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Everything posted by acrossthepond

  1. Exactly right. Couldn't have said it better. People have tried to build him up as Best, Geoff Hurst, and Jesus Christ all rolled into one, but he's just another overhyped England man. He's mercurial, able to create something out of nothing as many have said but also quite capable of creating nothing but a yellow card and a growing sense of frustration in many matches.
  2. Do people get paid to come up with this stuff? That sounds like a pretty easy job to me. "Well, news is slow today, why don't I just make something up? BECKHAM JOINING SUNDERLAND, that's absurd enough, should convince some wallies..."
  3. It's on the books now, but the play previous to the goal was clearly offside. Look at these morons celebrating a 4-4 at home like they've won the league. The bad news? They're still 18th.
  4. Mind, they've scored and have a penalty now. Watch Villa throw the game away. We probably would.
  5. This is it for Jol, no doubt he's already been sacked and they'll wait until the end of the game to tell him. They're celebrating their 125th birthday the night as well, the sad sods. Not a date to remember tbh
  6. You know that's not what I asked, though, right? I know, but I don't enable haters. Sick of defending Martins - if you can't tell he's one of the class players out there in black and white, there's no point in talking it to death. Emm...how am I a hater? I gave you a chance to show a balanced view, a "fanboy" is just as irrational as a "hater". How old are you btw, if you don't mind me asking? Not taking part in this witch hunt. Your view is already unbalanced. If you think my "fanboy" view will somehow create an equilibrium, you weren't listening when your mam told you "two wrongs don't make a right." And yes, ignoring that last completely. Although most those on this forum seem to think otherwise, it doesn't actually matter who's behind the computer screen. It's the content that matters.
  7. You know that's not what I asked, though, right? I know, but I don't enable haters. Sick of defending Martins - if you can't tell he's one of the class players out there in black and white, there's no point in talking it to death.
  8. Especially Smith... both ends of the "Attacking Midfield" spectrum him and Elano.... Smith has just been stroling around all game. Smith's been nonexistent, Butt's been atrocious (horrific tackle early on, and a deliberate foul on Petrov in front of the ref that surely merited a yellow) and yet the one time Geremi's looking vaguely decent, it's him comes off. Big Sam's tactics as of late have been less than satisfactory, he must realize that buying the players is just the first step. Any thoughts on the number of times Martins' poor touches have surrendered possession, broken up an attack and led to a dangerous counter? Actually I thought that Martins and Milner provided the only energy in this game. And I believe the game was lost in midfield although the defence was pretty shocking too, which is why I focused on them. Next match: GK: Given RB: Beye CB: Rozy/Cacapa LB: Sanchez RW: Milner CM: Barton/Butt LW: N'Zogbia ST: Martins/Viduka bench: Harper, Taylor, Faye, Geremi, Smith (SMITH as striker not mid) You heard it here first
  9. Especially Smith... both ends of the "Attacking Midfield" spectrum him and Elano.... Smith has just been stroling around all game. Smith's been nonexistent, Butt's been atrocious (horrific tackle early on, and a deliberate foul on Petrov in front of the ref that surely merited a yellow) and yet the one time Geremi's looking vaguely decent, it's him comes off. Big Sam's tactics as of late have been less than satisfactory, he must realize that buying the players is just the first step.
  10. They've always deserved a third, but there was no stopping that goal. 3-1. I feel like really we've had so few clear-cut chances that we're lucky to come away with 1.
  11. And, getting pasted again. Taylor gets the armband and promptly gives it up after being subbed for Faye. As Sima said, proudest "moment" of my life...
  12. Zog to finally get out of this hopeless LB and move up? We might have some actual action in midfield now.
  13. Taylor, fucking woeful. Rubbish tbh... whoever put that header straight in the path of Petrov with 50 yards to run into is to blame. Yeah, that's who I was referring to. Abysmal header, what was he doing?
  14. Truly feeble defending by whoever that was, I didn't see. Feeble. We may as well just put the ball into the net ourselves if that shite is how our defence is going to play.
  15. Taking a hammering since their goal. Need to get in still level at halftime I think.
  16. We've done it! GOAAAAAAAL! Martins with a perfectly controlled goal, so much for "no first touch." Flawless.
  17. Better to be good sports whenever possible tbh although they obviously were not putting it out for us.
  18. Gormless defending by Taylor there. We need to tighten up, seems they've miles of space.
  19. Aye, that was some attack but Shay was equal. Harper might not have been able to do that.
  20. Wouldn't suprise me, there's been persistent rumours he's a horny little racist. FYP. Him being a Muslim isn't a rumour and it has nothing to do with the other three.
  21. HT: 0-1 FT: 0-1 FS: M-A-R-T-I-N-S bitches. Bonus: 5 I can just see us sneaking this one. We'll burst City's bubble like Derby burst ours, I think.
  22. He means me. Must admit I didn't see the game, it wasn't being streamed. Sounds pretty dire. Surely none of us were really expecting to win this one, though?
  23. Stick to the NFL and leave the football talk to people who know what they're on about, k thanks. You're a moron, Gemmill, and maybe you should learn a thing or two about American football because God knows you don't know shit about the English version. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?showtopic=16068 Owen needs surgery, he's limping off after 50 mins every game now, but he wants to delay it so he can play for England? When are you going to get it? THIS GUY DOESN'T CARE ABOUT NUFC. He must be dropped for the City game and I doubt there's anyone with a grain of sense who'll disagree with that. He isn't fit, he doesn't care, and he is not the right choice for this club any longer if he ever was! The problem I have with you, you clueless tit, is that you think that a) Martins is a better player than Owen, and that Owen doesn't try when he plays. He should be dropped because he's not fit at the minute. Not because he doesn't try or because Martins is better than him - both statements are bollocks, yet you persist with them. Keep up with the "you don't know shit", "the whole nine yards" American bollocks speak though. It's entertaining. There's no point in discussing anything with you. Point A is hopeless. You have a plainly irrational hate for Martins. If Martins scores 50 this season you'll still say he's a know-nothing speedy retard with no first touch. Point B equally so. The evidence is clear. Owen only wants to play for England and be some kind of big national hero. As for NUFC, we're paying the bills and THAT IS IT for him. If Man U comes along in January and says "here's 1.5x the already ridiculous rate the Toon is paying you" he'll be off like a flash. Hell, if Man City came along and offered that kind of money he'd go. I have said a million times and it continues to be true: Owen doesn't play for this club, he makes cameo appearances. He's like the occasional celebrity appearances in TV shows, he comes on long enough to get the round of applause, has his thirty seconds on air, and then it's off to the "main event" again. The sooner we're rid of him, the better. I hope after he's done saving England's qualifying battle he goes under the knife and is out for the rest of the goddamn season, because it can only be good news for Newcastle United. Either that or he goes out now while Martins is fit and ready to play and comes back ready to actually put in the effort for us. ...but, it'll more likely be a long recovery that finally ends in March, at which point he comes back a savio(u)r, scores a few, is the talk of the Toon, and buggers off to Man U in June. He doesn't care about this club. I wish the club would return the favo(u)r. You pick all that up from the odd televised game? Impressive. You haven't got a clue what you're talking about - anyone that can come out with "the sooner we're rid of him, the better" in reference to Michael Owen.....seriously, do you expect me to take anything you say about football seriously after reading that? And you have the fucking nerve to tell me that I don't have a clue about the game?! You're talking complete shite about a game you know nothing about mate. Either that or you have a hatred of Michael Owen every bit as irrational as you claim mine is for Martins. Here's the 411, buddy. Owen is frickin AWESOME when he's in the zone. I'm gonna go the whole 9 yards here and say he's our MVP when he's fully fit. You're a goddamm horse's ass if you think otherwise. I pay to watch every NUFC game, so no matter what your views on my views are, I'll thank you not to question my support for the Toon. It's the last refuge of every would-be internet pundit - when in doubt, just accuse your opponent of being a plastic fan. So piss off, yeah? Just because I live in the States doesn't mean I can't be a real fan. All I have left to say to someone as clearly deluded as you is this: wait and see how much Owen contributes to this club and how much Martins contributes to this club. This is just counting this year. I'm not counting last year, when Martins's goals saved us from relegation and Owen was - oh, what was it? - injured all season. It's easy for you to say Owen is the MVP "when he's fully fit." But that hasn't happened in ages. Come to terms with reality - he's been knackered for almost all of his time on Tyneside and he's knackered again now, so divvent give me that load of cobblers, ye daft sod, Ah'm nae fool and Ah'm nae Texan either like, alreet? p.s. nobody really says "horse's ass" over here any longer. the rest was good though, I admit.
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