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Everything posted by LoveTheBobby

  1. CPS described him as "an opportunistic predator" *shiver* Really shocked by this , actually erodes some faith in humanity to a degree for me . 5live played a montage of his stuff from IAKO to football commentary and being a child of the 70's he's been a constant like Savile was which adds to the discomfort . Rotten bastard .
  2. Having not read any of his stuff lately, has Edwards' recent patter reflected his 'banned' status ? Oh and in the spirit of this two-sided childish mess, has he updated his Facebook profile to reflect this ?
  3. That's not for kids mind 'Tone .
  4. That's what they maybe mean when they refer to "Arthur's seat" on Eastenders ?
  5. Speaking of heads PL - your avatar has intrigued me for a while . What's the story ? Is it a paper mache Jordan Henderson ?
  6. "I think there were a few raised eyebrows over the comedian but that is the sort of thing you can't control. It was unfortunate. He is a professional comedian," Professional comedian Taylor said.
  7. Dunno how you chaps can get the cigars out re Wigan like . Yeah they've got the Cup as a possible distraction but as said, they've 'been there before' in the ol' barbed-wire canoe and at present we simply look like we aint got the balls for the job . Our balls are all tangled in the barbed wire and wrapped around the paddle (that they've left at Blue Flames) . Hampered by our own scrotums. And wotnot .
  8. N'Diaye looks like he's been inflated to around 44psi .
  9. He'll be hanging around for one of your fry-,ups . Was he a gentle lover ?
  10. Just need fuckin Jeremy Beagle to pop out now .
  11. Utterly baffled as to what his supposed role or position was today .
  12. Hey you'll be hating yourself too if there's a mudslide . . . ach fuck and it's 3 *off to get a spoon and a lighter*
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