a few in quick sucession and then nothing for months.
  18. I'd say from memory i've never had sleep parlaysis after a heavy night drinking. I think thats because I pass out and am pretty much unconscious when pissed... its more light and restless sleep that triggers it I think.
  19. I always assumed mental illness was the cause of most alien abduction stories. All the interesting parts of the body to test and they always stick a probe up their arse..... Haha sadly you are very misinformed. I could point you in the direction of some very interesting and famous accounts of alien abduction that involves no anal probing but I think that would be another thread entirely. Well maybe I exaggerated. Apparently first bright lights flood the room, there's a high pitched radio noise and then in comes the anal probe. However some subjects are lucky enough to wake up before the probe..... HAHA that must have been why I was a bit sore the next day! Its would also explain the 50 foot satalite dish sticking out of my arse! (southpark reference for those confussed)
  20. I always assumed mental illness was the cause of most alien abduction stories. All the interesting parts of the body to test and they always stick a probe up their arse..... Haha sadly you are very misinformed. I could point you in the direction of some very interesting and famous accounts of alien abduction that involves no anal probing but I think that would be another thread entirely.
  21. What's the explanation for the other 1% then? <que X Files music>
  22. That sounds pretty horrific! I find the more you freak out and fight it the worse it gets... you have to some how not panic and relax which makes it go away quicker. Easier said then done tho!
  23. I think it can be linked but its not solely caused by that and is quite common in lots of healthy people
  24. You're close but its the other way around, your mind wakes up before your body. When you sleep your brain sends signals to your body to paralyse it so you dont act out your dreams... when you wake up it should reconnect at the same time, however with sleep paralysis it doesnt do this immediately and thats when the "fun" starts. Not sure what causes this though. You beat me to it. I got it most often when I'd been dozing, so to speak, i.e. having short sleeps. I have had it at other times, through the night and waking up in the morning etc. though. I read somewhere it's responsible for the majority of alien abduction reports too. Not sure how they would quantify that like. Yeah mine kicks in usually if i'm suffering from a bout of insomnia and am falling in to short restless sleeps... had it during normal sleeps too though. I can understand the alien abduction link tbh... your body for some strange reason thinks there's danger and so kicks in loads of adrenaline causing you to fear something even if you dont know what... I think the brain just makes it up from there. I know from personal experience that my fears or interests influence my "visions and feelings" as I used to be scared of ghosts and during sleep paralysis I always had a dark figure standing looking over me... however now i'm interested in aliens and the like its always bright lights flooding the room and high pitched radio noise (although not sure what the radio noise is all about)
  25. In layman's terms I think it's caused by the mind waking up before the auto paralysis mechanism (which stops you thrashing around etc. during REM sleep) has stopped. Strange how you can (and do) open your eyes and are able to see though. Can you though? I'm not convinced that my eyes are actually open in these situations, and what I'm seeing is actually just images transmitted by my brain and not my eyes. I know that my mouth is paralysed as I have tried to ask the dark figure who it was but it just came out as. "ghgodjfodjfdnlfgnffgjkgjdrp"
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