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Everything posted by acrossthepond

  1. Tbh totally forgot about that, meant to answer it. I don't know how the feeling is about him in the UK. I feel - honestly - that he allowed the glory to get to his head far more than anyone else has and became less a player than some sort of public figure, with his ridiculous hairstylings, his mega-star girlfriend, etc. His ability was undeniable but he's getting on and has lost a lot of it. Do I think it was right for him to be unceremoniously kicked out the squad following the World Cup? No. He carried a lot of responsibility for England getting as far as they did. Do I think it was right for him to be recalled fairly recently? No. I don't think he's the answer to England's problems - and even if he can patch them in the short term, there's a lot to be done in the long term. Of course Muppet McClaren can't really afford to think about the long term right now, but I think he was hounded into it by the media. As for his LA Galaxy adventure, I think it's laughable. But the crowds he brings aren't laughable at all. So I really don't know what to make of that.
  2. First example: There was a time when Arsenal wasn't the ridiculous assembly of foreign players that it is now. In fact, many Gunners from even the early 90s despair of the state of the squad. But most Arse fans accept the vast influx of foreign players to the point of exclusion of English players because they have won so much in recent years as a result. Next example: Barcelona claims to be "mes que un club" and is known for favoring Catalan players over higher-caliber players of other origin. Case in point: Victor Valdes, surely one of the worse keepers in La Liga, retains his spot because he is Catalan, despite Barca easily being able to buy a world-class keeper. Few if any argue against this policy - because Barca obviously wins. Last example: Atletico Bilbao of La Liga is an all-Basque club. They only sign professional players from the Basque Country in Spain. As of late, their fortunes have fallen, narrowly avoiding relegation in the last two seasons. But still nobody questions the "cantera" policy. In fact, 76% of Bilbao fans would rather be relegated (keep in mind that this club has never been relegated in its history) than give up the all-Basque policy. I believe that the second example fits Newcastle best - a team which knows its roots and is true to them, nurturing young local players and others who are devoted to the club. And victory can be achieved that way. I don't think that the Bilbao way is how it should be done - certainly an "all-Geordie" team would be a disastrous joke. Sadly, however, I believe that many Newcastle fans as of late have allowed the trophy drought to overtake their good sense and their pride in the club. They're so desperate to win that they'll take any mercenary - and there have been so many - who might give us a shot at glory. Hence the Arse example. That's not for me.
  3. Is luckyluke a...? I'm right here, you know. Ask me. Angry isn't the right word either - I'm disgusted by and disappointed in Owen. I'm also disappointed that as usual you and others feel the need to go after "the man behind the screen." I'm obviously an armchair fan since I live in the States. Afraid I can't jet over to SJP and take in the match every weekend. My background isn't any of your business - I don't question the Geordie credentials of anyone on this forum and I'll thank you not to question mine. I will say, though, for people apparently not interested in tribalism you lot are awfully quick to jump on the "OMG YANK" bandwagon. We have people from Hungary, Norway, India, etc. on this forum. Are their opinions worth any less because of where they're from and because they don't share a Newcastle (or even English - plenty of Scots on this site!) background?
  4. Last goal I went really crazy over was Edgar's against Man U on New Year's Day. Before that it was surely Shearer's against the Mackems.
  5. I wish spastics like you would realise we can't expect every world class player (and we are very fucking lucky to have one) who plays for us to love us so irrationally like Shearer did. The three players you mention are all geordies. Owen isn't. Would you be happy if Gerrard or Rooney quit international football to further their club careers, or turned down moves to us to be with their beloved teams? Stop being so narrow minded you one eyed twat. Stop being so narrow minded! Have the same opinion as all of us!
  6. Clarification: As you may read, in no way did I say I'd rather have Sib coming on than Owen because Sib will be better. That much is plain. I stand by everything else. If Newcastle's nothing special, why do you support? Go support a special team then, whoever they are. If you don't want tribalism, ask yourself: what the fuck else do we have? Why do we have 50000 fans a game? It's not because the weather at SJP is nice.
  7. There's no way he wrote it out that way unless he was taking the piss. I'm a Celtic man myself as far as the SPL goes but even Rangers fans can't be deluded enough to think sky money could make Ronaldinho desperate to come to Ibrox. He's pretty excited about beating our B team 3-1, the knob.
  8. I am willing to be proven wrong. My opinion of Owen could still change, if he gets his head up, stays fit, and for God's sake stops putting England before us. A bucketload of goals won't necessarily change that, however. Example: Sib v. Owen. The gulf in class is immense. I still feel better about Sib pulling on the black and white than I do about Owen. Just because Owen is six times the striker doesn't mean he's six times the Mag. He's got something to prove - and that is that NUFC is important to him, that it is an honour for him to go out in our colours, and that other obligations aren't tying him down. If he can prove it, you won't hear me complaining.
  9. This is just over the top now. Christ, man. I thought you had some sense. Have some pride in your team. What about Shearer? Were we not good enough for him? Owen means nothing to NUFC - nothing! - and if we lose him we'll lose nothing. What has he done in black and white? Rename this thread to the Owen wankfest thread tbh.
  10. i'm struggling to think why you'd despise a player who has only ever given his best when fit, maintaining a strike rate of 1 goal in every 2 games he's played for us. dispair at his injury record by all means, but you're obviously something of an oddball if you despise owen's attitude which has been nothing less than 100% professional since he's been at newcastle. and bent and defoe aren't in the same league as a fit michael owen. Bold #1: Edgar played what, 2 games for us last season? And scored against Man U? There's a 1 goal to 2 game strike rate for you. What I'm saying is, if he'd played 60 for us and scored 30, we might have something to talk about. He's played 20 league games. Those are some expensive 10 goals. Bold #2: Disagree with this statement. Although most people on here are lamentably stuck in "hear-no-evil" mode when it comes to Owen, I think (and in this I am not alone even if others want to ignore it) that he places too much emphasis on playing for the national team and not enough on his club. That is unprofessional in my eyes. Bold #3: Everyone keeps saying, fit Owen is class. Fit Owen is the best striker we've had, Fit Owen is glorious, etc. Who is this fit Owen guy? I don't think I've ever seen him. There comes a time when it's not just an "injury problem" any more. Look, as I have said before, and maybe this will get the frankly ridiculous anti-Martins crowd off my back: I don't know if Martins is the man for the job at Newcastle. But I am sure that Owen as he is now is not. Maybe when we signed him, but no longer.
  11. Flog please. Although I despise the little shit, I wouldn't boo him. It's just bad form to boo any one specific player I think. That said, the sooner...well, you've heard it all before. Anelka is a possibility as many have said, I think some Spurs strikers might be willing to jump ship in January depending on how badly Jol wrecks their season before he's shown the door. Bent jumps out at me as having almost no play time there yet, he might want out. Defoe also hasn't had the best experience there as of late.
  12. Yeah, this looks like nonsense. Maybe the other write-up went over well with the readers so they're trying to capitalize.
  13. I don't care if I am a divvie but I find that statement fucking disgusting. You're not the only one. It's funny that some people on here are quick to take the piss when people jump to the defence of Martins, but dare say a word about Owen and you're hounded out the conversation pretty quickly. If this was a story about Martins, I'm sure the reactions from some would be very different. Yes Owen's a class player, but he's also a class twat imo. ^ This sounds familiar. I'm of two minds about this story, I do think the Sun is trying to blow it out of proportion with phrases like "stinging rebuke." That, however, is their job. I don't think people going "nothing story" have read the article closely enough - Owen is quoted as saying two things that bear watching. The first is that he's not interested in anyone's advice but that of his surgeon. Of course a player should listen to his medical advice. But this is clearly worded to put his manager out of consideration, which I believe to be absurd. The second is "I'm available for both sides I represent." I'll leave it to you to consider the implications of that statement.
  14. Missed the game, my site wasn't carrying it for whatever ridiculous reason. Getting a little sick of these ad hominem attacks tbh, boils down to "I don't like Owen, you lot don't like Martins", no need to go after me for it you load of wankers. Certain admins ought to be embarassed I think. See the irony (couple of levels)? Not really ad hominem though. What I'm referring to is the loads of "fuck off" "you fucking idiot", etc etc without providing any kind of counter-argument. When Gemmill tells me I've no footballing knowledge, that's one thing, since he's providing evidence to support that statement. When I post and it's followed up by someone going "fuck off yank" who gives no indication he's read what I wrote, that's no good. What kind of forum is it when there's exactly one "correct" view and anything else is to be ridiculed? Forums are for discussion. If you disagree, go ahead and provide some facts, opinions, anything to show why what I'm saying is wrong, why I don't know what I'm on about, etc. I don't care if everyone else thinks I'm wrong. I want them to prove it without referring to the guy behind the screen.
  15. Missed the game, my site wasn't carrying it for whatever ridiculous reason. Getting a little sick of these ad hominem attacks tbh, boils down to "I don't like Owen, you lot don't like Martins", no need to go after me for it you load of wankers. Certain admins ought to be embarassed I think.
  16. Assist and goal from England's Michael Owen today. Fuck you yank lad Do you have no sense of pattern recognition at all? This has happened before, I'm sure you remember how it came out. Or maybe you don't since you seem to have no grasp of even the recent history of this club. Well, on a bleeding cold day in London in December 2005, a plastic footballer in black and white called Michael Owen scored a hat-trick for us, and it seemed like heaven in Geordie-land for a while. Not two weeks later he got crocked against Spurs and played just one more game (as a sub) for us that season. He came back from injury just in time to lead the English charge in the World Cup only to get crocked again. This time he was out for nearly a year. Now he's back again, the legend, scoring goals, assisting, all of that. Do you think next time he gets injured he'll be out for a year and a half? Or maybe there won't be a next time, is that it?
  17. Missed the game, ESPNgamecast still says it's 1-1, the worthless dross that it is. Think we were lucky to get off 3-2 from the sound of things, looks like Big Sam's tactics worked quite well this game though with a much better starting XI than before and obviously effective subs.
  18. Where are Owen's fanboys now? He doesn't care about us. How many times must I say it? He only wants to play for England and collect from us. He'll play 70 minutes of shite for us on Sunday, bugger off to England, and that'll be him out until the next qualifier, just like his previous appearances this season. Here's a few more: he doesn't care about us. He doesn't care about us. He doesn't care about us. I hope it is beginning to penetrate your thick skulls.
  19. Strangely missing our best player out of that team You're surely not meaning Owen? Maybe it's because he's crocked again. By the way, why is it "a good point" when someone mentions Duff's never seemed motivated to play for Newcastle, but absolute rubbish when I say Owen's never seemed motivated either? Tbh they seem to be two sides of the same coin - both good for other teams, both came here for the money, both perenially injured and lacking in form.
  20. You know a great British word? Tosser. It's perfect. We yanks don't have a word that so perfectly encapsulates you. You are a tosser, Stevie.
  21. Never doubted it. What the hell does Dida think he's playing at? He's no good, and he's also been stretchered - aye, stretchered! - off the pitch after being "slapped" by a supporter who got on the pitch. Sure, the supporter's an idiot, but look at the Brazil national keeper flopping to the ground after the feeblest of touches. Embarassing, just like this loss.
  22. What a match this could turn out to be. I can see anything from a 0-0, a Celtic thrashing, or a Milan thrashing. YNWA on the telly was special enough, imagine singing along at Celtic Park with tens of thousands around you. I want us at SJP to be my first live football match, but I wouldn't mind my second being at Parkhead. 'Mon the Hoops!
  23. Yeah, I'd say that beats Martins. What a strike.
  24. Kind of wish I'd seen this Hartlepool lad's goal, then, if Martins's goal against Spurs came second to it. Anyone know what it was like?
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