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Southern Geordie

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Everything posted by Southern Geordie

  1. You've got me there, my birthday celebrations tonight so hopefully won't spend very much and get very drunk
  2. I'd hit anybody in the face (blokes) that you wouldn't be able to get away with if you were male.
  3. Lucky git! Well I've got nothing to do today if it makes you feel better
  4. Chilling with nowt to do in my new house. No food either and I've got to be here for a special delivery for my housemate My housemate didn't even leave me any bread for some toast!
  5. And did we only wear that once? It was awful like. Also, remember the green Asics one with the blue stripes that we only used against Sheff Wed? Think I've got that kit, is it this one that my mate wore at reading for a bit of a laugh:
  6. The chavs in Bristol are hilarious, they all sound like Vicky Pollard
  7. Labouring this summer really is such an incentive for me to pass at uni and hopefully get a good job next year. Could never do it full time.
  8. I'll wait a week, see how it goes. Lucky it isn't in my right hand otherwise I'd not be able to do any of my exams coming up!
  9. "Vibration White Finger can cause numbness and disabling pain" First thing that came up when I typed it into google, made me laugh for some reason. Least I know what it is! Good knowledge Gemmil
  10. Geordie Boyo used to look like most of the baldies before he grew his hair
  11. Not a pneumatic drill but a manual drill. Probably a trapped nerve or something annoying.
  12. Euphemism. Haha, I wish You wish you were a wanker? I wish it was from something as simple as wanking! Its on my left hand mainly. Gets less tingly from left to right ie my little finger to middle finger is most tingly whereas my thumb isn't that bad. It's also quite stiff aswell (my hand before Gemmil gets in there again with his witty comment )
  13. Blimey you've had a fair few visitors on here!!

  14. Stop eating, yaself!

  15. Seeing as this thread has catamgs attention, I'd like to ask a question; I've had pins and needles in my left hand for a couple of days now. Never happened before but I've been doing a lot of labouring recently, could this have anything to do with it ? Thanks
  16. Finished today for the week. Travelling to bristol tonight to celebrate my birthday (for tuesday) tomorrow night. Can't wait! got Monday off too, 4 day weekend
  17. I didn't post for about a year, but have started to post a bit more recently. Seems the board doesn't have any topics I really fancy answering to, maybe cos of the old members I used to chat with have left or whatever. Who knows!
  18. Are these confirmed then? Think I'll get taylor on my shirt
  19. 1) Am on facebook 2) Am on myspace 3) am watching "Hard eight" which is a pretty good film 4) was checking out Toplass's myspace 5) Bloody loving the Newcastle videos you got on there!
  20. Is it Chinese? Aah I know. Something to do with manc mag and Gemmil?
  21. I really like this; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV998KL38IE But it's probably because I enjoy the show so much. Baywatch in its day was class for the intro edit - match of the day has to be up there
  22. Pantera - Reinventing Hell. The best of Pantera
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