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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Gol, take your blue tinted specs off. Two wrongs don't make a right. Robben should get a damn sight more than a booking, the conniving little cnut. Until blatant cheating like this is punished with the severity it deserves then it will continue to be commonplace. I don't think Reina should have been sent off - it wasn't even a slap, he just placed his palm on the guy's face as he told him to foxtrot oscar. Violent conduct my arse. Yeah yeah, I know, 'raising your hands' and all that. 89903[/snapback] Bloody hell. Good post.
  2. So you do think there is a racism problem in the UK? Because as I understand it the article is having a dig at the UEFA official who is implying that there is a big problem... 89856[/snapback] FĂșcking hell, is there no end to it on this forum. In point of fact I was agreeing with the comments from Gemmill about the shite in the piece, so if you have a problem and want some kind of expansion about why it's shite, I suggest you ask him or anybody else who thinks it's crap and that Uefa is run by arseholes. Don't ask me 'cos I can't be arsed to get drawn into something else. 89869[/snapback] Well, by stating it is a "shite article" I understood you meant the article itself is shite. If you only meant it is dealing with a shite subject then fair enough. But I am willing to drag this further into a mulit-page argument if you want. I can even throw in the odd insult, you racist middle-class Englishman. 89884[/snapback] That's done it. I'm on my way to your place right now ......... 'middle class' !!!
  3. So you do think there is a racism problem in the UK? Because as I understand it the article is having a dig at the UEFA official who is implying that there is a big problem... 89856[/snapback] FĂșcking hell, is there no end to it on this forum. In point of fact I was agreeing with the comments from Gemmill about the shite in the piece, so if you have a problem and want some kind of expansion about why it's shite, I suggest you ask him or anybody else who thinks it's crap and that Uefa is run by arseholes. Don't ask me 'cos I can't be arsed to get drawn into something else.
  4. why's that then? 89855[/snapback] Err, because I read it and I think it's shite??? Do you think it's a good article?
  5. Up there among some of the most shite articles I've ever read.
  6. I don't like play-acting either, but hoping he gets hurt is ott, Rambo. All that needs to happen is for the authorities to take action by awarding a red card after the event if possible.
  7. Good post, Isegrim. I don't think Roeder would fulfill as many of those requirements as some of the other managers mentioned, and as you say, Souness definitely didn't. I hope FS has a list such as the one you've come up with and that he sticks to it. It's certain he'll come under pressure ( from dimwits ) to offer Roeder the job permanently should we win the FA Cup, or even get to the final. It's a possibility. Our injured players are almost certain to return to fitness now that Souness has gone, their desire to play for the club is certain to increase and new injuries are certain to reduce. Which should tell a story of it's own, in relation to departed players.
  8. Refuge of someone who realises he's made a msitake and doesn't have the balls to admit it. Assuming you had the ability to understand the post, like. Go on son, admit it, It'll do you good. 89550[/snapback] Tis you that has made the mistake son. 89578[/snapback] You got me there, dad.
  9. Refuge of someone who realises he's made a msitake and doesn't have the balls to admit it. Assuming you had the ability to understand the post, like. Go on son, admit it, It'll do you good.
  10. Yeah, but like I said....his observation skills are cack. And also he has mixed views(a sign of talking cack! ). I'd say someone like madras talks a lot more sense than LM.(and I agree with madras most of the time) there are many people on N-O that go to homes games, and it's not a secert that many of this board's members are always going on about how much crap N-O people talk. (Saying that about taylor27 is understandable though) i'm happy for you! 89506[/snapback] Been going since '68 myself. By all accounts LM ( cos he isn't me ) has been going for longer than that. Anyway, I make mistakes often. I don't think anybody has ever seriously said they're always right, despite people like Omar trying to claim otherwise. Seems like some sort of inferiority complex to me.
  11. Changing tack, I see. Let's recap. You've been looking for threads in which I called somebody a wanker, because you said I did it in nearly every thread. Naturally, such a massive slur on my chracter can't go without reply, I denied it and requested you post links to these many threads you mention. Well, it seems you have one thread, but lo and behold, in that thread it seems I didn't call someone a tosser at all! I commented that, based on whatever had gone on previously in the thread, someone might appear to be a tosser. Doh! It appears you don't understand context. Context - Dictionary.com 1. The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning. 2. The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting. Context is vital in order to gain a full understanding of meaning. Nobody can deny that however much they might want to. Another important consideration you've ignored is sequence. You really should try to read and absorb entire threads in order to understand both the context and the sequence. If you don't do that, you are in no position to comment because you do not understand the meaning. When you've read the entire thread you can post your apology for slagging me off, I'll accept it and we can get back to football. Cheers
  12. Fair enough. Daft question then. I was trying to find out the criteria people are looking for in a manager, nobody seems to know, instead just throwing names into the ring. Seems people still don't really know. I also expect a bunch of posts touting Roeder for the job if we win the FA Cup and he becomes a 'legend'. Hence my reference to the FA Cup. I think he'll do a decent job, certainly better than the retard who has pissed away ÂŁ50m of the club's cash, but I'm hoping FS appoints a top class, proven manager. If that's not possible then he needs to look at someone young but who is showing potential to become a top manager, the only one I can think of is Pearce, maybe Paul Jewell. Early days for Pearce though. Anybody is a gamble though.
  13. I've been saying for years that these journalists are mostly idiots, with only a handful having a clue what they are talking about. The greatest myth is the one that says the defence when Keegan was manager was shite. The defence isn't great and as people have said, a lot of it is down to individual errors. I hope the errors will reduce with better organisation now that shithead has gone. The Middlesboro comparision is a good one, but comparisons to other clubs aren't interesting to 'journalists' because they don't really give a toss whether their articles are true or not. Today I heard one of the ignorant twĂĄts on Sky claiming that all supporters from the North East think their manager is great if their club gets 3 wins, but want the manager sacked after 3 defeats. What kind of bollocks is that, and he's spouting it on Sky TV?
  14. Where's the knee jerk reaction from anybody? I said weeks ago that I didn't think he should get the permanent job even if he became caretaker. It's not likely I'll change my mind, I'm ASKING people in the thread what their thoughts are.
  15. Not a very good start. After all, there were a few people involved in a 'discussion' in that thread, and I did not call anyone a wanker or anything. I suggest you read the whole thread, to understand the context, like. Are you capable of that? BTW You do realise you're slagging me for having a go at Gemmill, yet you instigated this silly exchange by having a go at me, don't you? Tut tut, such double standards, son. Anyway, back to the task at hand that you seem unable to manage. You did say 'nearly all', and I hate to state the obvious again, but it seems where you're concerned it's a must. There have been many, many threads. So, still waiting........
  16. Because he'd put together a decent team and actually has an interest in the club, and here was his replacement destroying all of his work?
  17. What would Roeder have to do to convince you that he should be offered the job on a permanent basis? Here's what I'd look for...it's not just results, although obviously that's important, we need to win matches. 1. Performances that show team spirit and some idea of a game plan. 2. The players looking as though they want to play for the club. 3. Man management skills to deal with potential problems, such as Luque not staying to support his colleagues yesterday. 4. The ability to make a positive change if things are going wrong, even if it doesn't end up with a win. To not panic if things are going wrong ( Fulham, for example ) 5. Playing people to their strengths, in their correct roles. 6. Showing good motivational skills. On another forum it's been mentioned a few times that Souness would be a legend should we win the FA Cup this season. I disagree very strongly with that idea because it's the overall performance in the league that counts, and that's been dire since he walked through the door. Now that the huge black cloud caused by Souness has been lifted we might go on to win the FA Cup under Roeder. We have a draw against a team I think we can beat and once in the last 8, anything can happen. Should Roeder be offered the job on a permanent basis if we win the Cup, even if the league performances between now and May show he perhaps might not have what it takes, that he falls well short of some of the good management practices I mention above? Roeder has a chance. I was impressed with him when he was here as a player, he always looked a good leader on the pitch and I think he cares and understands the club. I do have some reservations, I think the next few months should be very interesting. If he can make something of the shit he's been left by the wanker Souness, he'll be doing very well imo.
  18. OMG, somebody else who doesn't like me. Care to link to these threads where I'm calling everybody a wanker, you know, substantiate your comment, like? Can you do it before I slit my throat? I'm so gutted at your low opinion of me I don't think I can carry on living. 89132[/snapback] You're not that important for me to give the slightest hint of a toss. Oh and threads where you've called people a wanker, how about this one. Do you actually look at what you type? 89175[/snapback] I'm important enough for you to make a specific comment about me in the thread. Anyway, I hate to state the obvious but it seems I must, I do know about calling Gemmill a wanker in this thread. But I'm still waiting for the links to 'nearly every thread'........ .....dum di dum di dum dum.
  19. Party time for you and your chums then. You've finally broken your duck!
  20. Agree there's nothing sinister if that's what happened. Still shocking that he didn't stay to support his colleagues, though.
  21. It may take a while to recover from the Souness era of lowered expectations.
  22. Totally agree with all of that. Nothing melodramatic about it at all.
  23. oh dear, Kluivertdinho is back 89030[/snapback] fooking quality that! 89032[/snapback] This is quality.......... 3 pages that's upto Fawlty Towers standard. If I had a sense of humour I'd probably have pissed myself laughing, as it was, it only got to the tears of laughter stage. Omar at his best.....
  24. OMG, somebody else who doesn't like me. Care to link to these threads where I'm calling everybody a wanker, you know, substantiate your comment, like? Can you do it before I slit my throat? I'm so gutted at your low opinion of me I don't think I can carry on living.
  25. A great black cloud has been lifted from the club with the departure of shithead. Shame he was given too much time.
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