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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Can't be a new strategy since there isn't a strategy to start with
  2. Just for clarification I’m talking about @ChezGiven
  3. Well at least you’ve made them proud
  4. We discussed this in the secret forum
  5. Not that I've watched / managed to sit through that many but a lot seem to be at least 45 mins too long. Without even checking I would guess the latest Avengers one is at least 2 and a half hours
  6. Apologies if anyone else has picked up on this but is this really what we've become as a country? https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/may/08/pharmaceutical-specialist-loses-job-and-home-due-to-tax-error
  7. Corbyn's winning going off those stats
  8. Hope you gave the drayman's horse a sugar lump. Or, in the real world, watch out for chafing
  9. So is his avatar meant to be the inverse of this photo then?
  10. Hey, you know that deal we talked about potentially doing with you if you actually got to the point where you are in an even weaker bargaining position than now? Well, we've had a re-think on the terms.
  11. I get the impression that even you don't think you're funny when you read your posts back
  12. But they all love us. And owe us. Or they love us as much as they owe us.
  13. I'm aware of that now but I still think it could be as cool as extreme ironing. And the latter ties in nicely with our new pet Nazi
  14. We've got loads of time and we've really put the EU in its place in the negotiations so far
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