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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. We're settling a bit now but really could do with a third, and just haven't looked like getting one.
  2. I assume this means we're going more direct.
  3. Surely not, I mean come on! We need to start playing like it's already 2-2 because that's exactly where it'll end up if we don't.
  4. Carlton Cole is shocking... But even so, this is starting to look like we feared.
  5. I agree entirely in principle - I'm just a miserable sod mate, you be optimistic (for both of us)!
  6. West Ham are going to have to go for it which will leave them exposed at the back. Hopefully that should be enough given how poor their defence is anyway.
  7. You clearly haven't been watching us for long - recent history suggests the next half will be painful as all hell.
  8. If West Ham just weren't trying, then we'll be up against it next half. If they're just shit then we should be fine.
  9. Really? What for?? Something to look forward to on MOTD later.
  10. Bang on, what the fuck was he on with that run??
  11. If we play the second like the first it won't matter. If we play like we normally do, then we're in for a long half.
  12. The fans are turning on them... could all come tumbling down on them if we're lucky.
  13. I'm a little concerned when they break but other than that, we should easily get another couple here.
  14. Just noticed that Cardiff have Man City ...and also that they've just conceded. Hope we get to see Tan's face at the end
  15. I still think their run of fixtures will do for them mind.
  16. On the issues that CT gets worked up about though? Obviously you know the board far better than I, but I've seen him as the lone dissenting voice on a few occasions. I guess 'rife' was an exaggeration though. As for why he does it - there's bound to be a psychological explanation for a mental preference towards devil's advocacy. Is it not just that?
  17. It prevents selective reinforcement around here though, which I think would possibly be rife without him...
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