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Everything posted by Mags

  1. Mags

    Hi there

    Welcome Clive- we're a friendly bunch here, especially that Catmag.
  2. Added to the camp hands-on-hip pose...... 14048[/snapback] **shudders** Sooooooo.. Peasepud fancies himself a Johnny Bravo kinda guy?
  3. Is it just me or is the presence of the banana in that pic mildly disturbing?
  4. It's not the fart itself that is so repulsive (although some smell like sommat crawled up your arse and died)- it's that you take such mindless pleasure out of expelling gaseous fumes at terminal velocity. So you farted- big f*cking deal. We all do it, just there's those of us who don't require applause after performing.
  5. Pity there aren't more like you... glad I found one at least. Give me a 'manly' man any day. Been there, literally done that with the pretty boys, all appearance and no substance. Handsome is good, bit rough about the edges is good (even better actually) smelling of nothing but clean man and soap.. besides, I don't want to have to fight to get my skin care products in the morning after a shower. Rule number one- NEVER date or have a relationship with a man who is prettier than you are. ** Off daydreaming about a 6'1 manly man who just makes me.....ermm... yeh :D **
  6. well, as we have no midweek european footie to watch this season, i had to find something else to take its place....... Thats my excuse, and im sticking to it 13868[/snapback] Have to say that works for me as well. Mind, the word 'sticking' could be slightly suspect... best get a towel girl.
  7. What, having two knobs? 13808[/snapback] If thats the case, we need photo evidence!!! 13810[/snapback] Yeh come on Sammy- PM required.
  8. Watched one of hubby's 'special' dvd's the other nght one guy had a HUGE cock and it got me thinking, surely there comes a point (no pun intended) when its just too big? it looked so frustrating for the guy as he couldnt 'use' it all, must be so annoying! The girlie seemed happy enough though i have to say! 13776[/snapback] You know toonraider- I always though the same. Mind this just reminds me of one I'd seen - should have been called freaks of nature or something- one guy was HUGE- had a harness he wore to help support it. Always wondered how he managed to stand upright with a stiffie as there must have been at least 5 pints of blood filling his lower head. Mind boggling. That and there was this guy with 2 cocks- felt like such a perv but there's me thinking NO WAY!!!! and rewinding and freezeframing screens to check for a slick edit job.... 13800[/snapback] It is amazing they dont pass out, especially with 2 cocks! I'd love to see that film! Surely it wasnt real? ..........god, now i am wondering if he could cum out of both! 13806[/snapback] **edit** wondering how many guys are reading this slightly shocked.
  9. 9/16... good thing I don't chase 'ladies'.
  10. Watched one of hubby's 'special' dvd's the other nght one guy had a HUGE cock and it got me thinking, surely there comes a point (no pun intended) when its just too big? it looked so frustrating for the guy as he couldnt 'use' it all, must be so annoying! The girlie seemed happy enough though i have to say! 13776[/snapback] You know toonraider- I always though the same. Mind this just reminds me of one I'd seen - should have been called freaks of nature or something- one guy was HUGE- had a harness he wore to help support it. Always wondered how he managed to stand upright with a stiffie as there must have been at least 5 pints of blood filling his lower head. Mind boggling. That and there was this guy with 2 cocks- felt like such a perv but there's me thinking NO WAY!!!! and rewinding and freezeframing screens to check for a slick edit job....
  11. so on him, bald is out of the question then? 13787[/snapback] Never said that did I? Just most men in my acquaintance wouldn't shave completely due to fear of an accidental slip or grow back itchiness.
  12. On him- trimmed is good hair in the back of the throat is a mood killer IMO.
  13. I can't believe you actually adimited to having a body shaver ! 12835[/snapback] *Bump* Pity you feel the need to make it look bigger.
  14. "Oh for fucks' sake!" readily springs to mind right now.
  15. Mags


    Nobody has them. We're not cliquey you know 13370[/snapback] Could have fooled me. Mwah.
  16. Mags


    Can I have an old skool one?
  17. Sheryl Crow- The First Cut Is The Deepest
  18. Vodka or tequila. Specifically Absolut or Quervo 1800.
  19. A very happy birthday to you youngun.
  20. Nothing but sperm donors? About time the tables were turned... and the first 'sperm recepticle/incubator' comment will have the sayer's bollocks in a vise courtesy of catmag and myself. Gelding with a rusty spoon and rock salt? Game on.
  21. Mags

    Joke time

    A smilie reply. So Craig- are you ballsy or gutsy?
  22. ... is STILL on the board. Waiting to see if it checks out this thread like.
  23. is wobbling on about a wimmer.
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