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Southern Geordie

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Everything posted by Southern Geordie

  1. I've got more negative than positives at the minute but on the positive side: Moved into such a nice house for my third year at uni, with 5 quality mates and also my ingrowing toenail is improving slightly!
  2. Danny Dyer, J'Lo (who is gonna be 38 tomorrow - she's aged rather well eh!) but then I stopped looking at people older than 60
  3. I never ever get exciting mail. The only mail I get is from Virgin with my internet bills. I got excited when I had mail which wasn't in a red envelope but it turned out to be from the police, which wasn't too great! Now every time I get mail from people other than virgin I get a bit worried
  4. Just found my sent items.. This was from pretty much exactly two years ago, some funny things that I have now remembered: Personal messageboard highlight to date? the shorty's 50 cent signature thread that Gemmil started.. That was hilarious.. I think every member got involved and it turned into a slag fest that I'll never forget Board highlights? Also gotta mention the first time I reached 1000 posts I made a dedication post to about 44 members .. Also gotta mention getting to the semis in the toontastic fighting.. Losing to gemmil by only about 3 votes Board lowlights? The arguements I got into with that jonnytoon and amsterdam geordie.. "born and bread.." what a wanker he was. Also losing to Gemmil in the toon fighting.. Then again he is about 30 stone heavier than me
  5. That's bollocks like.... I don't own a Motorhead t-shirt. More like Offspring then? Had an Offspring hoodie when I was 14. Class Slightly off topic but I saw a guy (must have been about 25) walking down the street with a Stone Cold Steve Austin t-shirt on, good lord.
  6. I remember doing mine, think I've still got it in my sent items of my private messages. Remember GM summing me up by saying I'd like to get taken a bit more seriously
  7. That's bollocks like.... I don't own a Motorhead t-shirt. More like Offspring then?
  8. Fresh Meat. FYP Nar, I've already dragged Steve round the gay bars (so to speak), no need to traumatise the rest of them when he clearly enjoyed it so much. Steve took one for the team it seems Well as I'll be going to most of the southern games seems a waste not to meet a few of you at least!
  9. Did you open it like? Might be 40, 000 in it! Nah I didn't, tempted though now ya mention it!
  10. http://allyours.virginmedia.com/websales/product.do?id=21
  11. The package just came, wasn't for me Tidying up my room now then I can go back to bed
  12. I watched some of that, considering the cast I got pretty bored actually.
  13. Probably washing my dads card back in the day. A fiver at the time seemed a lot but looking back really wasn't worth the money! Other than that I've been pretty happy with what I've done for work.
  14. Add die hard to my list then, didn't realise it was 80s. Class film!
  15. Scarface, Rocky 3 and Naked gun are three off the top of my head, not that I was alive for much of the 80s
  16. I found some toast in the freezer so defrosted that and had it, still bet it isnt anywhere near as good as your lunch was?
  17. And did we only wear that once? It was awful like. Also, remember the green Asics one with the blue stripes that we only used against Sheff Wed? Think I've got that kit, is it this one that my mate wore at reading for a bit of a laugh: That is one serious look of lust the bloke in the middle is giving to the fella on the left. That's me He's a reading fan so was just doing a bit of a pose to show how annoyed I was at the result You were trying to look annoyed? I think you managed to make it look like you wanted to rip his clothes off and bum him senseless. No wonder the south have got a reputation for being such soft shites with us giving looks like that, when its meant to look annoyed!
  18. And did we only wear that once? It was awful like. Also, remember the green Asics one with the blue stripes that we only used against Sheff Wed? Think I've got that kit, is it this one that my mate wore at reading for a bit of a laugh: That is one serious look of lust the bloke in the middle is giving to the fella on the left. That's me He's a reading fan so was just doing a bit of a pose to show how annoyed I was at the result
  19. You've got me there, my birthday celebrations tonight so hopefully won't spend very much and get very drunk Happy birthday. Maybe the thing your waiting for is a present. haha I doubt it, my mates birthday is a few days after mine so think it's for him Mine isn't till tuesday though so will be back in Surrey for the actual day, where there'll be plenty of food!
  20. You've got me there, my birthday celebrations tonight so hopefully won't spend very much and get very drunk Happy birthday, twatski! Cheers bellend
  21. One of these days I'll come to a pissup, but it'll probably be the London one Steve and Craig were chatting about for a London game. Only ever met a couple of forum members - Tanzo and Luke
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