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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. It's going to be Gove and for me, that will be an absolute blessing . He is just as incompetent.
  2. It's a given that it is a threat to national security and the fact he'd actually arranged the meeting before hand, pre-meditated within 2 days of attending a NATO meeting regarding Russia (allegedly, immediately after it he flew to the location in Italy? 28th April) - but thats not a "criminal charge as such" But this is, and he's breached it surely? The Official Secrets Acts and Official Secrecy - House of Commons Library (parliament.uk) The beauty is you don't even have to sign it, it's assumed if you are foreign secretary.
  3. Thanks for that, wow he's gone now - and I think he's facing criminal charges. He's just said , on the record, with the committee forcing him to submit in writing, that as foreign secretary he met Lebedev (former KGB) alone, without a team - following a meeting with world leaders about the salisbury poisonings. That's a criminal charge. Not for what I want him charged for , but it has to happen now, surely? (I want him charged for manslaughter during the pandemic - anyone who's read the transcript of the speech at Greenwich on 3rd Feb , will see our countries planned response to the "bizarre autarkic rhetoric " coming from the WHO's "Health Emergency of International Concern" on the 30th Jan.)
  4. Best get packing, its a done deal.
  5. And what a fucking state we are in, when those two are "high profile" cabinet ministers with the ability to influence the position of PM. Both of them utter self entitled evil.
  6. Yep, I agree on the Iraq war , I was a liberal voter at that time but really liked what Labour did for education, in particular - but I had to protest . Sad thing was, I actually saw the other side - Please forgive any "horribleness here" I do have empathy and the victims of the disasters I name are all human and all worthy of greiving for ... BUT America has a reputation for acting strong and then playing victim for "small scale" events. Pearl Harbour was the only attack on US soil and it claimed 68 civilians and 2340 armed servicemen. It wasn't a good thing, lets put it that way - but it WASNT a full scale invasion and occupation and the US used it to justify a double Nuclear bomb - the double being to test 1 type of weapon's effect against another (apparently). In North Vietnam, US forces were being out smarted and stuck in a circle of "take territoriy, lose territory , take territory back - record numbers of our dead vs their dead, make their dead higher" - they then used that loss of troops to justify carpet bombing other soveriegn states (Cambodia mainly) to "destroy the re-enforcements" - when The Viet cong were illegally invading Cambodia to use these routes. This is known to have killed thousands of Cambodian civilians. Then we've all the Israel stuff and the US battle for the petrodollar going on - which arguably fuelled the terrorism that caused September 11th. Once that had happened, and america was reeling - I think saying "no we need more evidence" , or "sorry the British public cant get behind this" would have irrepably damaged our relationship with the US, and given that our military are so intertwined ( all the aircraft carriers at the time were US owned and borrowed by us) , it could have been catastrophic. I stand by my anti Iraq war stance, but having read stuff years after, I can at least acknowledge the other "strategical" view has merit. But I just can't agree that its "OK" to kill loads of civilians in long range bombardment of capital cites, just because its "Far away" or they are all "rag heads" etc.. ok, daily rant done, and de-railed another thread !
  7. The removal of regulation of banks (and the removal of anti competitive regulation of the printed media) and the co-inidental rise of the Internet / Ipad apps and Youtube science , combined with the behavioural insights team . That and a good ten years of USA propaganda in films media and UK TV since the late 90's . If we can't look over the river to America and see what economy first neoliberalism does to society, we have serious problems. America is a scary place to live on many levels and that fear drives votes. (all my 2 cents, of course!)
  8. Well, personally, I have very mixed feelings about this. We , as a country are in a really bad place now , a place that's going to take perhaps a decade to fix - without even restoring what has been removed via austerity . Conservative corruption and slash and burn policies on existing public services have been in full flow since 2012. On one hand, I HOPE just HOPE that the complete inability of Boris Johnson to hide the corruption - will educate the public to see beyond the curtain at just who the conservatives serve. But on the other hand, Once any party inherits this mess, it's a poisoned chalice , my own view, but I expect there to be little paperwork or planning of any long term strategy behind the scenes, we've been running the country in Campaign mode for 2 , maybe 3 years now - We've the most divided society I've ever known , We've got people accepting that its their job to work on zero hour contracts for massive corps making record profits We are still blaming externalities like refugees and global markets, and then internally poverty and disabilities I don't believe a party can come in and fix this, and then the fucking tories will be painting it to be "that parties fault" for everything. Happened in the 80's , same again in 2010 , why not this time too Worst result is that the tories get rid of Boris and somehow manage to get their fingers back into the marketing engine and make the voters feel like all is right in the world again "Yeah, we made mistakes, but now's the time to move on". Sunak and Savid Massive Cunt Javid's resignations just discredit them further in my opinion. Lying to parliament, partying during a pandemic and allowing tens of thousands extra deaths in the name of "Free trade and freedum yeah!" - is OK? But being lied to directly isn't ... Fuckers...
  9. Well, to buck the trend, I work like a bastard and feel sorry for the Full Timers I sometimes work with, who clearly hate their jobs and do fuck all. Everyone's different, but I couldn't hold self esteem or self worth if I just turned up all the time. And also, it proves the current cunts in charge, right. In Britannia Unchained "The British are among the worst idlers in the world. We work among the lowest hours, we retire early and our productivity is poor. Whereas Indian children aspire to be doctors or businessmen, the British are more interested in football and pop music."
  10. Well , that's what my question is asking , it was either Trippier or Joelinton that said it, I'll edit here if I find it. Joelinton: ""We’ve shown this season how strong a team we can be with winning six in a row. If we can do that regularly, we can fight for the Europa League. I didn’t know him before [Bruno Guimaraes] but it’s so good to have players of his quality. Since he’s come over I’ve tried to help him on and off the pitch. Great guy. I don’t sing my terrace song around the house like him but sometimes I listen to it!” Joelinton outlines Europa League ambition and Bruno Guimaraes' singing his song round the house - Chronicle Live
  11. Wow that's harsh - he's just having a laugh and has a great attitude. It's not self loving stuff , its loving life stuff
  12. Yeah, was it trippier who said "I've liked working with him so far, but I'm worried that he sings his own chants to himself when he thinks he's alone"
  13. I'd need to drink for a year to make up for the lost bodily fluids if we managed to land Dominic Calvert-Lewin
  14. Harrison fits the standard we are looking at too, fringe international players - breaking into teams, with a bit of experience from players who are at the tail end of those teams. That's what I'm seeing anyway.
  15. Is that his mam or his missus with him in the vid?
  16. The link actually works if you click through it, but in my opinion, the result is just as bad "Stop Brexit" ... and lots of other 3 year outdated stuff , amongst some really good strong policies.
  17. I think that's old news just being repeated - or I have to stay off cut down consider using less drugs.
  18. I was just rowing with the Liberal Democrat PR team about this a few months ago - get a frickin Manifesto up on your website and let people know , don't just react to issues of the day. We will do one closer to the time, because laying it out now either helps the party in power , or lets them know what they have to attack. Meanwhile, if you go to their website: This unfortunately named URL: https://www.libdems.org/plan To me, being critical (and I'm a supporter) , this sends the worst possible message that they dont have a plan - they can't even maintain their website. 2019 Manifesto. They still haven't changed it and I whine monthly at them, along with a few others. Finally, tin foil hat piece - but I've always been a bit sceptical since the Introduction of the Behavioural Insights Team , that the government has too much power to influence and control, if we are going to do this stuff for "sending better public health messages" then NHS Digital should do it, not a government in power. Also, I've been highly suspicious of "advisors" to competing parties - during the last GE - is it co-incidence that the advisors they hired gave them the worst possible advice ever? Like "Stop Brexit" for the libs and "Radio silence" for the Labour party? (That last bit is paranoid I know, but it doesn't stop this nagging feeling, who are these advisors?)
  19. She was too frightened to attend QT last night though, for a moment I nearly felt sorry for her mate's Auntie who attended instead "Home Office Minister". Question - who has the talent and ability in the Conservative party to lead it , other than Boris Johnson? Laughs "oh my , not me, certainly not me" you said it love...
  20. Also, wasn't Mike Lynch a bit disappointing tonight? He didn't mention any of the killer lines he's being doing on shitty breakfast shows on QT. No mention of ticket prices rising in line with RPI for 10 years and wages falling in real terms since then. No mention of the 500 million profit line. Also missed the chance to shut down the people saying "You need to modernise, why cant someone working at Paddington go and work at Euston?" - Cos its a fucking set of franchises you daft twat, or as the worker rightly said "It's life doing work for Sainsburys and then going into Asda and doing it for them" its separate companies 😕
  21. Now don't be like that. you know the point in voting for anyone other than Tory, strategically - don't let them win just by dissapointment that the other parties are not doing what you want either. Never forget that there's no other party who's core belief is that public services should not exist , unless absolutely necessary and who have stolen from everyone but the elite . No other party is increasing that behaviour, every choice is a reduction.
  22. I reckon he won't , not immediately anyway - from my perspective, Howe has always made people fight their way into the team , if the previous first choice is fit. Look at how long he took to be "kind to Lascelles" and Longstaff playing over Bruno etc. I'm absolutely delighted that my wet dream of bringing in fringe and established England players is coming true, we've definitely asked after a few now.
  23. I'm quite nervous about this tbh. If this revolt carries on all Summer, I can see Boris escalating Ukraine and causing the elephant in the room to happen. I honestly believe he'd put our 60,000 troops (or is it 50,000) to war to save his career and doom us all. Ok, where's my weed ? :D
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