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Everything posted by scoobos

  1. I love the gulp at 0.33 - mint. How long until Lynch is arrested under our new state rules for , I don't know - sexual misconduct or fraud? I bet someone in government has considered assassination even.
  2. I think you underestimate Eddie Howe's motivational ability. He got Shelvey to run - imagine what he'll do with someone athletic with a heart condition. (Btw, does anyone have a link to the video of shelvey puking outside his Land Rover after the beep test day? - no one believes it happened and I cant find a link , perhaps I was tripping?)
  3. Ok, tactfully now.. Eriksen is a good player - but aren't we forgetting something? We are newcastle united. If we sign eriksen it is nailed on he will die within the first 4 games, or have a massive heart attack that renders him in a coma for a decade... That is the Newcastle way.
  4. No I've a front row seat, I don't sit with the plebs at the back. Seriously tho, i was gutted as I chucked my season ticket the year before last in protest - then couldn't buy it back - my mates sit at the gallowgate behind the goal and I have to walk over every half time now. But, the atmosphere improved massively once Bruce went , it was a definite catalyst and I don't regret the move now - but yes, some guy on the front row next to me complained about me leaning forward at corners and actually pushed me back with his forearm at one point - he learn't not to, and thankfully wasn't a season ticket holder! I wasn't looking forward to a year of that every bloody game! I love being able to directly shout at the lino and players tho, so I'll stick in my leaky roof / sun in your eyes seat .
  5. I was testing daily from the start as I was directly involved and no long term immunity seems to be proven? One thing that was interesting for me, was a doctor I know who worked in the Red Zone since day 0 and right through until the end of last year they wore rubbish PPE at times like the apron and the crap consumer masks. Then they went out for a pizza as a rare outing and bang, both positive and quite poorly too. He said it kind of proved to him that the crappy fabric masks did work at some level , as he used to be really concerned they didnt get N95 / FFP3 masks but in the end, it looks like 2 layer worked, in his case. It's a weird thing, where many people I know have had it at least once, some 3 times - and then there's us with nothing and seriously, after the 2nd vaccine I became brazen to "Test the vaccine" as I was testing daily using masks and not mixing with vulnerables - but going "out out" to mass indoor events. And yep Renton - I have had similar experiences where I'm convinced its covid and I've been negative PCR / LFT.
  6. Don't worry lads I can periscope from the East stand touchline for you all, plebs. As long as you don't complain about me calling the Linesman "What's the point in you" for 70 minutes of the 90
  7. I have CPTSD lets not have a "mental health" off eh? Seriously though, I'll leave it be.
  8. I never asked you what you did for a living. so there you go again putting words in my mouth. Jaysus. I asked what you were doing when you say people are doing nothing about the issues, or that protest, rally etc is pointless.. Not what you do for a living. I'm not calling you out either. and whos being judging when you get all preachy about "trying not to engage with me" to deal with how terribly judgy I'm being, I'm responding to your posts and comments. Wow. just wow. I'll leave it there.
  9. or adhesion / torsion , helicopters and penile rifling.
  10. I'd totally forgot about that sugar cube.. Why don't they do it now, is it in an injection or something, or (hope not) did we decide it wasn't needed anymore as we'd eradicated it?
  11. Writing "Does this better equip you to judge me?" is perfect British passive aggressiveness. Apologies if you feel judged making political debate and strong statements on an internet forum , with no body lanugage, tone of voice or facial expressions- it's going to happen. But I couldn't have put any more softening or caveats on that at all. You are being overly defensive in my opinion and its a common theme, one which I apologised for in the past - perhaps wrongly, as there's little venom in anything I've written this past 24 hours. How else can we respond or debate if every challenge is rebutted with "people are idiots" and statements like "do what you want". "you are just a human on the internet with a view" lovely thanks, here I was thinking that Toontastic was a community I've enjoyed being connected with , with common interests and good will. (except the dark Cayman Islands watch selling days you bunch of cnuts ) Now who's being passive aggressive ...
  12. Just like the last time we debated, I'm not making assumptions, I was asking and what else can I do? Not asking is judging.
  13. Ironically, one of the few people I know for sure voted Brexit, caught Polio in Blackpool beach seawater in the 60's or 70s. Back when we didnt have these safety regulations that the EU imposed on us.
  14. Holy fuck I'm sorry to hear that mate , and apologies for the trigger. I don't know whether to speak more or less about it - but it's one of the many untold horrors of how the UK dealt with this pandemic. (and in some cases continues to).
  15. A theme from the other thread. I'm interested to know what you are doing , I'm not going to assume that it's "nothing". But we've discussed that rallies, charitable donations, protest are no good on a systemic level and , in this thread That voting for a party other than Tory might not be done if they don't match your specific personal needs. That for me, is the definition of being cowed - and (capital I ) I am not cowed. Doing something is always better than not (voting, protesting, writing to your MP etc). If everyone who gave a shit really did write to their MP , given that they are legally obliged to answer - we'd fuck them completely. If 10% go to London we could burn them out (I'm not suggesting that, but its a fact) the police force and public services are stripped so hard they could not stop 2 million people, let alone 6. It's easy to shrug shoulders, have strong opinions but be apathetic, its harder to be the change you want to see. I know i keep playing the bleeding heart liberal, but I have made the changes I want to see at pretty huge personal cost, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Why? Because of my own personal motives , it has to be said - but I'd like to think without the childhood abuse and CPTSD I'd still act rather than sit and complain. I've been homeless, I've been a soldier, I've had some terrible times as a youngster in a very well to do town - and I've learnt that people are people, no matter what their background is - and there are good and bad in all. No one treated me better in my whole life than the homeless community who guided and protected me at 15 years old when I lived in a shopping centre in Leeds. (put violin away The army and its training to look after each other, use the buddy buddy system - that's where my influence come from and its the same message, don't prejudge and look after each other - gratitude , trust and belonging are some of the most important things above basic needs of food and shelter and it breeds positivity. This government stands for the absolute opposite - its bullingdon club, victorian class system thinking and we need to fight the ENEMY, not each other. I'm feeling a build guilty now even writing this - as I feel that it may seem like a personal attack and its not , its a response to my own triggers on disguised apathy and if I've got it all wrong, apologies.
  16. The covid pandemic, it happened to thousands of disabled people , and some of them not so disabled. I'll find a link later if you're interested.
  17. Wow its took some catching up today on this, Im supposed to be working man! As I've said before (but maybe not to you) I am not a voter of any particular party. I usually vote Lib Dem, Green or Labour - I vote (perhaps stupidly) on manifestos. Ok. to my point I've never seen Starmer "Lose" an argument in PMQ's he absolutely rinses Boris every time - but you don't see it in the papers , only occasionally on BBC and often on C4. thats because they have control of the media and are oppressing those that dont. If Starmer was going to win this battle by winning arguments he'd have done so by now - but unfortunately , the power that the lobbyists, business leaders and Conservatives have now is very challenging to beat. I don't actually know how you can. Boris Johnsons government should have been dead and buried once Starmer brought up the contract tracing app , lack of PPE due to preferential contracts and ignoring companies without links to the Tories - and especially the lockdown breaches by Number 10. Winning arguments and reason dont seem to work when the media is 70% on the enemies side and much much more effective than it was 10 years ago.
  18. And good on her, it took me YEARS to convince my wife to do this. Its the most abused position I've seen. I was on the largest salary I've ever had at one point - and she was working at least 15 hours a week more than me, every Saturday for 4 hours, every sunday nearly all day - all for fuckin league tables etc - and they get paid fuck all really. The "6 week" holiday thing is bollocks too, because its marking, lesson plans and also the fact that you cannot choose your time off , you have to go on holiday to "get away from work" at a higher cost, because kids are off school - so you don't get away from them at all!
  19. I think to be fair, its not peoples fault, its the power of marketing and propaganda that makes out that to think of others before yourself is in some way idiotic or wrong . That we should have everything we want now, as we "deserve it". Thats what 12 years of Conservatives and neoliberalism, during the technical revolution will do. Ipads, facebook, social media etc - they've all pushed this kind of "self" is the most important thing - show off what you have, feel sad if people look to be living more comfortably than you. They've almost won, havent they? That's where my depression kicks in, the power of the influence away from charity, co-operation and compassion. I think this is why I get so upset about us helping Ukraine but turning a blind eye to Syria , Sudan, Mali, Yemen etc etc etc. Things have got so bad with Externalities that we forcefully seem to compartmentalise the true cost . Pair of Jeans for less than a tenner == definate ecological and human abuse - so we "dont think about it". Arguably that can be led to modern uk politics , cant it? The people who are not voting (who in my mind are as bad as those who are voting Tory) , are turning a blind eye to the fact that they can have a high standard of living at the expense of the "underclasses" , the disabled, human beings overseas being bombed and killed with our weaponry , people who have to live at home till 23, zero hour contracts, exploiting Eastern european workers etc.
  20. I'll go clean my boxing glove typewriter hands after this , but fuck me if this isn't the most astute thing I've read in months .. That's it isnt it! But the Conservatives seem able to define and move what "left" means at will.
  21. Erm ... some people going to the picket lines and Starmer not.. Hardly a united front is it, and exactly what BJ wants.
  22. I wouldn't be surprised if they discover some of us have a natural resilience or immunity, despite it being novel. Somethings definately going on with me, I've had multiple exposures - I was shagging for days before she got it and never caught it, was the only person in 7 at the pub who didnt get it, all at the same table (outside at Tynemouth platform2) and same for my row at the football (both to my left and right got it , 6 out, me in the middle of both groups. When my wife got it, after 3 jabs it still required medical attention and covid treatment drugs (tho she is vulnerable) - I had nothing.. So weird. What I do notice though is at each of these "exposures" I've had a runny nose on the way home like a mace attack or something - but never tested positive and still didnt after some dickhead fella came to a festival we ran a couple of weeks ago, looking like death , coughing in my face from 2 feet away (really) and then telling me he was covid positive and feeling like shit "but we dunt have to isolate now do we, its nDmic like a cold" -- dickhead.
  23. Ah a rayvin / scoobos debate again, lets not let this go south like the last one I'm not taking the piss, but have you ever considered a History degree, I think you'd really enjoy it , as it is really about a lot of what you've said above. I got a lot out of studying history and you seem of similar mind. Why I bring Monsanto / Debt traps up now - is because the FUTURE is not real , its guesswork and opinion, the present is real and the only country / mentality I see controlling world food is late stage capitalism and a great example is monsanto , or conversely the Chinese Debt trap strategy - China is winning territory without a need for war and its scary how its been missed until its too late - they "Could" control something like 40% of the worlds shipping channels now. They get countries into huge debt with "presents to build trust and relationships" - wait 10 years then ramp the interest up to bankruptcy levels. "Because everyone has become uncertain about what truth is, what reality is. " - the internet has certainly made this much worse , because (mostly) to get books published, they had to be vetted by a publisher . Self publishing is a pretty new concept (I think, im no expert !) But , this is exactly what "History" as a topic is about , everything you read is an account of people looking through their own lens, because its impossible not to. Thats a good point here - " people on the right who believe that corporations must be eliminated whilst proudly proclaiming themselves as believers in free market capitalism" I think its referring to a movement in the mid 00's when people realised we were moving to "something new" from simply globalisation: Joel Bakan's the corporation is a good book on it. )(The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power: Bakan, Joel: 9780743247467: Books (amazon.com)) Again, its labelling as right, because i am certainly not a follower of right wing politics and I believe it (nearly, no one want's free market capitalism because it means you legalise guns, drugs, prostitution , copyright theft , counterfeiting etc, if its 100% free - they tend to mean mixed economies closer to free than planned). I'd really like to be able to influence you to address your use of labels as using them yourself just breeds the problem. I want rid of corporations but agree with "regulated capitalism" I do not trust market forces as they are as made up to me, as Maggie's "society" was. The reason people want rid of the corporation is because it is a psychopath by definition - CEO's do not own the money they control, shareholders do - and they are legally obliged to only make decisions that maximise profit - so a company cannot act ethically if it increases costs, without increasing or maintaining profit. CEOs have gone to prison for putting money into the local community, because if they want to do that, they have to do it with their own income, not the company funds. Externalities is another one. This wasn't the case in the UK until very recently, surprisingly co-inciding with the move to stop calling people "Managing Directors" and start calling them "CEOs" - is this due to legalities changing, what applied to an MD no longer applies to a CEO of a multinational? Deregulation at its stealthy finest there . This is why truth doesn't really exist on the internet too, almost everything can come full circle back to "corporate interests" and the power of marketing , imo. Marketing is scary good now. "Going to rallies and donating things etc are not doing nothing on an individual level, but they are doing nothing at a systemic level. " Protest has given us every right we have - EVERY single one. It does more than just typing stuff and "reading stuff" and saying "why doesn't anyone do anything" - dont like plastic pollution and have capital? Then pay for private recycling and help create a market. It sounds like an excuse for apathy and inaction in my view. Its the apathy and lack of protest since the late 80's thats put us in this mess , look to France, the Arab spring, Syria etc - these are people standing up. Regarding this one: Russia will stand to gain significantly as the corridor to the north of their nation will become the main thoroughfare for goods flowing from the West to the East and vice versa This is not new news, Canada has been defending and planting flags under the sea since the mid 00's - America has a defence pact with them. It's not decided. The nordic countries also have the same objective. The fact that Putin cannot overcome 1 country (and not a particularly rich or powerful one at that) for me, is the reason why pandering to warmongers that want to go "all in" is so dangerous. Russia is failing and all this talk of "they wont stop" I find hard to understand. Right now, they are fighting on 1 front and its taking them ages at great cost. They can no way attack the NATO front line even if they got to it. Pushing the NATO front line to them is questionable imo , as arguably this is what feeds the support Russia has. America HAS used NATO as a tool of intimidation and control . What did America do when Russia put "defensive" missiles in cuba? It's taken decades for that rift to settle and America attacked Cuba too. Putin's actions today are indefensible, but just labelling him as an ultimate madman, tyrannical - unprovoked is a bit too black and white. There's a big lesson to learn here , but ultimately we will prevail if only because of the mass co-operation of sovereign states, which is a great lesson for every challenge we face, we must strive to be 1 people, 1 world, it is not achievable but it should be the target.. (lol I gag at myself writing that particular hippy line). That's my daily rant, i'll get me coat
  24. Do you really disagree with this? : Do a duckduckgo search and limit the dates to pre 2010 and see what "Left wing" means - and then again, for just the last 5 . I might be a conspiracy theorist, but I see a clear shift and pattern of labelling everyone .. "Underclass" "Posh" "Aristocracy" "Champagne Socialist" etc etc. how many hits do you see, and what are they saying? "I think anyone using the labels of leftist and rightist is an enemy of us all , it is divisionary and as I've said many times before, its only being used in countries that have adopted neoliberal economic policies" or the US via Montsanto etc and China by its strategy of taking countries by "donation then debt traps" The Monsanto has actually closed down food production in some parts of countries (India for exampl) because farms have had seeds BLOWN onto their land that has grown and commited a "crime" by not paying Montesano - it's also illegal to reuse seeds once this has happened. This is a big thing and can reasonably be seen as a late stage capitalist attempt to control food production globally. Here's one example of China debt traps for naval control: China debt dogs Maldives' 'bridge to prosperity' - BBC News Going to rallies, donating funds to causes and making life decisions that may adversley affect yourself but "do good" (e.g pollute less) are not at all comparable to doing nothing. On from that post though, My point is not that there isn't a political spectrum of left or right, its that people tend not to sit on one side and the labels only seed division. There is no "leftie" it's a stupid construct. There are people with socialist views , there are people with communist views, or even pacifists - none of these should be labelled under the same umbrella, ideally. Leftie and Righty is a new thing - its a poltiicised weapon and its being used massively in that guardian piece and doesn't help, only worsens the situation in the UK, imo. Look to the USA - it's totally polarised and in all honesty, both parties are right wing , yet one posts one as uncaring right wing racists, and the other as rabid socialist / communists. This is what is happening in the UK and fuelling and continuing to use the language "Loonie lefty" or "Gammon right wing pork etc" is labelling and taking us that way. I believe this is why we have the government we have. FPTP loves division like this . I feel as passionately about this as I did gay rights and racism in the 80's , thus why I rail against it .. Put it in terms of a "modern battle" like transgender rights and we see how unuseful and damaging labels and stereotypes are.
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