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Everything posted by Mags

  1. Mags


    that'll be the one that the wife slagged off last year for putting them up so early,so i told her the 6 year old girl who lived there had cancer and probably wouldnt see christmas so they wee having it early(complete lie and it had her in tears,sometimes i just need to give my twattishness a work out!)) 55101[/snapback] Harsh but funny as hell! Think I'm really developing a respect for twattishness in others to the point I'm considering the devilish fun of putting all the lights out here today just so I could make that sort of comment to a few people here.
  2. The Kansas thread says a lot about Americans 54726[/snapback] People in that area of the country are freaks. 'Nuff said.
  3. would be bored with a tale of true love found, lost and then regained
  4. knows I will do all I can to raise pure gutter filth to an acceptable art form
  5. is making me feel all warm and fuzzy like
  6. has missed my boots more than he has missed me
  7. Ummmm..... said to someone I know by another someone I know.... "You tea drinking pathetic english pussy."
  8. is being handed his golden opportunity.
  9. Ah that's right. We aren't supposed to be capable of it. And wit... now that's unheard of.
  10. Ambition is good, but after the Bellamy fiasco with him running his gob can you imagine the shite when Keano would rip a strip (or try to) off Souness?
  11. Only on toontastic can one go from the number of sexual encounters to cricket in one post. Says loads about you Englishmen after all without having to be mentioned in the article.
  12. Slight whoosh- there was a distinct tinge of sarcasm meant to be conveyed in my last post regarding their dismissal of evolution as a mere 'theory' compared to the religious right's almost fanatical acceptance of God and the Bible as absolute truth.
  13. 10000 Maniacs- These Are The Days Puscifier featuring Maynard - Rev 2:20
  14. Hmmm... evolution is a theory, and there is no actual concrete proof of a 'God' being, just a theory/belief. Apples and oranges anyone? Damn rednecks- as if inbreeding wasn't bad enough, now they want to discredit any ideas that require thought or words containing more than two syllables.
  15. Mags

    Kate Bush

    Cheers for that! Getting the laundry sorted today and now I'll have that stupid line going thru my head...as if I'm not twisted enough!
  16. Is this the same bloke who you were going on about a while back? Haven't bothered looking for the thread but he came off as a bit of a user where you're concerned. Either way- to each their own. I have to second Catmag's opinion, especially in light of recent events here. If he returns the feelings sincerely then by all means do it- you only live once. But if it's just on an odd chance then no. No man/boy is worth it.
  17. it wasn't nice like. emm not that it was humiliating like, you saying Ive got 'privates' to be ashamed of like?? seriously it wasnt as painful as some of the stories I'd heard so i'm chuffed now, although the injection they give you... 54101[/snapback] Wouldn't have a clue if you do or not. Are they?
  18. Vasectomies- simply put you lads getting the idea how it is for us women having a gyn exam. Feet up in the stirrups, some stranger messing about with your privates. Humiliating isn't it?
  19. One would imagine that as long as it was done correctly having it done again wouldn't be necessary.
  20. All together now... "Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! How stunning! I want one too- I'm sooooooooo jealous of you!" (Better now? )
  21. is a sage, wiseman and a semi certifiable sociopath
  22. knows the why's. who's and whatfor's.
  23. meant poster or perhaps posterior?
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