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Everything posted by ajax_andy

  1. Haha cheers Alex, and no i'm not on a wind up... I just think Carroll is heading down the wrong path at a very rapid rate. I also think its a big shame as he's clearly talented and we're a national team short of proper strikers. Not sure he's that bad but I share your concerns. I'd quite like to see him left out the England squad too. Mainly for selfish reasons. Aye I know where you're coming from there... international duty is just extra strain on the players... we've had a few crocked that way so sometimes its better for them not to get the call. We've got a young lad called Ross Barkley who's being talked about in the Rooney/Rodwell bracket, went away on international duty recently and came back with a double leg fracture... sometimes young players are better off not playing I think!
  2. We were epically shit, we just hard a load of yard dogs with no skills, the players looked lost and needed direction... then this unknown striker joined with a bad rep, wore his heart on his sleeve, bullied the opposition, dragged the club up and the players with it, gave us a player to admire and worship. Ok so his career stalled with injuries and he got sent off way too much, but back then we didnt have the likes of Arteta, Cahill etc... he was a rare bright spark in a very depressing time and is definately my favourite player of all time. Fair enough. I liked him but he was always crocked and (as I seem to remember) he was knackered for you a lot. Very good footballer btw. I think people underestimate his touch and technique. Before he joined the Toon his injury record wasn't that bad tbh... he probs missed more games through suspension than anything else lol. However his second spell at the club was a bit of a disaster due to the injuries... we'd moved on as a team too so maybe he wasn't ever going to have the same impact. When he 1st joined though it really was something special.
  3. Oh and I dont think its just Carroll either so dont think i'm picking on him only... its a problem in our game at all clubs and levels... its just Carroll is the one currently being touted for an England call up. We've had plent of these ourselves... Franny Jeffers being the main one, but also Rooney to an extent too.
  4. Haha cheers Alex, and no i'm not on a wind up... I just think Carroll is heading down the wrong path at a very rapid rate. I also think its a big shame as he's clearly talented and we're a national team short of proper strikers.
  5. We were epically shit, we just hard a load of yard dogs with no skills, the players looked lost and needed direction... then this unknown striker joined with a bad rep, wore his heart on his sleeve, bullied the opposition, dragged the club up and the players with it, gave us a player to admire and worship. Ok so his career stalled with injuries and he got sent off way too much, but back then we didnt have the likes of Arteta, Cahill etc... he was a rare bright spark in a very depressing time and is definately my favourite player of all time.
  6. Its not really stupid to write someone off at 21... history would show that most players who are in and out of trouble and enjoy a boozy trouble strewed lifestyle dont go on to become top top players. Yeah people can reform their characters, but usually they are the ones who weren't so off the rails to begin with. Yeah Barton may have turned it round a lot but he missed out on a lot of football and his development has suffered... are you telling me he is the player he could have been? What do i know about Carrolls personality? Well I dont know the guy but its clear to see he's hardly a shrinking violet... there's a reason he's in the papers and court and its not some sort of journalisitc vendetta against him. 3 assualts, booze and coke fuelled parties... regardless of whether he's dabbled in drugs is irrelevant... trouble follows the lad... this isn't the behaviour of a professional athlete, its the behaviour of someone who thinks he's made it already, and that my freidn spells trouble ahead. A call up to the England squad now would just further fuel his own self worth and ego... it certainly wouldnt do him any favours thats for sure! HAHA OOPS!!!!
  7. Maradona is a one off and you can't compare Carroll to him tbf. Yes, that's exactly what I was doing. Care to debate the rest of that post then? Or are you just gonna make smart arse comments?
  8. Well no, he won't, because you just said he won't in the previous paragraph. Or do you not consider yourself to be a reliable enough source? The question mark was there to make it open for debate... rather than saying i'm right ner ner ner ner ner
  9. Maradona is a one off and you can't compare Carroll to him tbf. However if you do want to use that comparison then can you honestly say Maradona acheived everything he could of in the game? Or did his personality fuck up his career?
  10. Strong statement that when even Wenger admits he was wrong about how much progres he would make in the last 12 months. If he continues to progress at the rate he has for the last 12 months (not sure how you would be up on that as a toffee) for the next 2 years, he will be a phenomenal player. He was poor for the first 3 months of last season and then started to get it together, improving rapidly towards the end of the season. He has continued that progress this season. Statements casting doubt on his progress are therefore a load of codswallop. Sorry what I meant was that he wont continue to develop... there are plenty of players who develop to a certain level and then stop due to their mentality not being what it should be.... hence the comment about Scholes etc still learning the game and improving well on in their careers. He has obviously developed from last year else he'd not have the goals or some of the performances he as done this season... my point was that will he continue to develop at the rate he has been, or just stop, as he will believe he has already made it?
  11. Its not really stupid to write someone off at 21... history would show that most players who are in and out of trouble and enjoy a boozy trouble strewed lifestyle dont go on to become top top players. Yeah people can reform their characters, but usually they are the ones who weren't so off the rails to begin with. Yeah Barton may have turned it round a lot but he missed out on a lot of football and his development has suffered... are you telling me he is the player he could have been? What do i know about Carrolls personality? Well I dont know the guy but its clear to see he's hardly a shrinking violet... there's a reason he's in the papers and court and its not some sort of journalisitc vendetta against him. 3 assualts, booze and coke fuelled parties... regardless of whether he's dabbled in drugs is irrelevant... trouble follows the lad... this isn't the behaviour of a professional athlete, its the behaviour of someone who thinks he's made it already, and that my freidn spells trouble ahead. A call up to the England squad now would just further fuel his own self worth and ego... it certainly wouldnt do him any favours thats for sure!
  12. Carroll doesn't have the right temperament or mind set to be a top player. Yes he's had a good start but he'll never achieve his potential. Its a shame that bright, young and promising talents have such a poor appreciation of what it takes to be an athlete, and in this day and age thats what they have to be. Also players who act the big I am dont develop and continue to progress throughout their careers... the very top pro's are still learning the game at 25 and beyond... to just turn up thinking your amazing doesnt work for very long. Its no surprise that the likes of Scholes, Giggs and the Neville brothers have all had such long and fruitful careers, whereas the likes of Barton have never achieved what their raw talents could have allowed them to had they lived a better life. Talent will carry you so far, but without the mental capacity to become a top pro then you'll never become a world class player... should Carroll play for England... based on current form maybe, but if building for the future than Carroll wont (IMO) progress much beyond his current ability and so for that reason I dont see the point in him being picked. There's plenty of players who have burst on to the scene only to fade in to obscurity... Is Carroll going to be the next Duncan Ferguson, or just one in a long line of Franny Jeffers? I wouldn't want to bet my life savings on the former thats for sure!
  13. Yes Donovan will only re-sign for Everton... he still follows the clubs and regularly tweets about them on Twitter. Also he wouldn't get in the Toon team? He'd walk in to about 90% of the teams in the premier league!!!
  14. 5 feet 11" & just under 11 stone. Pretty happy with my weight as used to be a lot skinnier.
  15. Nice shot! I like your photo's... always a bit unusual and interesting.
  16. haha yes I'm sure it does! I reckon I could locate the transformer and test it... Worth doing to avoid the cost of a sparky if that's all that's wrong
  17. Yeah i've avoided using a flash for that reason, but maybe an external flash might be worth purchasing at some point. Never knew about pointing it away from the subject and bouncing the light back so thats a good tip! Yeah I experimented with a higher ISO (800) and it definately ruined the image I thought, espeically when I started editing it in photoshop as it showed up the grain too much (and you know how much i like my photoshop lol). I used the large aperture and slower shutter speed so I think I probs did as you advised, like you say its all about light, so in dull or darker conditions there's only so much you can do I suppose. Next time I might just go round his rooms and take every uplighter and put it in the room with the baby to give me more light to work with.
  18. Yeah the 4 in the extended part of the kitchen work fine, as do the 2 on the cooker hood, but the 4 fitted in the kitchen are all off. Also the rest of downstairs is fine too. I think all 4 might possible be connected to a transformer... could that have blown or developed a fault?
  19. Haha cheers JawD! I think its pretty much only me and you in here these days unfortunately! Yeah I think selective colour looks good in some instances but not others, I liked this one but tried it with a few others and wasnt keen... can look to fake I think at times. Also it's fidly as I use the history brush... am sure there's an easier way tho. I've not heard of a reflector before but will have a look in to it as sounds like it could be a useful tool! One problem I experienced was the lack of light in my mates house and having to use a slower shutter speed to stop the pics being under exposed... only problem with a slow shutter speed and a active baby is lots of blurred pictures lol... other than buying some expensive photography lights do you have any suggestions? As always cheers for the feedback!
  20. No-one wanna give feedback? Seems this photography forum idea is dying after a good start!
  21. Does anyone know how long electrical work is guaranteed for? We only had the spot lights installed 2 and a half years ago... is electrical work guaranteed for a number of years? Just thinking maybe I could get the electrician who installed them to come back and fix it for free?
  22. Berfore you waste money on a sparky, have you checked the fuse behind the kitchen ring switch in the circuit box. Each switch in the main board box usually has a fat little fuse behind it and these can quite often blow. Usually about £1 from your local diy shop. I haven't but all the lights for downstairs are on the same curcuit breaker... wouldn't they all be off if it was a blown fuse? Sorry if thats a stupid question but I know nothing about electrics Aye, all your downstairs lights will be on one ring. So if only that light isnt coming on then its either a dodgy bulb or fitting. Its normal when something goes "pop" to trip the fuse and that resetting brings other stuff on the same breaker back on. Have you put a new bulb in and a second just in case? Is the correct answer...just to say you're very unlikely to have fuses and breakers in the same consumer's unit. As Andy stated everything comes back on bar the kitchen light/s, so its almost certainly a cirucit breaker board as a lamp blowing is nowhere near strong enough to take a fuse out but frequently takes out the more senstive circuit breakers. If it's not fixed by changing the bulb/lamp and you do a bit of investigating, make sure you turn the same breaker back off again as there may well be live cables in the fitting even though its not on. I could've nipped in and had a look yesterday for you but I did have Strongbow for breakfast before I went to the game...oh and I was up nearly all night at my brothers drinking too....maybe not such a good idea and I'm now back home "darn sarf" Any other questions, don't be shy about asking...PaddockLad, qualified 1990 Yeah tried a new bulb... its 4 spot lights in the ceiling so just replaced a one bulb in case something had blown them all, but unfortunately it was still dead. So do you think it'll be a simple job for an electrician to come out and fix it?
  23. Aye, you'll get a better quality sound from a metal tape too. If he had any balls he'd install one of these in the bedroom that way he can see and hear what's going on. Probably best not to tell the wife, so you can find out all those other things you weren't meant to know. Haha I need to get one of those for when her smoking hot sister comes to stay at xmas!!!
  24. Haha EVP I think its called? Not much in the way of evidence that it actually works tbh, plus not sure I wanna hear evil shit if it did actually work lol! I think ignorance is bliss in these matters... especially after watching paranormal activity!!!
  25. Haha never a truer word spoken! Plainly it's supernatural. I think the answer is to go to bed with two fit women every night. The evil dead would be guaranteed to go for the totty, especially if they have big tits and have had sex with you all night. This would leave you free to either enjoy a trouble free sleep while they battle it out or leg it down the road, depending on the severity of the attack. Sorted. I like this suggestion... i'll print it off and give it to the wife to see what she thinks... I mean she can't exactly say no now can she seeing as its to protect me! To make sure she's safe too I better now count her as one of the 2 women in bed with me, also do you think that if she lezzes the other 2 out whilst I record it it'll keep the demons away?
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