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Everything posted by Mags

  1. has missed my attempts at humour here but knows I am attempting a slightly faster return than I thought would happen.
  2. Cath's gonna neuter you with a rusty spoon for that y'know.
  3. Sinead O'Connor- Drink Before The War Depeche Mode- Blasphemous Rumors Nuh uh... that one's mine too and as I'm the elder......
  4. I don't eat huge amounts, no. But I tend to have a large range of favourites. Variety is the spice of life you know. 16787[/snapback] Tell me about it. Right Hand Right hand with glove Right Hand With Fingerless Golove Right Hand Numb (my fave) Right Hand Warm Right hand cold Right.......... 16789[/snapback] That's quite a range.
  5. Mags


    1. Pair of boots (down Craig) 2. Shower curtain 3. Lots of groceries
  6. Who knows, but for what it's worth I just wanted to say 'C'you later guys!' for a bit- life changes in mysterious ways or so they say and a big move is now going to be fact for me in a couple days. In the process I'll lose DSL/internet at home starting Thursday for a bit, although I can still be emailed at work and I will be checking in here from time to time, but much less frequently. Those of you with my mobile # please keep in touch- think I'm a bit gobsmacked at how much I'll actually miss you lot . Hate mail or love letters can still be directed to random_alias9@hotmail.com based on whatever whim may strike. All my love to those who matter (you know who you are ) and the rest... yeh, well, be good or be good at it. Mags aka Lisa
  7. Yeh- I'll buy, but might be tricky....
  8. So I'll wait for you and I'll burn Will I ever see your sweet return Oh will I ever learn Oh lover, you should've come over 'Cause it's not too late Lonely is the room, the bed is made, the open window lets the rain in Burning in the corner is the only one who dreams he had you with him My body turns and yearns for a sleep that will never come Jeff Buckley- Lover You Should Have Come Over
  9. Do me a favour and tell your fatha to have a word with the top brass at work about not being able to buy worcester sauce in bulk like you can with various other flavours, it's a fucking liberty. 16014[/snapback] Loved those and the chili ones- unable to get them here at the import shops, but ate them every chance I got when last visiting England and Jersey.
  10. Yep- did that the same day I decided to run with scissors and to touch 'that'.
  11. the women on this board are pure filth . . . . . . it's GREAT 16153[/snapback] And here I was holding back from being too dorty.
  12. Like Toonraider- on top is great ... mind I'm not opposed to a rough and raunchy ankles by your ears sort of thing either....
  13. Not if you're careful- and please excuse the typos- am a bit pissed.
  14. Ben amd Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk. Gold.
  15. Love my job me LOL, but leaving it I think.
  16. Mags

    New tax law

    State of Connecticut Hartford, Connecticut Franchise Tax Bureau Re. Notice of increase in tax payment, effective 20 August, 2005 To: All male taxpayers Gentlemen, The only thing the state of Connecticut has not yet taxed is your cock. Mainly because 98% of the time your cock is out of work, and the other 2% it is in the hole. Moreover it has two dependants which are both nuts. Henceforth and accordingly, beginning 20 August, 2005 your cock will be taxed according to it's size using the cock-chart listed below to determine your category and state tax bracket. Please insert all cock tax information on Page 2, Section F, Line 3 or your State of Connecticut Franchise Tax Form. Sincerely, M. Jodi Rell Governor State of Connecticut 10-12 inches Luxury Tax 8-10 inches Pole Tax 6-8 inches Privilege Tax 4-6 inches Nuisance Tax NOTE: ANYONE UNDER FOUR (4) INCHES IS ELIGIBLE FOR A REFUND PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST EXTENTIONS ALL MALES EXCEEDING TWELVE (12) INCHES SHOULD FILE UNDER THE CURRENT CAPITAL GAINS TAX
  17. IF a lass can read or shop online whilst having sex (with her man of course) then by all means he has to be doing something MAJORLY wrong.
  18. Face it- they're just threatened by the fact that we bleed for a week and still survive, when for them a 3 hour nose bleed is major trauma requiring bucket loads of sympathy and a few 'you're dead hard man!' comments when they manage to get it to trickle down a bit.
  19. Bet the dog will be appreciative- lap dog was it? Party animal? (Damn, just grossed myself out.)
  20. Ah sure....... introduce creatures not endemic to the habitat... fucking wonderful idea. Wot's that aussies? Fancy any more rabbits? And here we have these rabid conservationists who would wet nurse a moose to help save and support the survival of the species. What would a lion think seeing a moose or some endangered native wildlife species? That's riiiiiiiiight...... LUNCH!. Some people, do gooders with no fucking common sense.
  21. Told him to give it all to you as you kicked* his head in didn't you? *mentally
  22. Not a clue- thinking about a fry up- still early here and just up from bed. Sultanas = raisins? Ergh... minging.
  23. You have a mind like a Welsh railway.....one track and dirty. 14085[/snapback] You say that like it's a bad thing.
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