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Everything posted by essembeeofsunderland

  1. Aye and you are one of the arseholes in the background pulling faces and grinning like you have been let out for the weekend.Stop wearing your clowns outfit for matches and people sitting next to might make conversation with you.Are you on here because you have no friends
  2. When once putting a makem in his place,I know it's not difficult,I mentioned us having won more major trophies,he said the FA Cup is not a major trophy. Fuckin idiots they are.
  3. We had O'Shea doing to on Sunday and we'll have Shawcross doing it on Saturday as he is probably back from injury tonight.You know,shirt tugging,arms around Mitro,pushing and impeding at corners and freekicks with the ref doing fuck all about these infringements
  4. Top dogs and 15 on a green shirt.I don't get that. I can honestly say when we won 5 in a row i wasn't aware we had.I only checked a few weeks ago to make sure.I would think Espanyol would celebrate in the same way if they beat Barca 6 games in a row and the same if Port Vale did the same against Stoke.Whilst they were still celebrating 5 in a row last season they lost their last game of the season,we won ours to stay up,which pissed them off,and we ended up retaining the Top Dogs trophy.The makems will now happily take relegation and with a smile of 'job done' on their faces.SMB
  5. But they rightly don't compare the two cities either now or after the redevelopement.
  6. Well he didn't celebrate last season in that way.He was waving his arms and weaving from side to side mimicking a plane in trouble yesterday.Would he do it at Old Trafford.No he fukin wouldn't.
  7. If he'd done that at Old Trafford we'd all now what it meant . So did Elliot shout or not.Seemingly not.
  8. This question may have already been asked but did Elliot give Colo a shout that he was coming out.If he had then Colo should have got out of the way.Because of the positioning of Elliots body,i would say he would have had a good chance of blocking the shot from the baldy makem bastard,unless he'd flicked it over his body. And another point.If it had been Fletcher doing the shoulder charging/shoving,would the ref have thought,along with wankers in the media no doubt,that Colo should have been stronger so basically `play on'. This is further evidence that i am one of the games thinkers.
  9. Look how many times defenders push and wrestle forwards away to protect the ball so it goes out for a goal kick.I have named Fletcher as a serial makem diver so the way he went over did not surprise me.Catts For England was warned by the ref after his 4th foul.I wonder how many fouls Tiote had committed before he was booked.
  10. Un-fuckin-believable.A makem on rtg said the we got all the 50/50s and the if a pen had been given when Catts For England handled in the area it would have been harsh.Absolute fuckin idiots they are.
  11. Errr not really possible. Is your surname Cairoli
  12. So what is his current form over the last couple of weeks
  13. It reminded me of the game against Tottenham in the 70s when we lost 5 v 2 at home and we were the better team.Alfie Conn scored 4 that day.I expect the makems to say they were the better team.Todays date will now be a bankholiday in makemland .
  14. Well he must have come with his confidence shot because he hasn't played for us enough to lose his confidence.He is still my prefered choice at either wide left or wide right in my all time shit NUFC team.Now where can i play Billy Rafferty.
  15. Was he worse that day than Thauvin was today.
  16. Oh and Colback handled in the box as Catts For England did so two more pens should have been awarded.
  17. It looked like the shoulder charge became a shove.Colo's shove probably made the ref's mind up that the keeper was never going to get to the ball first so the pen and red card were the ref's decisions.
  18. I repeat,i saw a better left sided midfield player for South Shields last week.Wayne Philips the name in case you are reading this Brolly.
  19. Thauvin now gets into my worst ever NUFC team either wide left or wide right with Fumaca in a central midfield berth.Absolutely fuckin useless,i repeat,absolutely fuckin useless.
  20. I saw more in Wayne Philips the South Shield's left sided midfield player against Chester le Street on Tuesday night than i've seen and probably will see in Thauvin
  21. Roy Keane clearly reads my posts.He questioned why Noyer hadn't positioned himself 6 yards from goal for the Arsenal freekick which lead to a goal.Noyer decided to stand 3/4 yards from goal before the freekick was humped into the box,just like Krul does.Now unlike Krul,he came from his standing position to claim the ball but failed to get there because he,like Krul, allowed his defenders to retreat towards/inside the 18 yard box before the kick was taken.If only Noyer had read my latest post on how to defend such freekicks.Maybe next time he will ask his defenders to hold the line whilst standing on the 6 yard line.
  22. Apart from laughing i cannot think of any other reaction he'd get from producing it in any circumstances.
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