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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Rooney has been offside a lot today...
  2. As bad as we've been, Man Utd really are a shadow of their former selves going forward...
  3. Scholes can fuck right off the utter knacker. Cisse is far too prone to flying off the handle but if he's guilty here then so is Evans. If Shearer carried on like the fuckwits from Liverpool and Man Utd do then maybe I'd have some sympathy for them sticking up for their old club, but, as boring as he is, he never comes out with such utter shit in defense of our players in the way that these knobcheeses do about people like Evans.
  4. At which point you become the poster Toontastic deserves, but not the one it needs right now...
  5. This is all very one way... although I suppose counterattacking is basically the only thing we're good at.
  6. Rooney was not offside there, lucky escape that one...
  7. Well on the plus side, we haven't disgraced ourselves so far...
  8. The reffing standard has been utterly woeful this season, and not just in our games. All over the place.
  9. Was...was that a penalty? It kinda looked like a penalty...
  10. Fuck me That's classic forum politics right there! Love it, nice to see a bit of passion - especially from Gemmill. He's Yoga'd it all away these days.
  11. Thing is it'll probably be Villa or Sunderland (not both) who go down, and I can't make up my mind which one would be better. I might just try to enjoy it either way it goes.
  12. As nice as it is for them that he scored, it's worth considering that he was put clean through on goal earlier and opted to fall over in an attempt to win a pen. He was promptly booked and the incident was basically what led to Poyet being sent off. So, y'know, swings and roundabouts.
  13. Sunderland equalise with what looks suspiciously like a handball...disappointing that, I was enjoying the increasingly frantic style of that game and it'll probably become turgid now.
  14. Sherwood is fucking comical like. When they scored the first one he went pelting off down the touchline like a manager whose team have just won the world cup.
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