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Everything posted by Tdansmith

  1. Maybe fergie was right to sell him in the first place
  2. Well if he did join don't ban him for using to many commas, that would be unethical and power-mad.
  3. Wow that was even more unbelievably funnier than the last unbelievably funny post.
  4. I don't think it's right to reveal people's ID over the internet without their permission. But over at NUFCform he told some people with pics etc and other members there met him, not me btw. Doesn't matter what I say, people here won't believe me. I don't care if they do or not.
  5. His offence. Using to many commas ? Mods here must be very proud. And you could of at least waited until he Pm'd me his fucking horse racing tips. Bastards !
  6. So this forum has actually banned an ex Newcastle United player ? Can't be many "fan forums" done that.
  7. Some naughty people at the stadium of shite tonight. Pink seats in the air 2-1 to mackems
  8. Newcastle 1-0 up but mackems make it 1-1 Half time 1-1
  9. A massive game tonight sunderland u23s V NEWCASTLE UNITED u23s Premier League International Cup Quarter Finals stadium of litter 7-00pm We can't lose this one as it will be 7 in a row, or is it 8
  10. Could you give me an idea of how much it would cost, i doubt I'd use it as i can't afford to gamble to much these days, but if i ever won a good few quid 2 or 3 hundred maybe, then i might have a go at it.
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