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Ayatollah Hermione

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Everything posted by Ayatollah Hermione

  1. XISCO!!! Just as I was putting The Cure on.
  2. Shola is going to be a poor, poor man's Viduka today then
  3. You don't sort out legal carry on, on a friday night Bollocks, just met with me parole officer, man. Fuck it, I'm in Keegler re-appointment excitement.
  4. Amazing stuff. All better judgement says that they're meeting to sort out legal clart-on but every impulse in me is telling me to believe he's coming back.
  5. Akabusi posting...waiting with baited breath.
  6. How is Lau's still open, man? It's bloody rank Don't they have health inspectors these days?
  7. When's the third series starting? I heard that Origins spin-off was beginning this month but I've heard nowt since. I'm hoping it handles the amount of characters/plotlines a bit better than Season Two because that thing was a bit hectic, unlike Lost which handled the compression much better.
  8. I'd imagine the reason it'll take so long to find a replacement is that nobody right in the mind is going to want to come here.
  9. Leeds fan? Not at training with the club he plays for? Vendetta against Newcastle fans? It's James Milner, man. He's even got no end product on here.
  10. Not bad considering Leeds has always been a Rugby League city, with our county cricket team. You? You've only got Newcastle 'toff' Falcons. We have the Rugby League world champions and Yorkshire CC. Proper fans... As you quite rightly say. So you're saying you lot prefer cricket and rugby league to football? Before the Revie era, as has already been said, Leeds were nothing more than Luton Town, by the end of it, we were one of the biggest clubs in the world. Before this, Rugby League was always the way of life, and considering that from 1975 onwards our ground has only held 40-44k, I think that's pretty decent going. I get it now. You were small, then you were big and now you're small again. Small? Hence why with the exception of two clubs last season, every other clubs highest attendance came against Leeds. So big your manager fucked off to do...whatever it is he does with us.
  11. God, don't insult our rugby team now, please.
  12. I think we've got more than enough going on during this International Break tbf.
  13. I'm more concerned about who will put the cones out and put the bets on for the lads. Another casualty of Ashley's regime.
  14. Neither did they. And we should have beaten Chelsea at Wembley a few years back and got to the FA Cup Final. Didn't happen but you don't see us proclaiming ourselves the FA Cup Finalists.
  15. Anyone catch what Shearer said to Craig David in the locker room at the end when he was presented with the MOTM and they were showering him with champagne? Was something like "Thought you only had drinks on Thursday". The witty bastard.
  16. Were you a Bayern Munich fan back then? Stood in the freezing cold watching Bayern/Dortmund, I'd imagine.
  17. Fair enough that like but can't see how all that wasn't going to happen anyway without an official campaign. Nice to see a call for union though I suspect a kidnapping and subsequent public lashing of Dennis Wise might make everyone a bit more up for it.
  18. Leeds Is it so bad up here that LEEDS FANS are trying to take the piss? Join the queue, mate. You can have another crack when the Forest WUMs pop up if you like.
  19. Always nice to see Allardyce's massive reputation serving him well.
  20. Must have had a fair few lollies, the fat twat.
  21. These are the people in charge of this football club? I'm surprised they haven't called KK a stupidhead yet. Immature wankers, the lot of them. I didn't think it was possible for everybody to hate them even more. Do they think we're going to look at that statement, think "ah, they must be right" when they said the complete opposite not 3 months ago?
  22. Wouldn't last two pints on Shields Road.
  23. Bravo, Flintoff, Bravo. A rant I fully agree with but put better than I ever could.
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